even in the same household, there is so much heated discussion over difference of views. i think, in this forum, where we are all impersonally represented through our written words, it is but natural to differ and that too, differ widely.
as long as we write politely, respectfully, avoid innuendos, bravados and boasts, i think we are all mature to accommodate each others' views, inspite of disagreement.
it was in this context, i made a couple of points to swami, with whom i agree on some, differ on many, but have a regard, and am very surprised by his somewhat supportive inclination with folks who want people to be thrown out because of some singular view.
let us move on. my own earnest call, in private messages, to folks who think of moving on beyond this forum, due to misunderstandings.... is to emphasize the difference their presence makes. especially folks who have strong held views of egalitarianism or marriage across castes. these views also needs to be represented for hiding dirt under the carpet, does not mean that the dirt has be rid of. out in the open, i say - let us not be violent, wordwise, but only use wit, logic, humour and reasoning, to present our views.
i tell them, as many here would vouch, to stick around here, and without fear proclaim your dearly held views, but within the decorum of the forum. so far, there has been no untoward incidents or spilled (cyber) blood. such bloodspilling as it was here, has always come from extreme views of the right, which i feel, has less tolerance of divergence, and would rather have them disappear out of this forum. or even this earth.
for in the ultimate, i do not think, one member, changes his view or opinions. but he lears a life lesson - to tolerate and give a hearing to someone else, who does a different worldview.
always good to chat with you sangom. haveagoodday.