I agree with you cent percent here, Sri Sravna.
Detachment is the learning process of the soul.
I agree with Shiv too... Emotional attachment is the must towards our children and spouse, without which one can not be “truly” attached to God, IMO.
Strong emotional attachment paves the way to offer the best to our family in any given circumstances. The stable feel of "Love" and the true feelings of "Commitment" can be possible only with strong emotional attachment with our family members. Still one can be selfless.
What I personally follow is -
-Do more, show more and be attached to bring the best out of you and offer the best of you. Don't expect in return. As humans we tend to expect some way at the end of the day. But, just overcome any such disappointments and continue to do with your strong sense of emotional attachment. This way you will never ever be guilty of yourself and would never ever have the pain of being biased some way, having taken the middle path.
-The more you are attached to your family with honesty (without a safe middle path - that is in a way escaping from the fear of getting disappointed, having not received in return), without hatred (when and if been disappointed), the more would be your closeness to GOD.
Having been emotionally attached to our family, we can still show love to all around us. Detachment from our compassionate love towards our family should not be considered as the only way to love people outside of our family.
Have strong emotional attachment towards your family, be compassionate towards all the human and animals out side of your family, learn to over come disappointments of expectations in return as mere human beings, still continue with your passion and compassion and continue to owe your strong sense of love and attachment to GOD.
When you present yourself before GOD in your prayers, don’t allow your consciousness to conceal your own truth.
What I have observed so far in my life is, when people take the middle path in love, affection, emotional attachments etc, they tend to be facilitating themselves to fulfill their needs as their priority. Tend to be tactful to evaluate what, when and how things should be done so that personal interest is not hampered at any cost. (These, I have highlighted as the consequences of taking the middle path with respect to one's own family)
We should not confuse emotional detachment in love, affection etc as a tool to have selflessness and the way of liberation.
"Selflessness towards attaining Liberation" is - Be compassionate and take the straight one track path to fulfill our duty without any lapse, with all your true love, affection etc with complete emotional attachment BUT not to expect in return in the same order and if not obtained in return in the same order, not to develop hatred, vengefulness, frustration and determine to hate all and oneself with all negative perceptions. Continue to hold on your true attachment towards your family and others surrounding you. Closeness to God and the grace of God would follow on its own. Would help refinement of soul, attaining maturity of soul and would facilitate attaining liberation after the life span of present or next janma.