I had a much worse experience, My ex husband and I were new to this country.. Jan 1980, he was a professor in a college, he used to go and have lunch at my BIL's house where my MIL was briefly staying, ( she had already moved in with me ) because of my SIL's delivery...
My ex, while going back to the college, by mistake pressed on the brake to avoid a huge ice patch, that is all he remembered.. his car spun in such a speed and hit the utility pole, he was totally jammed between the steering wheel and the back rest (the seat ) - luckily for him a by stander called the ambulance and the cops.. when we ran to the hospital, at the ER, the doctor took me aside, (since in the US they would only divulge any medical info to the wife or any close kin) and said that he had broken both his legs, and his right hand and the radio nerve was cut and his lung was puntured.. and we have to put him back to gether with rods and pullies and the surgery will take upto more than 5 or 6 hours and we cannot say anything until 72 hours..
I am getting emotional right now..
anyway, this is was one of the hardest things I had to go through in the beginning of my life in the US..

well let me give the brief explanation My ex was operated on and was in the Intensive care unit for about 2 weeks, and in a separate room for about nearly two months.. he had rods on both the legs and his hand and a plating in his hand.. he had sutures all over his body and his eye lid, since there were lacerations from the glass from the windshield he also had slight fracture of the skull..
He was extremely lucky to be brought into the hospital at the right time and the Helene Fuld hospital had a bed specially for him which turned side to side very slowly with windows underneath for cleaning his body.. this bed's rent was $1000 for a day since it was hooked up to all kinds of machines.. the bed was necessary since he had bolts from his knee and the ankle to hold the bones with the help of the rods and as a result had no way to even move a little so the bed did that for him so clotting of blood may not take place..
I admire him for his endurance even to this day.. the doctor had said that the radio nerve that runs for the whole length of the hand may grow fully or stop in the middle or not grow at all, so that may have resulted in not been able to use the hand in a normal fashion.. so after nearly about a month in the hospital he learned to write with his left hand and wrote a three page letter to my Dad.. at the same time my sister, my Daddy's own daughter my loving Akka was dying of cancer and she wrote to me saying everyone is so worried about me now it is our turn to worry about you.. don't worry in no time he will be up and running as his usual self..
this was the last letter I received from here.. she died in May of 80
My ex came back home nearly two months in the hospital and my oldest daughter who was 4 1/2 jumped up and down and went on to put all the lights in our two bedroom apartment.. she said Appa is here, I want the whole house to be bright..

later on he had to go through therapy to use his legs again and his hand luckily the radio nerve grew back and he started to use his hand, of course he was out of the woods no doubt but needed help in bathing eating walking pretty much everything.. luckily I was not working since I was still new to the country and even though it would have been a good thing financial point of view..
Luckily for us, the insurance paid for everything if not we probably would have been paying for nearly 20 years all the expense..
anyway, just wanted to share it.. O yes after nearly two years, one after the other the rods came out from his body, they could not remove the plating in his hand..
sorry that it was sort of rambling on my part, I may not have paid any attention to the spelling or grammer.. just wanted to share..
the strangest thing was I had a dream which was in itself a nightmare about a week before the accident.. in my mind I knew he will be OK..
Because of the accident I babied him so much that I did the lawn moving tree raking snow shoveling, have no regrets.. he did become strong and his age also helped I think he was only 31 at that time, he was back to normal he walks normal played tennis goes for hikes etc.. and uses his right hand without any problems..
My dad said to me my horoscope was so powerful that it pulled him out of whatever bad had happened, I think it is the karma that he had to go through and he came out of it.. I used to have the photos of the car which was smashed nearly into a pulp and they had to use the jaws of life to pull him out of the car...
Ok guys sorry to have taken so much of your time..

good luck to all... ..