True...I am the Jalra Queen!LOL
Keep it up mam...
I welcome Jalra Queen..
True...I am the Jalra Queen!LOL
renuka;358832 BTW sir...you have been pasting info from Vivekachudamani...also other religious texts...also proclaimed you are staying in India...professing Hinduism etc...so going by that flow its only acceptable for me to also bring in some points based on our Hindu religion..its not as if you are Sunni and I am a Shia!LOL[/QUOTE said:Agreed.
In that case, let us stick to Hinduism and don’t stray to Greed Gods, macho men, etc
Now, I would like to start the discussion on the topic today with the following verse of Veda…
Arise, awake and seek the holy association of true Saints and acquire knowledge of God. (Vedas)
I believe that this one is said to humans
We were taught about the importance of slokas like Mata, Pitha, Guru Deivam..etc
Significance is paid to mother, father and Guru
And importance is laid to have a Guru like a saint who has good knowledge of God who can guide one to attain moksha. It is God realization, Salvation which is more important.
Now do animals have itense desire for God.. Moksha… God realization… Salvasion , etc. ?
I am yet to see an animal that visit temple.....??
I am yet to see an animal that long for a knowledgeable Guru....?
I am yet to see an animal that perform penance.... or tapas....?
I am yet to see an animal that scriptured puranas for human sake.. god realization, salvation, etc...?
But I am seeing creatures that deserve love..compassion, etc
Tobe continued.....
I like to render help to other members of our dear forum. So, the thread on MahAperiyavA was started to help
Nannilam Bala Sir, who could not do it easily. And, I have NOT copy pasted anything much there. :couch2:
P.S: MahAperiyavA was very humble and had no trace of ego in him. :angel:
In that case, let us stick to Hinduism and don’t stray to Greed Gods, macho men, etc
Why cant I talk about Greek God and Macho Men? Its Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam...Greek God and Macho Men included!LOL
Now, I would like to start the discussion on the topic today with the following verse of Veda…
Arise, awake and seek the holy association of true Saints and acquire knowledge of God. (Vedas)
I believe that this one is said to humans.
Yes...for humans cos its Humans that need awakening and they need to dethrone their ego.
We were taught about the importance of slokas like Mata, Pitha, Guru Deivam..etc
Significance is paid to mother, father and Guru
Agreed but I feel its also fair to include spouse in that Mata Pita Guru Deivam line cos most of our adult life is spent with spouse.
And importance is laid to have a Guru like a saint who has good knowledge of God who can guide one to attain moksha. It is God realization, Salvation which is more important.
Now do animals have itense desire for God.. Moksha… God realization… Salvasion , etc. ?
None of us have asked animals cos there is a language barrier..how many of us speak Canine lingo or Feline Lingo?
I am yet to see an animal that visit temple.....??
That means you havent been to all temples.
I have seen in remote temples..even dogs waiting for prayers.
I told you I had 2 dogs before..one naughty dog and the other was a mature types.
The mature dog used to enter house prayer room and wait for my father to do morning arti.
Once my dad told him...you are not clean..you need to bathe before coming in to prayer room...the next day he went to a nearby river..took a dip and came to prayer room.
He even understood that a bath is essential.
I am yet to see an animal that long for a knowledgeable Guru....?
Becos they might actually need Bhaktas.
I am yet to see an animal that perform penance.... or tapas....?
Its becos they do not have desires!
I am yet to see an animal that scriptured puranas for human sake.. god realization, salvation, etc...?
They believe in oral tradition of passing it from by mouth to ear...next time when we hear a dog howl OOWWWWWWWW OWWWWWW ..OWWWWW..may be he is saying "Canine Brothers and Sister...Sun is rising...get up and rise...praise the Almighty..let not us become like Humans that have forgotten the nature of Atma".
The other dogs would say "OOWWW OWWW OOOOWWW"..meaning "Yes Great One"
But I am seeing creatures that deserve love..compassion, etc
Tobe continued.....
I am waiting!
What you are , we all know.
What you write is self contradictory.
You try to hide personal hatred under the garb of pious posts.
You are argumentative with no no logical reasoning.
You can copy paste instead of trying your hand at original thoughts which stink.
Animals which do not perform tapas or penance, go to temples or follow gurus are far better than some humans.
This is what said in Bhagatam.
What could be your bashyam to that.....?
"You have received the most valuable human body, which is like a strong boat to take you across the ocean of maya. It is propelled by the favorable wind of God's grace and steered by the Spiritual Master. If with all this facility a soul does not cross this ocean, he is spoiling the golden opportunity he has received. (Bhagwatam, 11/20/17)"
1. the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.''
I guess being polite in posts is a code of behavior in our forum.
But fight mongers seldom pay heed to this!![]()
Hey guys...dont argue too much...otherwise some wise acting types of members would ask for the thread to be closed.
So better not let that happen cos I am having fun..I do not want anyone to ruin my fun and ask the thread to be closed.
So we can argue but dont injure too much...just aim at non vital organs so that no one "dies" and the thread is NOT closed.
Doctor Mam,
Some of the members may wish to join the fun….. why prevent them by sending such a signal of caution..?
It is not fair at all.
I will appreciate most interested joining the discussion and let us all have more fun especially this being a ‘Chit Chat’ session.
It is clear that you are missing some posts.
When a member writes that others 'vomit' something irrelevant here, I don't consider it as a decent post! :nono:
In Police Department, among other special units, they do have wing called ‘Dogs Squad’.
In this squad, there will be lot of dogs trained in special skills like ‘Bomb detection’ Explosives, Drugs, Narcotics and some to track thieves. These dogs were trained to sniff, track, chase, etc and assist the police in their duties.
The department used to go for pups and selection of best pups among the lot itself is a great exercise.
And once they get selected, every pup will be handed over to a handler who is responsible for its grooming, food, training activity, drill, behavior, etc
And at the end of the training, they do conduct an examination to all the dogs and only those which qualify are put into field activity.
Now, my point is these dogs cannot be compared with other dogs of their own breed which live as lovely pets somewhere.
It is the human skill that train these dogs and make best use of this natural resource for the well being of the society.
Humans make best use of available resources, some to assist him and some to eat as mutton when he wants briyani.
Look at the discipline and training...... Humans deserve kudos
Source: google images
Dear Sir,
But still the human depends on the K-9 squad to detect bombs..sniff out narcotics etc.
Why cant humans train fellow humans to do this? Becos a human can never be trusted...a corrupt person would put the entire police dept in danger.
Only dogs are not corrupt and have gratitude.
Humans only know ENCOUNTER and nothing else!LOL
Dear Sir,
But still the human depends on the K-9 squad to detect bombs..sniff out narcotics etc.
Why cant humans train fellow humans to do this? Becos a human can never be trusted...a corrupt person would put the entire police dept in danger.
Only dogs are not corrupt and have gratitude.
Humans only know ENCOUNTER and nothing else!LOL