Yamaka, I read with interest what you have to say. You say that the 'force' that I was referring to is 'Nature', which is bound by its own laws, some of which have been studied and documented in our various branches of learning, but others still remaining unknown. You say that that 'force' cannot 'see' our folded hands or hear our 'pathetic' cries arising from our 'fears of the unknown', in the form of prayers, pujas, and bhajans (PPB). Why? Is it because 'Nature' is not endowed with our means of 'sensory perceptions' or our kind of 'intellect' to respond to our PPB? Are they the only means? If it is an 'insentient' force, as you think it is, what made you spend almost your lifetime (four decades -- ever since you became an independent thinker) studying it as a 'Naturalist' when you could very well have been satisfied as a 'neuro-scientist' with studying just how the 'neurons' in our body are carrying and transmitting all our 'fears' to produce suitable secretion of hormones and reactions to allay and counter the same?
According to our ancient sages, as recorded in the Upanishads', the concluding part of the 'Vedas', this 'Nature' ('Prakriti') itself, and the energy pervading it ('Purusha'), are the manifestation of 'Brahman', the 'Ultimate Reality', but then you have no respect for the 'Vedas', 'Upanishads', or the like, being a modern-day scientist, who does not think much of the ancients, or their wisdom, in the light of their 'limited knowledge' during those days!
And you say that the thesis, 'God' and the anti-thesis, 'Devil' are just our own 'mental fabrications', a 'fiction' that comes out of our own 'brain', the seat of our 'mind', but that you have nothing to do with such 'fabrications' as you are a 'neuro-scientist', a 'naturalist' following 'science, engineering and technology' (SET), that require 'rational', 'logical' 'thinking' and 'processing'. I have no problem with your being either a 'neuro-scientist' or a 'naturalist', but how is it that I detect a 'sneering contempt' in you for those 'lesser mortals' like us, who 'patronize' 'man-made' 'Gods and Devils' unlike you, who does not care at all for all that 'CRAP' 'floating in the realm of 'belief' and 'faith', especially when your own 'SET' has a number of 'hypotheses' and 'theories' that are 'man-made' and cannot be verified or proved in our lifetime, like the 'big bang' hypothesis or the 'steady state' one, in respect of the origin of the Universe, or the one relating to 'evolution', for the origin of life on this earth and its growth, for instance ?
Lastly, why do you think that a 'successful' or 'happy' life, surrounded by family and friends, is possible only for the 'SET' people like you and that it will 'elude' the grasp of the 'believers' in God, fostered by the 'Vedas', the 'Torah', the 'Bible', the 'Koran' or the like? As a 'rationalist' do you think that 'believers' in God' are all necessarily 'believers' in 'superstitions'? The vehemence that you show to justify your way of life, I should say, I have not found among the 'faithful' among us!
Let me conclude: "There is no need to believe that God exists" or, for that matter, "Fold you hands or kneel down and pray to God", if you do not feel like it, or think it right, because no one is 'compelling' you in this 'liberal' kind of society, but you need not 'laugh out loud (LOL)' at those who do for you are also a mere 'mortal' only, who cannot change his 'destiny', in the sense of your own limitations, during your brief life on this earth like any other! would recommend that you read the "Vairagya Satakam" by 'Bhartrahari'I
Dear MVS:
First I wish you and your Believers in the "Man-Made" Gods a very happy peaceful New Year. You all need it, for the chaos created by Religions and Gods is ravaging the world everyday! LOL.
1. Yes, we are all mortal people, whether we believe in the Super Natural God or not, because of the Nature of our DNA (the genetic material called the deoxyribo nucleic acid).
2. Yes, no one is compelling anybody "to fold our hands and kneel down and pray to (the non-existent) God... but you should know what the Man-made Gods have done to our Society, in particular Indian Society:
Please jog your good memory to 5000 BC - Before the Vedic and Puranic Gods were created by the Vedic People who came from the steppe lands of the Central Asia (now Turkanistan, Kazhakstan 45 N, 60 E). India was flourishing gloriously: this is the first place outside Africa that humans settled permanently to start a new civilization. The great perennial rivers of Indus, Ganges, Bhramaputra, Cauvery etc produced the lush fields of paddy, wheat, maize etc and the vast oceans gave all the fishes needed for our comsumption.. our forefathers lived in style and we created the Greatest Mehargargh Civilization, the oldest of all, much older than the Harrappan, Mayan and the Babylonian.
I posit our way of life was superior to anyone under the Sun. Alas...around 1500 BC, the Indus Valley Civilization fell...either due to the invading or migrating Vedic People of the steppe lands of Central Asia (see above) or due to some unknown natural disaster.
Instead, the Vedas came into our lives...and our way of life decidedly turned negative.. our forefathers started believing in Super-Natural Gods.. then the Puranas came during the Epic Period to bolster the worship of hundreds of Puranic Gods, all were made by men like the Great Vyasa & Co, Great Valmiki & Co...
Our economic life and civilization took the beating and we were taking a route of FALL from the Grace.. this inexorable decline continued thru 1700 AD... during all this period of decline, India was still sporting the MOST prosperous country comparing to the rest of the world: India's per capita GDP, Income, Wealth were much HIGHER than that of Europe or others, so much so all Tom, Dick and Harry invaded India to plunder her wealth.
How did this happen? Because of the Man-Made Religions and Gods, Indians were systematically divided by "the Divine Power of Gods that Man Created by the Rigid Caste Hierarchy"... this Super Structure made India VERY WEAK, I contend.
This division and weakness still pervades... because the Man-Made Gods still rule India with a Death grip...
Because of this Mind Set, Industrial Revolution DID not occur in India... and we set the course of reaching the Poor Nation status in the contemporary world:
Only about 7.5% of India of 1200 million people pass high school education leaving a good 1110 million w/o a high school pass education. Of this about 310 million people don't know how to read, write the mother tongue or do simple math of addition and subtraction!!
Are you aware of all this FACTS? If not, why not? Most rural India is very poor and 50% of urban living is in slums!!
These 1110 million people are living and suffering in abject poverty... most of these people are God Believers and Worshipers.. they Believe that their Gods will one day pull them out of the Abject Poverty....
Alas.. the Man-Made Gods are silent because they are non-existent... but these 1110 million Indians don't know this FACT.
That's the legacy of these Man-Made Religions, their Gods: All rooted in Superstition, Belief and Faith against which I rile against in the past 40 years!
What the Believers tell me is "Janma Poorva Karma" is the reason for India's Pathetic Life!!
I reject this argument.
We have to infuse and inculcate the Mind Set of Logical Rational Thinking.. and embrace Science Engineering & Technology to progress in this New World.
More later....
Peace be with you and all Believers...

ps. Dear MVS: Do you know Sanskrit well? Did you read the Original Texts yourself? If not, why not?
Why did nearly 95% of Brahmins quit learning, speaking and writing in Sanskrit daily about 50 years ago? Because, I believe, it is a very complex language not suitable for daily use!
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