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How much of a hypocrite we all are

  • Thread starter Thread starter subbudu1
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Visa, re your post #31:

You yourself are a prolific poster in this forum. Also a large fan following, as far I know.

thank you -if you really feel so!

If you decide to stop posting, I, along with many other folks here, would definitely wonder about the reasons for living.

Now you are KIDDING! :)

And as in any live community, the absence of a member, hurts.

I never told sri Subbudu to quit the forum!
He wants to quit on his own.
I believe that quitters never win
and winner should never quit!

Admittedly, barring a brief introduction, we do not make a fuss when we join the forum.

But while we are here, we post, make friends, and build bonds. Many such bonds become strong.

Can you say the thing about you and me or you and someone else?

For example, raji ram & yours truly banter a lot, and on many occasions, I comment on her post. In one instance yesterday, I felt I might have stepped outside the limit of polity, and was gratified & reassured that raji did not take any offense.

எக்கேடு கட்டு போகட்டும் attitude for some members quitting , may be seen here. good riddance for others. but many others, including yourself, i would definitely pen a note, if i notice that you are not your usual busy self here. worse still, if suddenly everything ceases. that too, without a pre announcement from you.

I hate to keep people guessing. That is why I always put a note whenever something out of the ordinary happens! I also call back people who have gone into invisible mode to come back into circulation!

you might want to retort, 'why should anyone care if visa stays or leaves?'. but i would care visa. that 's what belonging to this group is all about.

Rest assured i will do no such thing! :)

hope this explains why some of us feel enriched by subbudu’s presence here.and would miss him deeply if he quits. :)

He can stay and and contribute much more.
He does not anybody's permission to do so.
Definitely not my permission anyway!
Saasthrigal live a very simple life... if not a hand to mouth existence.

That someone expected pomp and show and rich seeru from them, it merely

shows the G.k and I.Q of the person!
Sangom in this thread was the most knowledgable person here. Today our community in the forum have sent him away with abuses. Critiscims is one abuse is another.
Dear subbudu sir, The sudden unfortunate turn this thread has taken reminds me of an incident when I was in high school. We were traveling in a car and the driver accidentally hit a sheep and injured it very lightly in a section of the highway that seemed to be deserted. The shepherd started yelling choice epithets at us and within no time there was a big crowd to support her. The crowd dispersed only after the extraction was complete.

There are many here who see no difference between criticism of ideas and abusing the person expressing the ideas. So, those of us who express contrary views simply must grow a thick skin.

Take care my friend ...
I am proud to be a hypocrat........

This post should have been made at an earlier stage in the thread, but still ,I feel it is relevant..

Though Sri Subbudu started with a rather harmless thread,...midway somehow he deviated .riding high on artificially inflated balloon....that is what prompted me to put my views..

I quote his words (in blue) and put my views on them

.... “We are part of the brahmin sect which considers that we have been born out of the head of brahman. Ths is a very very tall claim when we are all so little.”.........

Dear Sir, From your words above it gives an appearance of trying to project a representative voice of all the Brahmins...Probably it may be unintentional .... If so Pls correct by inserting “I” instead of “We”... At least myself do not fall under your opinion in these lines.. From my interactions in real life situations I have come across with many like me do not feel that we are born out of Brahman ..or claim to be supra somebody by sheer birth or existence...... ... or any other phrases which you want to put into our mouth ......I ,and those whom I referred now feel as ordinary human beings with all human qualities of love, hate, indifference , hypocracy ..etc......

...I/ those I interacted with , do not have any tall claims of any feeling of superiority, which you somehow want to affix on us ( aims so).

I have never anywhere taken initiative to record my birth or caste or religion myself..but I am/ was forced to do that by filling various forms in daily life..... This ,later on ,I felt ,was only to deny me many benefits which are given by the govt for which a (at least a very very small) part is contributed by my own father /or other immediate relatives , and later in life , by myself... ....

By –and- by I found many other people with such common problems.....they are categorized by govt and a section of the society as Brahmins( Or Tamil Brahmins as a sub head. for practical purposes now..)..I got enlisted in such fora, platforms where I can exchange ideas and thoughts with similar persons and find some solace in each others” hands.. trying to find out how my own /our own daily life can be made better and comfortable, with situations we are familiar and within the society/geography/laws of land we are in...without harming anybody and by conforming to the laws of land where we live....

I am in this forum also because of that...

It is others like (at present case Sri Subbudu to quote )...who try to inject divisons by declaring and pasting on these goodhearted –already heart broken people --by acting as SUPER REPRESENTATIVE and taking on himself the honour of a spokesman of all Brahmin...

I strongly disagree with this self adorned representative status.(i also do not claim any such status- i like to see different viewpoints and make my own conclusions...)
Your views are only your views, and you need not stand as a pronoun for all Brahmins. In real life situations there are physical bodies /associations in this regard.
who do some good work in different parts of the world/India, which I have experienced in person, and in some o which I am directly or indirectly involved.

A cyber forum , without any action oriented approach , does not make much ....it is just lip service...so let us enjoy the just-words exercise and enjoy the days....In the meanwhile if somebody is benefited it is ok.. ( I quote your own words...” I would advice the youngsters to not worry about the tamilbrahmins forum too much, read for pleasure. If you find a genuine and sincere person listen to their views.”--)- you should not know better...

.............“”I have seen three generations of orthodoxy. They lived like the heirs to a throne, pretending to be glorious.
Today where are their descendants? The descendants have made their own life and are now leading successfull lives. But yes without all those pretensions and not in the way their fathers and grandfathers would like

I am not getting clearly what you mean here? As per your statement both the orthodox and present generation lived happily in their own way ... so what is the moral? Or are you sure the descendants do not have any pretensions? They may have their own pretensions.....To feel that one is not orthodx, and is modern is also a pretension..(I do not ascribe anything to them ,I only try to find interpretation from your own words )..

After all, what is orthodoxy, What is modern? What is the time period which segregate them? One generation? What is 3 generation period? When you are witness to three generation yourself are you not obsolete /orthodox? Are you changing your own attitude by every second ?

I am having a faded tape recorder playing even now...It works fine.. My son has his MP3,MP4 and what not many appliances. He calls me old boot.. But I also hear music and am very comfortable. So I am orthodox, because I am still keeping something old which helped me, stood by me, entertained and enriched me in my early days and still works fine..and does not harm anybosy........ Similarly.. my old TV,old timepiece....lot of such stuff.... If I throw all of them will I be called unorthodox..? Till what day..?

Modern and orthodox are just relative terms....

........These are people who feel for the community that is why they cry time and again about hypocrisy....

Yes, now revealed the secret to become a real “feeling” for the community.... It does not take any other hard work ,physical or financial help, or consolatory presence in times of need ..etc.. just to say “ hypocracy “is enough.. fine..

......” This community is going to learn the hard way. They argue and fight with their well wishers...........”

A Real Shaapam that is ....the modern day Durvaasar in the making ?.... Any Shaapa moksha...?....... These kind of shadow boxing is being continued for years and years and still it continues everytime as a revised rerun of old copy...nothing new in this.

................”What do the descendants of such people do. They complete cut off every connection with tradition...”

Far from truth.... even a cursory look in the introduction thread itself shows youngsters are interested in man things traditional.... There are many sites and blogs and for a, and a peep in these can give idea , how many uploads and downloads of traditional articles, slokas, mantra etc.. In our own forum, the maximum hit was on the day of Avani Avittam ..Our own site is born by the effort of youngster Praveen..

.............. Any youngsters here please beware of the old generations especially the wannabe orthodox. They may be good people but have lived two lives.
You are the youth, you can be what you think is right. Dont be surprised even if parents scold you for reading bhagwat Gita, rebel and read.”.........

What a SERMON...

This is a practical and cunning fad “catch them young... a sheer exploitation... usually the left politicians and cadre based entities usually resort to.... Nobody can claim to be the wholesale protectors or wholesale moral reformers of youth... At any time, the society will have a sizable percentage of teenagers and youth... they read, they hear, they observe, they form opinion, they act.... then they also become old.. this is a natural happening.....I can also exhort them “ do not hear or follow Subbudu.. isn’t not?...

I feel really sorry ..............

Initiating a thread, in the Gandhian way of self-purification.... passes thru various stages ,,,and emerges with shaapa in mouth ...and signals signing off with sermon emanating from a helpless defeated soul....warns quitting.. then refuses to accept .... what an intended or unintended dramatics...!!!!!

(From A HYPCRAT in the present context.)
Dear Shri Nara,
In good olden days, brahmins did not wear banians or shirts which cover the poonal. At that time, Poonal was open for other people to see and it was essential to ensure that it was worn properly. As per the sastras, Poonal was to be worn by Vaishyas and Kshatriyas as also by brahmins, of course they are also supposed to do the rituals concerning the poonal. In fact, the first time a person wears, it is called upanayanam i.e.second pair of eyes. Brahmana is supposed to be the well wisher of the entire community and in return, he gets dana for his survival. Well wishing includes performing vedic rituals for the welfare of the community.
In my opinion, now the caste has taken a different shape which incidentally is also based on profession. To cite an example, teachers of both school and college, clerks, purohits, cooks, professionals, I.A.S., I.P.S., etc. Even if a person is born in the family of brahmin, at the time of marriage, status is decided by his profession and of course the wealth by way of legacy one is likely to get. Among the castes there are twos subsects viz., haves and have-nots. This is the reality. The so called marriage between two varnas i.e. decided by birth normallhy takes placed between two people who belong to the same or an equivalent profession.
It is very rare to see a brahmin in the real sense in this world as majority say 99.9% do not follow the traditions of brahmins.
I am sorry, I have expressed my opinion on two other issues which do not relate to what you have posted and if need be the same may be treated as irrelevant by the moderator and be removed. rajaji48
......"In fact, the first time a person wears, it is called upanayanam i.e.second pair of eyes.".........

As per what I have read it is " leading near to.." upa- near :: nayanam-- leading..

I may be better enlightened in this , by those knowledgeable..

///My point is not whether a kudumi should be worn or not. The wannabe defends the kudumi but is ashamed too! He defends the scripture but ashamed to wear the kudumi which the scripture says.
Dear Subbudu sir, what you say is so true that it is hopeless to not to expect severe push back from the Brahmins. If I get a penny every time a "true" Brahmin gets hypocritically defined in this forum, I would be a rich man :).

may you become a millionaire soon! :amen:

I can tolerate non-brahmins (since they were BORN that way) :Cry:

but not the

anti-brahmin Brahmins! (since they CHOSE to become that way):ballchain:
Scriptures forbade many things too! :nono:

over seas travel for example. Show me a brahmin family from which no one has

ever traveled over seas! :plane:

Including Pujaris, pundits, priests, swamijis every person travels over seas.

Argument for THE SAKE OF argument will lead us nowhere (as usual)!

It may make you happy that foreigners are sporting

kudumi/ pony tail, flowing hair! :hippie:

They also wear kadukkan and probably koupeenam also!
Shri Subbudu,

Living a traditional life is more in the mind. Just because you do not sport a kudumi or drive a car or wear a tie you cannot be branded as one abstaining from traditional life. Let us first get the fundas right and then talk about peripheral aspects of the religion. If you cannot or do not try to understand the essence of religion there is no point in following faithfully the secondary aspects of it. If the mind of a person vibes with the basic principles taught by the religion, that's how it should start. Everything else will then fall into place.

Thus I would be discrediting my religion, not by sporting a modern hair cut but say, more by my ill intentions towards my neighour or colleague. The focus of hinduism is towards the mind. Everything else is only an aid to it in my opinion.
I am a hypocrite but not proud about it

Though Sri Subbudu started with a rather harmless thread,...midway somehow he deviated .riding high on artificially inflated balloon....that is what prompted me to put my views..
I am only forced to respond because the community continues to strongly defend its hypocrisy as I am sure Nara understands. Because atleast in this issue we feel the same way.
We know our faults and I am not an outsider.

The person in this forum, abused and sent away, Sangom, is from a family of vedic scholars. If a person like him feels strongly about hypocrisy in our society, it is something to think about!

Many of the people here who talk about hypocrisy amongst us, are not from waywardly brahmin families. We are all different , think differently but being at the edges of society , we can find the hypocrisy so glaring that we cant help speaking about it in a heartfelt manner.

We are not anti-Brahmin as Visalakshi would like to believe. That is a serious accusation and I can speak for myself and others as well. Many of us have not thought a minute before spending on the welfare of our poor TB brothers and the vaideekans. We dont foresee a return or a praise, but that should be proof enough we are not anti-brahmin.

Dear Sir, From your words above it gives an appearance of trying to project a representative voice of all the Brahmins...Probably it may be unintentional .... If so Pls correct by inserting “I” instead of “We”... At least myself do not fall under your opinion in these lines.. From my interactions in real life situations I have come across with many like me do not feel that we are born out of Brahman ..or claim to be supra somebody by sheer birth or existence...... ... or any other phrases which you want to put into our mouth ......I ,and those whom I referred now feel as ordinary human beings with all human qualities of love, hate, indifference , hypocracy ..etc......

...I/ those I interacted with , do not have any tall claims of any feeling of superiority, which you somehow want to affix on us ( aims so).

I have never anywhere taken initiative to record my birth or caste or religion myself..but I am/ was forced to do that by filling various forms in daily life..... This ,later on ,I felt ,was only to deny me many benefits which are given by the govt for which a (at least a very very small) part is contributed by my own father /or other immediate relatives , and later in life , by myself... ....

By –and- by I found many other people with such common problems.....they are categorized by govt and a section of the society as Brahmins( Or Tamil Brahmins as a sub head. for practical purposes now..)..I got enlisted in such fora, platforms where I can exchange ideas and thoughts with similar persons and find some solace in each others” hands.. trying to find out how my own /our own daily life can be made better and comfortable, with situations we are familiar and within the society/geography/laws of land we are in...without harming anybody and by conforming to the laws of land where we live....

I am in this forum also because of that...

It is others like (at present case Sri Subbudu to quote )...who try to inject divisons by declaring and pasting on these goodhearted –already heart broken people --by acting as SUPER REPRESENTATIVE and taking on himself the honour of a spokesman of all Brahmin...
I have nothing much to say except dont be heartbroken.
If you were a strict traditionalist you have the scriptures which declare that within generations of leaving vaideekam you would degenerate. You would therefore never leave the profession.
But then this need not be taken as a prophecy. It is a law of human nature.

So dont be heartbroken if your children , your grandchildren continue to dilute your culture. It is the natural law of human psychology. Something has a hold on you only when it is a regular habit. I am not saying dont learn vedas and dont pick and choose what you see as the cream of tradition. But you are obviously seeing no need for the so-called periphery. But the scriptures exhort strict rules even in regard to so-called periphery. That means you dont have that full faith in the scriptures. Adi Shankaracharya , I understand fully recommended Varnashrama Dharma for a Grihastha. You feel that is not needed( the Varna as occupation ). There were many other things. The late Kamakoti Acharyar -Paramacharyar had a lot of things to say including strong statements in favor of marriage of young girls. I am sure many here know it as it is widely discussed. We see a crowd here who will abuse anyone who critically examines his ideas. We are all to believe that these folks strongly believe in Shankaracharya and his recent representative. May be some do. But I am sure their favorite acharyas would more support that vaideekans who live as vaideekans and continue to marry their daughter at a young age. Youngsters this is true, it happened just a few years back as well. But obviously the majority here would neither agree nor support such a way of life. I have no problems with that. But dont parade yourself as a self anointed supporter of Shankaracharya.

Nobody can prevent your father or your mama from teaching the scriptures to you, if they had followed it. Unlike modern education which flows by institutions that can be controlled by government, it is difficult to prevent education from being passed by the older generation to their descendants. Yet most of our ancestors left it. Some happily , some opportunistically.
What is to be understood here is that tradition has been deliberately neglected. Infact the vaideekans could say, that the wannabe are holding on to the periphery leaving the real gold.

Far from truth.... even a cursory look in the introduction thread itself shows youngsters are interested in man things traditional.... There are many sites and blogs and for a, and a peep in these can give idea , how many uploads and downloads of traditional articles, slokas, mantra etc.. In our own forum, the maximum hit was on the day of Avani Avittam ..Our own site is born by the effort of youngster Praveen..
Youngsters are interest in an n number of things, but it is the oldies who continue to crib. I am certain that most youngsters are not following the orthodox code that would be approved by their kollu-thathas. But that is besides the point. We are specifically asking a question whether youngsters are living a life, which most of the wannabe orthodox ( of our grandfather's generation) would have really liked. Though this could be contested, I say no. Please disagree if you would like. The verdict is left to the individual families.

.............. Any youngsters here please beware of the old generations especially the wannabe orthodox. They may be good people but have lived two lives.
You are the youth, you can be what you think is right. Dont be surprised even if parents scold you for reading bhagwat Gita, rebel and read.”.........

What a SERMON...

This is a practical and cunning fad “catch them young... a sheer exploitation... usually the left politicians and cadre based entities usually resort to.... Nobody can claim to be the wholesale protectors or wholesale moral reformers of youth... At any time, the society will have a sizable percentage of teenagers and youth... they read, they hear, they observe, they form opinion, they act.... then they also become old.. this is a natural happening.....I can also exhort them “ do not hear or follow Subbudu.. isn’t not?...

I have already admitted I am a hypocrite. Whether music comes from a buffalo or a stream or from the throat of Chembai, if it is pleasant it is music. I have urged the youngsters to think and read. Thats the best I can do. They will pick and choose my words I am sure. I hope they pick the right statements.

Talking of hypocrisy , I can admit quite a few things I am hypocritical of , and I swear I want to change . But before that let the wannabes also declare their willingness to change and that that they can declare things in open? Upto it?

Four people to my notice have admitted that they are hypocrites including myself. That is a big step. Raju is most certainly sure he is not a hypocrite.

Sravna and Visalakshi I have addressed your posts in this single post.
Dear Mr. Subbud1,
I have no time to read one mile long messages. So in future I will be thankful if you put the message meant for me separately and make it as short as possible.
It will save your precious time and mine!
with warm regards,
Visalakshi Ramani.
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Dear Mr. Subbud1,
I have no time to read one mile long messages. So in future I will be thankful if you put the message meant for me separately and make it as short as possible.
It will save your precious time and mine!
with warm regards,
Visalakshi Ramani.
No need of your warm regards where none is intentioned. Save your time by not responding to my posts henceforward.

Good bye and no warm regards. I am not an outright lier like you

No thanks
Sri.Subbudu Sir, Greetings.

I am a hypocrite. The Raghy we see in this forum is the 'wannabe Raghy'; the Raghy in reality is a sorry looking figure torn in ribbons. That's life.

Raghy's messages in this forum are example of politeness; can't find fault with them. In reality, if Raghy wants, he can speak in such abusive language, a drunk from the 'Kuppam' near 'Otteri, Chennai' will learn new words of abuse from Raghy.

But, we all strive for the best. We all are striving to get here.......

YouTube - ‪Satti Suttadhada - Sivaji Ganesan - Aalayamani‬‏

பாம்பின் கால் பாம்பறியும்.
ஆனாலும் நான் பாம்பு அல்ல!

It takes a genius to recognize a genius.
It takes a good heart to recognize another!

I was taught in Gita class
to HATE the SIN and NOT the SINNER!

I may hate the principles but
I CAN never hate any persons!

And I AM NOT a liar!

If I am a liar I would have been
in your group and on your side!

I don't care for your regards
(even if you are ready to give it)
Since you seem to have such high opinions about me!

Save your regards for people whom you really respect! :wave:
I want to touch on two issues. 1. Hypocrisy and 2. Leaving the TB forum.

Hypocrisy is pretending to be what one is not. If we go by the examples and instances quoted in various posts in this thread, I get a feeling that it is not hypocrisy. That is to my knowledge. We of course do choose a life of convenience. It suits us to sport fashionable dress and sit in an A/C office and as Nara has said, “to have scotch on rocks in a 5 star hotel” and yet claim that we “value our traditions” and “we follow our culture”. Just because we “want to follow traditions”, we can not be expected to sport kudumi. Just because we listen to Rudram from a tape recorder does not mean we think we know Rudram. We are ignorant of customs but want to know them and follow them where we can or where we want to. That is not hypocrisy. We are trying to make a balance between where we think we are and where we think we should be. If we look at every action of ours or every word of ours, it is often a choice of convenience. And then the compulsion of being a “social animal” or the importance of being diplomatic or political. It is easy to term it as hypocrisy. But then, isn’t it part of our today’s life?

The next issue is leaving the TB forum. The urge to leave TB forum is there with many members of this forum. The reasons could vary though. We either get discouraged (not much response to our posts, for example) or disillusioned (we feel we do not get or learn what we expected from the forum) or that our ego gets hurt (someone challenges our beliefs or faith). We all have sentiments and emotions and sometimes they override our brain and one of the fall outs is to quit the forum in a huff. When peace of mind restores, we tend to come back and be active as before. After all we all know that the forum is not a loser by any member leaving nor does it alter the life of the person who leaves.
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Wonderful write up Sri Haridasa......

You have lucidly drafted your post to cover the two points on Hypocrisy & Leaving the Forum, and is much convincing and sastisfactory as far as I am concerned...
....The person in this forum, abused and sent away, Sangom, is from a family of vedic scholars. If a person like him feels strongly about hypocrisy in our society, it is something to think about!.

Dear subbudu sir, If hypocrisy becomes a matter of pride, where is the question of having a critical look at it?

From my experience as a practicing ultra-orthodox SV Brahmin in my "poorvashrama" I find three kinds of hypocritical Brahmins, (i) the willfully orthodox, (ii) accidental Brahmin, and (iii) weekend Brahmin wannabe orthodox.

The willfully orthodox:
These are the ones who live what is considered "Brahmin life" these days, starting from appearance, clothing, jati-separation, etc. They were raised to be like that, they know of no other life, they try to make the best of it. Most of them are extremely money-minded. They carefully nurture close friendship with wealthy type-(iii) Brahmins and hit them for money at every turn. Over a period of time, they would hit them for money starting from daugher's college, marriage, delivery, grandchild school, grandchild's marriage, grandchild's seemantham, never ends. Some senior people go to the extent of swiping grocery provisions from the Matham's store, I have seen these with my own two eyes.

There are exceptions, but, shouldn't these exceptions be the norm and the others the exception?

Then there is the family members of the Sanyasi head of the institution. These family members behave as though the institution belongs to them. Some years ago the grandchildren of one of these heads ran a Chit fund with the name and iconography of the institution itself, giving it a certain legitimacy among ordinary people, many of whom were probably the type-(ii) Brahmins. For whatever reason the Chit fund went bust and these people had to spend time in jail.

According to Hindu Darma, Sanatana Darma, Sanyasses are not supposed to ask for money from anybody for any purpose. Yet, there is hardly any sanyasee, even the best, who refrain from this practice. Some ask for lot of money, a whole lot of money, repeatedly for whole lot of money. It is always one thing or another, never ending series of projects. I recently read a news item that in the private quarters there was 11.5 crores and 11 KG of gold, etc. Whatever the good purpose these wealth is meant for, keeping them in private quarters outside the proper accounting protocol is not the kind of example heads of institutions must set.

Here, I have to mention one exception, the Jeeyar Swamy at Thirumalai Thiruppathi, I have met him many times and never once did he ask me for money or anything else. Once again it is sanyasees like him who must be the norm and not the exception.

These leadership sanyasee position itself is seen as a coveted position among the orthodox scholars, each hoping to ascend to the top spot some day. They have open rivalry and never miss a chance to put one another down. Once I had the unfortunate experience of sitting mute and put up with a rant from a much respected orthodox scholar, with his wife chiming in, about the head of a popular SV religious institution. Later I learned that these two were rivals to the throne!

This is not just a modern phenomenon, such rivalry apparently existed even in the past. About 150 years ago, the 38th head of Sri Ahobila Matam suddenly passed away without naming a successor. This left the field open with several panditas wanting the post. The dispute went to the court. The Matam was without a head for more than five years. Finally an election was conducted to decide who would be the head. All this is narrated in their own Matam publication. What do you think about this, an election, ordered by a beef-eating British Judge, to decide who is going to become a sanyasee and head the institution? All these panditas lined up in the court and rising when this British judge walks in, and we blame the British for just about everything.

This post is already too long, let me stop here and write about type-(ii) and type-(iii) later.

Thank you Sri Subbudu for your patient explanatory post. I would like to quote certain excerpts from it and respond..

I am a hypocrite but not proud about it

We know our faults and I am not an outsider.

It is really satisfying that you admit you are not outsider...that means you admit that you are a Brahmin ( Tamil Brahmin may be.additionally as a sub head...) quite good.. I am happy at that
because I feel so, and admit so...already admitted so by my various post and responses. I feel that I m in similar group..

The person in this forum, abused and sent away, Sangom, is from a family of vedic scholars. If a person like him feels strongly about hypocrisy in our society, it is something to think about!

I also have regard for Sri Sangom.. There may be many other knowledgeable members also.. there may be many knowledgeable brahmins also outside this forum..Many such knowledgeable members also have different view than yourself or Mrs Sangom or for that purpose any other member.. I do not want any of them also not to be hurt...In fact it is now that the members with your supported views starting the quit..Till now, your similar view members put up a strong cartet like appearance, and many sincere and practical members were literally bootted out , by loud voices ( of singular aimed)- posts. The opposing group now gets taste of the earlier potion...that is all... But in anyway do not appreciate hurting any member, ...some members may not have the gift of language, research books, ...they may be just plain..
But when a person tries to impart knowledge on a topic , which he himself os not like to kep faith, then it is difficlt to accept it as knowledge .it is like advertisement by some models , who themselvees do not use the same product..

.., we can find the hypocrisy so glaring that we cant help speaking about it in a heartfelt manner.

Sir, Hypocracy is not a discovery or invention by you NOR it is any disease found only in the rare species called Brahmins...I don't know what is ther in it to rejoice as if it is going to be NObel Prizewinning piece? In fact it is already a well accepted new era practice...

We are not anti-Brahmin as Visalakshi would like to believe.

Sir, This one sentence is enough for me....I am ready to embrace you...

In fact my premise was that you may be anti-brahmin....because Ant-Brahminism..---- that is the product which sells well.......either for Cash or kind...That only can get applauses....standing ovations..Any number doctorate thesis...again and again research papers....it gives a progresive outlook ...gives bloated image ....
Against all this if you admit that you are a brahmin ...and not ant-brahmin...that needs courage... Foe this courage, I bow before you.. and ready to tak back any comment by me.because what I wanted was this bold admission from you and many others..Good I am satisfied ..

I have nothing much to say except dont be heartbroken.

No sir I am no heartbroken--nor will be . Your above quoted sentence is enough for the atonement.. so I am now rejuvenated..

..... But dont parade yourself as a self anointed supporter of Shankaracharya.

My post never mentioned even Sri Sankaracharya.... Hence I treat this as a piece of your imagination ...or a ploy to provocate me or somebody.. .. But I admit I have great respect to Sri Sankaracharya.

...........I swear I want to change . But before that let the wannabes also declare their willingness to change and that that they can declare things in open? Upto it?....

This is just shdow boxing...or just boxing into air....who said they will not change? You yourself trid to put words into somebody"s mouth...People like me do not have any such intentions..we are accepting what we are... we know we are not able to do many things which we would imagine.. but we will try to do them or achieve them slowly as per our will and convenience..we do not accept your views of .."Either take this or leave it and say this is not right.." we would like to take our own pace..we are conscious and proud what we do..we don't hate others..we are happy in our own special tastes -whether in food,clorhing, sheklter ,language etc..we do not have any inferiority comples..neither supriority....

It is very funny taht you pu forth some questions yourselves and expect to get some favourable answers premeditated by you...!!!!

Once gain thanking you for boldly saying that you are a brahmin ...and also not an anti-btrahmin..

. Just because we “want to follow traditions”, we can not be expected to sport kudumi. Just because we listen to Rudram from a tape recorder does not mean we think we know Rudram. We are ignorant of customs but want to know them and follow them where we can or where we want to. That is not hypocrisy. We are trying to make a balance between where we think we are and where we think we should be. If we look at every action of ours or every word of ours, it is often a choice of convenience. And then the compulsion of being a “social animal” or the importance of being diplomatic or political. It is easy to term it as hypocrisy. But then, isn’t it part of our today’s life?


Sri Haridadsa,

I find resonating agreement in your above quoted words...In fact I also keep same opinion....

The thread initiator would not have thought all this to go like this and take a different meaning...probably..up
There are exceptions, but, shouldn't these exceptions be the norm and the others the exception?

This is straight to the mark. As good as Arjuna's arrow which hit the bird's eye.
This discussion is tiring dear Nara. Not because I am bored talking about it. But our society has not come around to defining itself as hypocritical. The question is about false adherence to principles.

I have no problem with the taperecorder rudram person. He is a close relation. But it is the false pretension to be an over orthodox brahmin. How many times , have we see loose tongues wagging around the corridors of brahmin homes. The holier than thou attitude is not a new phenomena. People who made slight of their own siblings children , they have been overturned in great measure by their own children.

If I start a discussion on Kudumi and its silliness - we will have a thousand defenders who will speak on the merits of a kudumi. Not one of them or atmost one or two would be having a kudumi.

It is this circus that irritates me. Not the fact that somebody travels by an AC Car or does not sport a kudumi for convenience. If one never has worn a kudumi why speak about its merits. This is an example but we will see a plenty of such things.
If you believe in something follow it , experience it and speak it. Otherwise just say this is a belief system and is followed by a wise man. Leave it there. Though there are plenty who will claim to be non hypocritical in such matters , unfortunately my experience does not convince me.

In this forum itself a lady jumped around saying that she cannot tolerate anti-brahmins. In an earlier post I made a mention that this lady attacked me because she thought my posts to be anti-brahmin not because I was being hypocritical about leaving. The lady indirectly admitted the same later , which I had been suggesting in my post.
She said warm regards but I did not see warmth in her remarks. Then why sign off as warm regards. I find all this as examples of hypocrisy. I am not taking a moral high ground. Let us be more normal less hypocritical.

So far Surya , the supporter of the wannabe has admitted being hypocritical in some ways. I applaud it. Let us hope he comes out of his indecisiveness and is what he recommends being. If he does , his descendants will have a man greater than Gandhi to emulate. My best wishes to him in this regard. The mention of Gandhi is not accidental and I am not a Godse supporter.
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Sri Nara in msg # 69 : "there was 11.5 crores and 11 KG of gold, etc."

Just a correction of fact: Rs. 11.50 crores, 98 kgs. of gold, 307 kgs. of silver.............
if you mean what (whom) I think you mean
Sri Nara in msg # 69 : "there was 11.5 crores and 11 KG of gold, etc."

Just a correction of fact: Rs. 11.50 crores, 98 kgs. of gold, 307 kgs. of silver.............
if you mean what (whom) I think you mean
Thanks narayana sir, I was lazy to not double check the news article. You are right about the "whom" whose name I shall not mention for I am a hypocrite -- don't want to upset people I like.

Thanks narayana sir, I was lazy to not double check the news article. You are right about the "whom" whose name I shall not mention for I am a hypocrite -- don't want to upset people I like.


I have been myself a hypocrite in such matters many a many a times. I seldom remarked on many a revered out of fear of upsetting some.
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