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How much of a hypocrite we all are

  • Thread starter Thread starter subbudu1
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....This discussion is tiring dear Nara.
Subbudu sir, I understand, I have felt this way many times. But that comes with the territory. One way to mitigate this feeling is to ignore the snipers who can't tell the difference between criticism of idea and tearing down the person.

It is this circus that irritates me. Not the fact that somebody travels by an AC Car or does not sport a kudumi for convenience. If one never has worn a kudumi why speak about its merits. This is an example but we will see a plenty of such things.
Absolutely! Let me continue with my description of the other two types of Brahmins, based on my observation from close quarters.

accidental brahmins:
These are ordinary folks who are raised with middle-class values. They just follow whatever the established tradition is. They don't follow anything strictly, not because they are hypocrites, but because that is what they see all around them. If there is any vexing problem and somebody suggests praying to Velanganni Maataa or Nagoor Andavan, they will not hesitate or find it odd to do so, with all the sincerety they can muster. By the accident of birth if they were born as Christians, they would attend Church regularly, only because that is all they know, that is what everybody around them do.

Weekend Brahmin and wannabe orthodox
These are the people who come to the Mathams in their a/c car, all adorned in traditional garb, generally throw their weight around, get special attention from the orthodox type-(i) Brahmins, and from whom type-(ii) Brahmins keep a safe distance away. These are the people who often show contempt at type-(i) Brahmins that they are always after money. These are the people who try to show their proficiency in reciting the Vedas, self-taught with cassette player.

Some of these people are so powerful that even the head of the institution dare not upset them. Several years ago there was a Veda goshti member in one of the SV institutions called Ahobilesan (A). One of these wannabe busybodies took offense to whatever it was A did, he slapped him right across the face in the presence of the sanyasi head of the institution. The sanyasi head didn't say a word even after A pleaded that the busybody be rebuked. In disgust A left that institution and joined the Veda goshti of a rival SV institution. Such is the respect for the much vaunted Vedas!

Not just that, the nexus between type-(i) and type-(iii) is intent on flaming the fires of rivalry between different institutions. They put down each other constantly, one would say the other lacks anushtanam, and in response the other will charge they are after money, and the spitballs go on, sometimes even put into printed pamphlets. This internecine competition has a purely crass dimension as well, if one had silver mandap the other wants gold, if one has gold the other wants precious stone studded one, if one has a celebration that is made available as a videocast, the other would have live videocast, if one builds a school the other builds a college -- both end up with hardly any students.

We all are hypocrites here, in one way or another. But, the hypocrisy of type-(i) and type-(iii) is dangerous and must be recognized and set right. Defending them out of a sense of tribal affiliation is not being pro-Brahmin, it is what will ultimately be anti-Brahmin.

I don't consider myself Brahmin -- not because I want to be popular, saying this in this forum would make me unpopular only -- but I am not anti-Brahmin any less than I am not anti-Non Brahmin. I am anti man-made separation, that is all.

She said warm regards but I did not see warmth in her remarks. Then why sign off as warm regards. I find all this as examples of hypocrisy. I am not taking a moral high ground. Let us be more normal less hypocritical.
The best course of action is ignore such provocations. I am sure I will get an ear full for writing this, but I don't let it bother me.

Shri Subbudu,

Am I going in the direction shown by the religion? If so that should be enough reason to make me satisfied with the path I have chosen. The fact I am not doing certain things prescribed by religion only reflects that there is still some inability or lack of maturity to fully appreciate its significance. But I cannot be condemned for it because I am at least trying. For me following the tradition is not because of convenience but because of conviction. What gain do I have in following something more than 2 millenia old in an age when the rest of the world is going in the opposite direction? It would be easy on me to totally give it up and immerse myself in what everybody else does? The fact that I am not doing that is because I see inherent merits in our tradition and making an effort to adhere to it if not for anything else, at least for my own peace. I also see inherent problems in the present materialist system that keeps me away from it.

The people who come in defence of the tradition cannot be taken to task just because they fail to follow certain secondary aspects. It is not hypocrisy. There is always a tussle when one is caught between eternal and transient values if the latter is contrary to the former. But I firmly believe that the balance would be struck if one is persistent.
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In this forum itself a lady jumped around saying that she cannot tolerate anti-brahmins. In an earlier post I made a mention that this lady attacked me because she thought my posts to be anti-[COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important]brahmin[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] not because I was being hypocritical about leaving. The lady indirectly admitted the same later , which I had been suggesting in my post.
She said warm regards but I did not see warmth in her remarks. Then why sign off as warm regards. I find all this as examples of hypocrisy. I am not taking a moral high ground. Let us be more normal less hypocritical.

I DID quit the thread but DID NOT depart (!)

from the Forum the way you wanted to do!

Since you keep dragging me in again, I wish you will read my posts

more carefully. Since they are very SHORT you can afford to do so!

I said I can't tolerate anti-brahmin-BRAHMINs.

The place where we live now is filled with anti-brahmins.

But that that does NOT bother me since they are NON brahmins as

well. But being an anti-Brahmin-Brahmin...!!! :whoo:

You cut a sorry figure like the little old men who appear from nowhere -

craving for recognition, :attention:

craving for publicity and :director:

craving for loud applause!! :clap2:

A very sad state of affairs!

And you have gone back on your original intention of 'departing'

to do more 'productive' work!!! (refer to post #1 and #7!)

So you ARE hypocritical about leaving the forum! Aren't you ?

You have admitted it in your own words in the quoted portion!


When I signed off with warm regards, I really meant it!

But when you call me a ''lady' you DO NOT mean it

as I can very well see it and feel it, when I read your post!!
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You cut a sorry figure like the now famous ..............."

Resp VR,

I wish you could have avoided the above sentence, more so the name therein. You could have used some other example more relevant to the forum

If on a rethink, you find reason in my point, you may come back and edit..

........just a request...

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You cut a sorry figure like the now famous ..............."

Resp VR,

I wish you could have avoided the above sentence, more so the name therein. You could have used some other example more relevant to the forum

If on a rethink, you find reason in my point, you may come back and edit..

........just a request...


Dear Sir,

I have high regards for you and your judgement. I have edited my post as

directed by you!

with warm regards,
V.R. :pray2:
Mr. Nara said this and my counter is given below:

The sanyasi head didn't say a word even after A pleaded that the busybody be rebuked. In disgust A left that institution and joined the Veda goshti of a rival SV institution. Such is the respect for the much vaunted Vedas!

What does the incident have in it that reflects the respect or otherwise for the vedas.If every time an individual behaves badly the vedas have to be discounted, there would have been no value left whatsoever for the Vedas a thousand years back. It is sad to note that such a simple fact has been missed by the member.(this is not tearing the individual. Only countering/criticizing the idea expressed. Of course, if the individual considers himself to be inseparable from his ideas he can take this as an attack on him personally and so keep away from answering this)

We all are hypocrites here, in one way or another. But, the hypocrisy of type-(i) and type-(iii) is dangerous and must be recognized and set right. Defending them out of a sense of tribal affiliation is not being pro-Brahmin, it is what will ultimately be anti-Brahmin.
1. I am not a hypocrite.
2. "Setting right" is not done years after the incident after ruminating sitting far away from the scene of action. It is to be done then and there. If I were a witness to unbecoming behavior I would rebel and use all my resources to set right the situation. If i delay doing it I lose my moral authority to even speak about it because it becomes an innuendo and my intentions would become suspect.

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Dear fellow members,

One friend invited my attention to this thread. Hence I spent some time reading all of the 81 posts. The one impression which comes to my mind immediately is this:—

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." - You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155.

Substitute Brahmins for "jews" and quarrel for "destroy", and that IMHO will perfectly describe whatever has been written here ;)

It is impossible for a human being (at least the living ones don't know) to know what others talk of him/her after his/her departure from this world. But in a sort of micro set-up, I was more than happy to realize what others talk about a "departed" member! I will, therefore, request - even strongly suggest to Shri Subbudu and any others who desire to have similar experience, to quit the forum with a formal announcement and then visit again incognito;)

Regarding the central topic viz., orthodox, wannabe and residuary brahmins, my own take is that the orthodox category is at present limited to the heads of mathams and ashrams whose orthodox brahministic life and routine are taken care of by extensive establishment support both in cash and other ways. An ordinary gṛhasta brahmin without such institutional support will find it impossible to practice orthodox brahmin way of life - which in essence will require major part of the waking hours to be devoted to religious rites and duties, besides fasting and what not, on the prescribed days (these do not apply to Sanyasis AFAIK).

The wannabe as described by Shri Nara in post #76 are in truth, the "successful" brahmins who have got control over wealth and temporal power (these are the kshatra brahmanas to whom HH refers), besides being articulate in religious scriptures. It is the unwritten law of the world that wealth makes one respectable, despite a hundred faults. Thus these wannabe brahmins are the life-line for brahmin community and are, as such, kept in high esteem by the orthodox.

The residuary brahmins comprise the rest, including all of us IMHO; may be some of the members here may be the wealthy wannabes, but no disrespect is meant by me. These residuary brahmins' mission is to graduate to wannabes (I am going by the description given by Shri Nara, and nothing else. "These are the people who come to the Mathams in their a/c car, all adorned in traditional garb, generally throw their weight around, get special attention from the orthodox type-(i) Brahmins, and from whom type-(ii) Brahmins keep a safe distance away. These are the people who often show contempt at type-(i) Brahmins that they are always after money. These are the people who try to show their proficiency in reciting the Vedas, self-taught with cassette player. ")

Type (ii) brahmins do not even get to go near these wanna-bes, and that is the truth.

In this forum there is, unfortunately, a few "rebel" brahmins (I for one, best described by some garrulous member) and the rest of the type(ii) or residuary group get the satisfaction of scoring a few points whenever they write opposing this rebel group (anti-brahmin brahmin or ABB for short) but not necessarily their ideas. Perhaps they feel that there is puṇyaṃ in putting down these ABBs while they are compelled to change with the times and slowly slide to the ABB level inevitably. The real seed of hypocrisy lies in this, I feel.
post # 1 of this thread

Participating in the forum makes me talk my views more and less on correcting myself.

I want to ensure that there is no hypocrite participating in this forum. I sincerely request all members to be a perfect example of what they believe in before teaching the youngsters. With this I depart.

Cheers to all and the youngsters spend time working hard and occassionaly read such forums for knowledge or please, but use your independant minds.

The first thing I have to settle is use my own time for my family better. At this time forum does not let me. It brings the worser side of me.
# 7 of this thread.

Friends the reason for considering departing is that I would like to see myself be more productive. This forum has given me some pieces to think and I would like to implement something rather than just chatter away. I might still participate but only where I can put forward comments which can benefit our youngsters. I would again like to reiterate that youngsters should think every word that is said here in this forum, including mine. After due consideration only they should be infuenced. Because I see the world of the older generation TB to be filled with hypocrisy, with some exceptions.
My first post in this thread # 24!

Isn't talking about brahmins and Sudras

and feeling one up / or one down

in 21st Century in itself a hypocrisy?

Whoever wants attention will draw

attention to his 'departure'

for doing 'productive' work ...in what ???

If a person can't survive for 2 months in the forum

take it from me NOBODY is going to miss him/her.

I may sound rude but this tamaasha itself is

a big hypocrisy! I am sure all the youngsters

as well some of the oldies are having a hearty chuckle

at this transfer of knowledge and values!!!

You can decide for yourself who brought in the word

depart, when and where and also how and why?
.....Perhaps they feel that there is puṇyaṃ in putting down these ABBs while they are compelled to change with the times and slowly slide to the ABB level inevitably. The real seed of hypocrisy lies in this, I feel.
Dear Sangom sir, it is disheartening to see the relentless attempts to tear a person down with "likes" pouring in reminiscent of a lynch mob -- stringem up and hangem high. Your last post is like a rejuvenating balm, thank you.
Here, I have to mention one exception, the Jeeyar Swamy at Thirumalai Thiruppathi, I have met him many times and never once did he ask me for money or anything else. Once again it is sanyasees like him who must be the norm and not the exception
I have no problems with such people however strange their way of life might seem. I have noticed a few orthodox ( vaideekans not the wannabes) who have been sincere in whatever they believe or in most ways. There is to be a tolerance limit for even hypocrisy. Such orthodox are not impressed by the wealthy but the wannabe treat such folks as lower grade assistants. So gullible are a few of them, that they are least aware that their wannabe supporter, has scotch on the rocks during his business meetings. Such people are the real orthodox. Going by the books nobody is orthodox. There is no need for such impossibly high bars. Then we should be seeing somebody as a brahmin only if they wear a deer skin and live in a mud hut.

Hypocrisy is in all of us, and can be tolerated as long as it does not become too glaring.

Such orthodox seldom indulge in philosophical discussions about advaita or dvaita. Orthodoxy is a way of life and somebody is needed to make sure that they have their food , clothing and shelter but they live their life because they believe in it. That is fine in my view. They believe in the mantras they perform and for performing the prayers they get paid in return. There are even now such vaideekans who fast for performing in certain ceremonies. I have to view that with great respect, since their hosts would have no way of knowing even if they didnt keep up such regulations.

Today we have a hundred supporters of Advaita out here. All of them abandon logical arguments at some stage and talk of experience. Whose experience , their's or somebody else's ? Yet we will have a hundred claps that such argument is wonderful. Why dont they just declare that belief is beyond logical justification like the way the orthodox vadhiayrs would do. I am certain none of them really take up any great practical measures in advaitic realizations.

The orthodox sanyasis come in different hues. I have no personal level interaction with them and I dont want to put them under a microscanner. However the orthodox sanyasis act like a medium they collect funds and pass them on to the patashalas for the vaidik. Unfortunately some of it is black money and has come from very unscrupulous people. To what extent I know not.

It wont be a surprise even if the orthodox sanyasis are not fully of aware of the sin in that money. If they knew it and still took it would be even sadder. May be they believe that the end justifies the means. Human mind for justification is strange. I would still respect them if they personally adhere to the essential practices they endorse as I can understand that a few things can be compromised for survival.

Nara let me define my concept of a wannabe.If we draw a curve of perfection in orthodoxy ( to be attained ). Plot the individual adherence of all proclaiming to be orthodox as another set of curves. The vaideekans would come closest to it line of perfect orthodoxy in comparison to others. Somewhere we need to have a cut-off point where there is a major deviance from the perfection orthodoxy. This is the region where the wannabe comes in. Yet he calls himself orthodox. The first step for such folks is to declare themselves as hypocritical and start sincerely what they believe in so that there is less deviance. Not just saying I will be trying I will be trying I will be trying.... Will that continue till the last day of their life?

In the case of the wannabe most things are sacrificed for survival and yet never openly acknowledged.

Enough said !
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I don't think it is possible for us to become idealistic,perfect human beings (Purushottama) and then start advising our children on moral values.Human weakness,vices never go away totally however much we try and they are bound to be with us till our death.We may, rather we should try our level best to moderate and minimize all our weaknesses and the efforts we take to tackle our weaknesses should be visible to our children and that should be the lesson they have to learn from their elders.
We may, rather we should try our level best to moderate and minimize all our weaknesses and the efforts we take to tackle our weaknesses should be visible to our children and that should be the lesson they have to learn from their elders.
Unfortunately not more than one or two in this forum have come to this level. The level best should really be the level best. The passion should be visible.

I end my what many would consider a hypocritical sermon here.

I hope some more worthy members carry on the discussion and help changing the highly hypocritical society of ours. Of foremost importance is to acknowledge being hypocrites. Except for a few, there is either pride in this hypocrisy or worse still no acknowledgement at all.
This is Mr. Nara's observations in post #69 above and my views on that:.

According to Hindu Darma, Sanatana Darma, Sanyasses are not supposed to ask for money from anybody for any purpose. Yet, there is hardly any sanyasee, even the best, who refrain from this practice. Some ask for lot of money, a whole lot of money, repeatedly for whole lot of money. It is always one thing or another, never ending series of projects. I recently read a news item that in the private quarters there was 11.5 crores and 11 KG of gold, etc. Whatever the good purpose these wealth is meant for, keeping them in private quarters outside the proper accounting protocol is not the kind of example heads of institutions must set.

I too have been asked by my Acharya whether i can contribute some funds to a project he has taken up for the welfare of the people. I contribute if I can and excuse myself if I do not have funds at the given time. But I never thought that the request for funds can be twisted and used to discredit the Acharya this way. The sanyasi does not ask for funds to feed himself or his family. What can not be achieved by one person can be achieved by a group of people particularly when the investment required is large. The sanyasi acts as the motivator. Well I remember what Ramalinga Adigal said:

EE enru naan oruvar idam ninru kelatha
iyalbum ennidam oruvar eethidu
enrapothu avarkkilai enru sollaamal
idukinra thiramum iraiyaam
nee enrum enai vidaa nilaiyum naan enrum un
ninaividaa neriyum ayalaar
nidhi onrum nayavaatha manamum meynnilai ninru
nekizhaatha thidamum ulakil
chee enru pey enru naay enru pirarthamaith
theengu chollaatha thelivum
thiram onru vaaymaiyum thooymaiyum thanthu nin
thaay onru chennaiyil kantha kottaththul valar
thalam ongu kanthavele
thanmukaththuyyamani unmukach chaivamani

My transliteration book marklet is not able to communicate with Tb server and so I am not able to post the above poem in tamil.
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raju hope this helps..

ஈ என்று நான் ஒருவர் இடம் நின்று கேளாத
இயல்பும் என்னிடம் ஒருவர் ஈதிடு
என்றபோது அவர்க்கில்லை என்று சொல்லாமல்
இடுகின்ற திறமும் இறையம்
நீ என்றும் எனை விடா நிலையம் நான் என்றும் உன்
நினைவிடா நெறியும் அயலார்
நிதி ஒன்றும் நயவாத மனமும் மெய்ந்நிலை நின்று
நெகிழாத திடமும் உலகில்
சீ என்று பே என்று நாய் என்று பிறர்தமைத்
தீங்கு சொல்லாத தெளிவும்
திறம் ஒன்று வாய்மையும் தூய்மையும் தந்து நின்
திருவடிக்காலாக்குவாய் .
Dear Sangom sir, it is disheartening to see the relentless attempts to tear a person down with "likes" pouring in reminiscent of a lynch mob -- stringem up and hangem high. Your last post is like a rejuvenating balm, thank you.

Dear Shri Nara,

As you might have known by now, the persons who are more unbrahminic in their real lives but want to hide it, are more vociferous in denouncing the ABBs who are the equivalents of the historical windmills against which they tilt ;)

Poor Subbudu wrote something in right earnest and is reaping an unexpected harvest which he may never forget in this life. I feel even Einstein's paper on the special theory of relativity would not have been subjected such meticulous, microscopic analysis and criticism:) In retrospect I should thank Shri KRS for making my exit easier:)
My first post in this thread # 24!

Isn't talking about brahmins and Sudras

and feeling one up / or one down

in 21st Century in itself a hypocrisy?

Whoever wants attention will draw

attention to his 'departure'

for doing 'productive' work ...in what ???

If a person can't survive for 2 months in the forum

take it from me NOBODY is going to miss him/her.

I may sound rude but this tamaasha itself is

a big hypocrisy! I am sure all the youngsters

as well some of the oldies are having a hearty chuckle

at this transfer of knowledge and values!!!

You can decide for yourself who brought in the word

depart, when and where and also how and why?

I curse the day when I had to read these unending posts :doh:

just to prove that I did NOT bring in the now famous six letter word.

Einstein's theory DESERVED scrutiny and I wish I had read it instead.

The same persons who split hair in other's posts try to hide a

pumpkin in their friend's post. :lie:

I have proved my point and it has hit the target as proved

by the loooong silence from the other side. :tape:

I am NOT going waste anymore time in these

exchanges. He-who-should-not-be-named has achieved his aims.

He has been catapulted to popularity over night since his name is in

everyone's lips. That should make everyone happy and satisfied.

The new equation which might help the other new comers in future is

Six months of hard work = Two days of tamaashaa. :faint:

Hypocrisy comes by nature and the amount of knowledge and understanding of the universe.

This is a forum a few members I have seen themselves going away for their peace of mind its their wish. I too feel posting here is of no use because I know I can't change the world with my posts here. But still I can create my own forum and start a new revolutionary act of moderating all that and promoting the posts that are only in favor of Hinduism, I can do that but it needs my time to be spent on it. I know it is not possible for the time being so I am just a member and a poster here heheheheh. :)

I cant get angry if the moderators delete a few threads, or delete valuable information in those threads. People post at their own risk and getting angry or getting hypocritical or whatever, the moderators should keep the threads and posts because its clearly mentioned "All views expressed by the Members and Moderators here are that of the individuals only and do not reflect the official policy or view of the TamilBrahmins.com Website." Unless it has something to do with terrorist acts like planting a bomb or shooting someone or causing damage to personal property, I don't think posts and threads should be removed. I saw a thread just disappeared and I was reading some valuable information from members CRAVI and other posts. Then Suddenly the thread was gone. I tried Google cache but I could find only two pages or something.

It is also mentioned "If you are having a problem with a particular thread or user, please use the "REPORT POST" button beside the offending post to inform us." This anyone can have knowledge how much of rational offense a post could have on someone in return for what they have posted earlier. I am not taking anything seriously here but the normal way I have seen when certain threads are deleted, a note is present on the main thread list saying the thread is deleted. But I couldn't see that also. Simple arguments by posters in a forum does not change the world but yet I suppose we do get knowledge by reading the posts, and discussion. So simply deleting a thread I do not think is a right option but however its only my thought. Whenever a poster posts there is a basic meaning in it. But still there are trolls and these people do get the meaning from the post but still they want to play semantics with the words in the posts just for the sake of argument to prove the other person is wrong.

On other forums I have seen a lot of problems caused by impersonators, they just want to make problems but in a covert manner. They portray themselves as knowledgeable about Vedas still their basic motive would be adharmic to degrade the Hindu Dharma. On the internet you do not know the other person, anyone could claim to be any great person which they are actually not. Even a male could claim to be a female and so and so. Yet their contribution or donations would outweigh their adharmic actions and still their wrongdoings would be overlooked.

Anyways, if I were running a Hindu forum, I would only promote all threads and posts in favor of Hindu Dharma because its natural common sense to understand a person's motive and attitude by his/her posts for the past. I would remove the member regardless of his/her contributions to the forum and the posts that does not promote the Hindu Dharma and Values and keep the posts which are in favor of it. :)
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Anyways, if I were running a Hindu forum, I would only promote all threads and posts in favor of Hindu Dharma because its natural common sense to understand a person's motive and attitude by his/her posts for the past. I would remove the member regardless of his/her contributions to the forum and the posts that does not promote the Hindu Dharma and Values and keep the posts which are in favor of it. :)

you said it!
....It wont be a surprise even if the orthodox sanyasis are not fully of aware of the sin in that money. If they knew it and still took it would be even sadder.
Dear subbudu sir, I am going to have to make you sadder.

Once again, what I am going to say is based on very close personal contact and observation.

The Sanyasis I have seen do not ask for money for their own personal enjoyment, but it is also not for serving the general public like truly philanthropic welfare oriented institutions. The odd thing is, one of the reasons the fund raising goes on without any end -- when one goal is reached, another goal will get set up -- the more funds they raise, the more their power and prestige. We also need to keep in mind a Sanyasee within Brahminism is not allowed to ask for money from anybody for any purpose <period>. Even if the objective is public service, which in most cases is not, asking for money is forbidden.

Let me give a list of items on which money solicited is spent in one institution I am familiar with:

  • to establish a corpus fund to take care of the staff of the Matam,
  • to feed the Matam staff and sishyas visiting the Matam
  • to have ever increasing set of gold utensils, ornaments, etc.
  • to celebrate birthdays (Thirunakshatram) and Chaturmasya sankalpam in ever grander scale
  • to construct more and more Matam buildings that may get used 10 or 15 days in a year,
  • to construct revenue generating Kalyana Mandapam,
  • to assist staff with funds for family needs like wedding, etc.,
  • to run one or two Veda pathashalas (this is usually a low priority) in which only Brahmin children are allowed
  • for bragging rights, like, "see I have raised so much money"
Very rarely, if ever, money is spent on general welfare of the community in which we live.

The source of money is never a problem. The attitude always is நாய் வித்த பணம் குலைக்காது.

IMO, it is the tier-(ii) people who are genuine, deluded IMO, but genuine.

This should be voted the best thread for the enviroment becos its a classical example of RECYCLING same stuff over and over again.

Hypocrite sounds like a Hippo which fell into a crater and cant get out.
This thread is starting to sound like this also.
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