Mere statement willnot help.
Do you have any material to prove your point..
And I don't say that I am supreme. It is my stand that we are all supreme. And I still believe that it is true.
Yes...I have evidence.
I will relate 4 incidences that show animals have free will.
1)1st incidence..once my dad had gone outstation and one elderly male relative came to keep us company till my dad came back.
I had 2 dog had a mind of his own...he seldom listens to anyone..(somewhat like me!)
He used to roam around till late night and then come home for dinner after hanging out with his street dog buddies.
Ok BUT when the elderly relative came..this naughty dog was suddenly very different in behavior.
He never left the house at all..his street dog friends were looking for him but he never went out.
He in fact was inside my house dining room all the while following every step of the elderly relative.
Then after 2 days when my dad came back...right away this naughty dog ran outside to play with his street friend.
Now...why did he not leave the house for 2 days?
He even did not bother for his friends..why?
Reason..he did not feel comfortable that my dad was not at home and some other person was at home...he felt he needed to protect us till my dad came back.
2) incident..same dog..since he used to roam around till late night and come home dad decided to lock him up in a kennel at home at night.
The kennel was made of wood and had a roof too and we covered the roof with a thick carpet cos it used to get cold at night.
Every morning 6 am..I used to open the kennel and he would shake hands with me by giving his paw.
Then one fine day I woke up early and went to open his kennel and 5.45 am and to my surprise I saw him climbing back into his kennel from the roof.
He had broken the roof on his own..pulled the carpet over to cover the hole and then been going out at night(the house was on a no gate)...and coming back in the morning..climbing back like an innocent dog acting as if he never went out.
Ok..for an animal..if he follows instinct..all he needs to do is just get out of the kennel..this guy got out but knew if his secret was out we would repair the kennel and he would not be able to escape.
So he acted cleverly covered his tracks.
If this isnt free will..then I wonder what else is free will.
3) will.
This dog used to fight with the monkeys badly...he would not allow them to eat food given to them day monkeys took revenge.
One monkey saw my dog eating...the monkey climbed on a tree and filled its mouth with a type of red seeds called Saga seeds.
Then the monkey spat all the seeds into my dogs food bowl and that was it...big fight too place..I could see the monkeys so happy jumping that my dog could not eat his food cos it was full of seeds!LOL
It was really funny seeing that.
4)Monkey free will again.
Some monkeys that lived nearby our house used to come daily to our house and we would feed them.
One was very close to us.
When I used to walk down the hill and jungle sometimes he would climb on some fruit trees and pluck some jungle fruit and throw it to me.
Its Athiti Devo Bhava...he knew when he comes to my house..I feed when I came to his jungle..he was giving me fruits.
I have many such stories..cos I grew up surrounded by a jungle.
If you observe animals they do have free will.