I wish you had edited your post#1625 and added this line as the fist line of your post#1625.Continuation of #1625
Fortunately, as a result of constant subclinical exposure to microbes, the average Indian, if he survives childhood, has a well-developed immune system!!
I wish you had edited your post#1625 and added this line as the fist line of your post#1625.
You can never wash your hands enough, you can never live in a bubble. So accept the reality, and deal with it the best you can.
We have chefs in tv programs, who wear a cap to protect the food from falling hair, but taste the cooked food by licking with left hand!
And we drank well water filtered with ordinary cloth (no micro filter) and often fresh milk without boiling. Our obsession with 100% sterile food and drinks is because of degrading environment, brainwashing and lack of faith in ourselves.
May be a well wisher? .... (to that particular shopkeeper)Dear Naina Sir,
You are frightening me more by your post!! :scared:
When these couples visit us they leave the house and the over head tanks high and dry.
Clothes washed by the servant or even by me in the washing machine have to rinsed
with their own hands and dried in the sun.
We get the direct sunlight in mid day for a few minutes...
thanks to the apartment wings which tower up like a chimneys.
All the washed vessels will be washed again and again.
Usually Fish and guests 'stink' after three days.
These super-clean-guests will start to 'stink'
by their sheer fanatic cleanliness in just three hours!!! :fear:
Very often the Post Script contains all the important information!!!![]()
All live in my house by house rules. If they have different preference "holiday Inn" is close by.
There you go! You recognised the punchline quickly!!
Post #1626 is also the response to Raji Ram's post #1633
I wish you had edited your post#1625 and added this line as the fist line of your post#1625.
You can never wash your hands enough, you can never live in a bubble. So accept the reality, and deal with it the best you can.
Thank God! We all survived childhood! :hail:... Fortunately, as a result of constant subclinical exposure to microbes, the average Indian, if he survives childhood, has a well-developed immune system!!
We should say Vanakkam with folded hands to avoid transfer of bacteria. You have rightly said in how many ways infections can be transmitted.
Dear VR Maam,
Actually we are reading now that the most basteria carrier is the mobile phones and there is no way of cleaning that!! What ever cover etc we may use still more bacteria breeds there and the mobile is always on our left or right side of our face!!