Well-known member
Dear Doc,
Show me the place where I said "we are filthy".
I regard human body as the temple of god. But not everything that comes out of it is qualified to be in a temple.
dear JR,
I did not say You as in JR said...I was general..I used the word WE.
I was denoting that we humans always think of ourselves as filthy.
I did not use the word "YOU"
Many a times we read in religious text that the human body is described as filthy..carrying phelgm.bile, excreta etc.
Even in Manu smirti there is line that describes God's feet as a vile region when they describe the Sudra.
It says that a Sudra comes from a vile region of the Supreme Person..His feet.
So all a sudden God's feet is vile and the next moment we also describe the feet as Lotus Feet? Confusing!LOL