Agreed Sir.
You have put it nicely in a nutshell.
Though some of my postings were really serious in nature like Postings No.14, 17, 18, 24, 44, 83, 103 and 108 since the thread is in Chit Chat, it was navigated more aimed at fun only. 
There are still lot of questions like this:
The supreme knowledge of God can only be attained in a human form of life. (Garud Purana)
Thanks for your response Sir.
Sri VB,
Without some fun threads can get boring.
A little clash here and there is part of how our forum operates and thrives
There are some passive aggressive ways of creating issues. One is to bring irrelevant information or post something that is not respectful to the intensity of the discussion. In the end it is all in the fun only. We tend to develop certain amount of affection with people we spar often provided there is deeper level respect for oneself and others.
Let me comment on your highlighted statement using the Karmic model (which is belief-based only). The Upanishad has not stated this model explicitly but epics like Mahabharata has sections which highlight the essence of this model. The model does not have means for direct validation but it has means for indirect validation. It can be helpful as to how we run our lives.
Going to heaven by being a Devatha is like going on a vacation until our resources run out but those devathas cannot get liberated from birth death cycle while enjoying their stay. Same applies to being in Hell also paying down certain debt of past Papa.
Being an animal is like being in hell for most part since their uniquely endowed capacity cannot help them from suffering or get liberated. They follow dharma and do not accumulate new papa or Punya since no free will experience is involved
The cycle of birth and death cannot be avoided for any Jiva because each of the beings have limitless ('infinite' ) Papa and Punya in their respective 'account' due to limitless past lives. It is a cyclical universe which goes through periods of manifestation and un-manifestation. The Jivas are either dormant or they are going through cycles of birth and death.
You and I have had limitless past lives scoring limitless punya and papa. So there is no hope of paying down the papa debt or exhausting the benefits of Punya for any of us.
The only way out is to get past Papa and Punya and realize Isvara.
This requires discriminative capacity known as Viveka which is a unique human endowment. This coupled with so called free will experience makes it possible to go beyond the birth and death cycle.
After 100 billion lives ranging from bacteria to dog to snake to mosquito to whatever, we have taken this precious human birth. It is possible to be liberated here and now. But most humans will waste this endowment.
But those that are able to realize Isvara here and now, it can be said that "The supreme knowledge of God can only be attained in a human form of life".
Hope you enjoy this song below.