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How much of a hypocrite we all are

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Hypocrisy comes by nature and the amount of knowledge and understanding of the universe.

This is a forum a few members I have seen themselves going away for their peace of mind its their wish. I too feel posting here is of no use because I know I can't change the world with my posts here. But still I can create my own forum and start a new revolutionary act of moderating all that and promoting the posts that are only in favor of Hinduism, I can do that but it needs my time to be spent on it. I know it is not possible for the time being so I am just a member and a poster here heheheheh. :)

I cant get angry if the moderators delete a few threads, or delete valuable information in those threads. People post at their own risk and getting angry or getting hypocritical or whatever, the moderators should keep the threads and posts because its clearly mentioned "All views expressed by the Members and Moderators here are that of the individuals only and do not reflect the official policy or view of the TamilBrahmins.com Website." Unless it has something to do with terrorist acts like planting a bomb or shooting someone or causing damage to personal property, I don't think posts and threads should be removed. I saw a thread just disappeared and I was reading some valuable information from members CRAVI and other posts. Then Suddenly the thread was gone. I tried Google cache but I could find only two pages or something.

It is also mentioned "If you are having a problem with a particular thread or user, please use the "REPORT POST" button beside the offending post to inform us." This anyone can have knowledge how much of rational offense a post could have on someone in return for what they have posted earlier. I am not taking anything seriously here but the normal way I have seen when certain threads are deleted, a note is present on the main thread list saying the thread is deleted. But I couldn't see that also. Simple arguments by posters in a forum does not change the world but yet I suppose we do get knowledge by reading the posts, and discussion. So simply deleting a thread I do not think is a right option but however its only my thought. Whenever a poster posts there is a basic meaning in it. But still there are trolls and these people do get the meaning from the post but still they want to play semantics with the words in the posts just for the sake of argument to prove the other person is wrong.

On other forums I have seen a lot of problems caused by impersonators, they just want to make problems but in a covert manner. They portray themselves as knowledgeable about Vedas still their basic motive would be adharmic to degrade the Hindu Dharma. On the internet you do not know the other person, anyone could claim to be any great person which they are actually not. Even a male could claim to be a female and so and so. Yet their contribution or donations would outweigh their adharmic actions and still their wrongdoings would be overlooked.

Anyways, if I were running a Hindu forum, I would only promote all threads and posts in favor of Hindu Dharma because its natural common sense to understand a person's motive and attitude by his/her posts for the past. I would remove the member regardless of his/her contributions to the forum and the posts that does not promote the Hindu Dharma and Values and keep the posts which are in favor of it. :)

Shri Siddhanta,

Welcome to you, Sir.

I don't think you participate very frequently here, as seen from the fact that you have 110 posts in about two years. If my memory is correct this is the first post I am seeing from you. Much of what you say is really valid and valuable. I would differ only in one respect, and that is regarding your statement "Anyways, if I were running a Hindu forum, I would only promote all threads and posts in favor of Hindu Dharma because its natural common sense to understand a person's motive and attitude by his/her posts for the past. I would remove the member regardless of his/her contributions to the forum and the posts that does not promote the Hindu Dharma and Values and keep the posts which are in favor of it.
This is not a forum promoting Hindu Dharma directly, but a forum for brahmins to come together and express their views on various topics. I give below the Forum Rules for your ready reference.

  1. This website is an open website which means anyone can register and participate. There is no discrimination based on one's religion, caste or place of residence.
  2. Each member agrees to participate in a civilized manner without resorting to name calling or discriminating another member(s) based on their caste, religion or country of residence.
  3. Each member agrees to have an open mind with respect to the views that are shared and topics discussed.
  4. Be courteous. - Remember, we're a diverse community of people with diverse opinions. Everyone wants to be treated with respect, and showing respect to others makes the community better for all members.
  5. Cite your sources. - We encourage members to use online resources while answering questions. Just make sure to cite your sources and give credit where it is due. Do not plagiarize.
  6. TamilBrahmins.com is not a website to vent out your personal frustrations.
  7. If you find the views/opinions of another member offensive, please do not participate. Use the Report Post option to bring it to the attention of a moderator or admin. If it violates the rules of the website, they will be edited/removed. Remember that people are entitled to their opinions, and it’s up to everyone to express them in a respectful manner.
  8. TamilBrahmins.com welcomes debate and dissent, but personal attacks (on authors, other users or any individual), persistent trolling and mindless abuse will not be tolerated.
  9. Please respect other people's views and beliefs and consider your impact on others when making your contribution.
  10. TamilBrahmins.com will remove any content that may put us in legal jeopardy, such as potentially libellous or defamatory postings, or material posted in potential breach of copyright.
  11. Be aware that you may be misunderstood. So, try to be clear about what you are saying and expect that people may understand your contribution differently than you intended.
  12. We reserve the right to suspend or remove any member from the website who are brought to our attention and which we find, in our sole discretion, in violation of any of these page content guidelines or otherwise is in violation of the law without any notice.
  13. Moderators are the management here. They have the full authority to edit or remove any post without warning.
  14. Public posts questioning any moderator/administrator's ability to moderate will be edited and/or removed without notice.
Very recently also Shri Praveen has gone on record here that this forum can have different pov expressed. It is Shri Praveen's broadminded attitude to sensitive issues that enables this forum to attempt looking outside the limited views permitted by orthodox Hindu religion, as it has turned out to be now (though Hinduism did allow cārvāka and his lokāyata doctrine, buddha, mahāvīra, etc., once upon a time).

I am not clear whether you are referring to a thread - a complete set of posts under one title - being removed when you write about removal/deletion of "thread" or whether it is to removal of individual post/s. Kindly clarify.
you said it!

said what?

what matters if sidhanta makes a statement about what he wants to do about a mythical forum that he wants to create. he has immediately excused himself from creating such, for reasons valid to him.

when this forum tolerates folks of your and suchlike beliefs, and enables folks like me, to coexist with yours, so that we have an opportunity to exchange our views. i find this more enriching that hearing only one pov, which in my experience, over time, gets wordsmithed to even bigger quarrels than what we experience here.

also, do you feel more kinship to a person who is a seldom visitor here, and who could pen something seemingly 'pleasant' to your ears, than folks like me, who feel committed, just like, to exchange views, and even though we disagree, i, for my part, feel more kinship to you, than siddhartha, who, in my opinion, is more intent on divide, than find common grounds.

i simply do not understand the path of loyalties.

sorry about that. i hope, you dont mind shiv. we have had common point meeting points, and i do hope, our disagreements are not of the kind, to kindle animosity or hatred.

God Bless.
Good Day Mr.Sangom,

Yes I do not participate much here. The nature of my job is not on land I work at sea. I am in Merchant Navy. :)

I do know that all members can register and post here and their views. This is the thread I was taking about:


The google cache of one of the pages of that is here

Discovery by Psycho-Analysis...Indeed Kaliyugam - Page 5

I do see that the moderator mentioned that he liked the post heheheheh :)....

But that thread is gone without a trace. I suppose views would be taken freely regardless of how sensitive the nature of Topic is. But still according to the terms moderators can delete the posts under any circumstances I do know that.

However Mr. Sangom, I do not know if you are a moderator but still the remarks I made is a general one and not pointing towards the moderators or owners of this forum. Kindly understand this.

I did NOT mention about this FORUM, I just made a clear general statement that if I were running a forum I would do that. It DOES NOT MEAN I WAS DEMANDING OR REQUESTING YOU TO DO IT. I have not seen any forum which promoted ONLY Hindu Dharma and values. I have seen on other community/religious forums which DO NOT accept anything other than their traditions or whatever. Any views against their religion will not be tolerated and deleted. But Hindu Forums always allows it. May be the reason could be that forums do get publicity by the number of hits and benefited by the advertisers. If it is purely Hindu, then there wouldn't be much much hits to attract advertising may be that could be a reason, I do not know. Again this is a general remark and I am not pointing to the moderators or owners of this forum. That's why I mentioned I will do a revolutionary act of starting a forum that promotes ONLY Hindu culture and in favor of it. :) This is my desire and I am just telling it hope I have the freedom to do it :)

Coming to Hypocrisy, I guess it just immaturity getting angry with someone or something which is beyond our control. I do not get happy or angry if someone likes my posts or they don't like my posts. I also do not get angry if someone likes the post of another member who is against my views. Because its like a baby crying. A baby's knowledge is that if it cried for something it will get it. But as the baby grows up it starts crying for toys, ice cream, and if it does accomplish and it becomes an attitude that crying is a way to accomplish things. But as it matured it should realize that crying is not the way and how the world works. Crying will not find a job for a man and he has to understand how the world works and how he has to work to accomplish or achieve his needs. I guess it was due to crying that posts get deleted hehehehe...
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Mr. Nara's views and my counter:

The Sanyasis I have seen do not ask for money for their own personal enjoyment, but it is also not for serving the general public like truly philanthropic welfare oriented institutions. The odd thing is, one of the reasons the fund raising goes on without any end -- when one goal is reached, another goal will get set up -- the more funds they raise, the more their power and prestige. We also need to keep in mind a Sanyasee within Brahminism is not allowed to ask for money from anybody for any purpose <period>. Even if the objective is public service, which in most cases is not, asking for money is forbidden.
Let me give a list of items on which money solicited is spent in one institution I am familiar with:
  • to establish a corpus fund to take care of the staff of the Matam,
  • to feed the Matam staff and sishyas visiting the Matam
  • to have ever increasing set of gold utensils, ornaments, etc.
  • to celebrate birthdays (Thirunakshatram) and Chaturmasya sankalpam in ever grander scale
  • to construct more and more Matam buildings that may get used 10 or 15 days in a year,
  • to construct revenue generating Kalyana Mandapam,
  • to assist staff with funds for family needs like wedding, etc.,
  • to run one or two Veda pathashalas (this is usually a low priority) in which only Brahmin children are allowed
  • for bragging rights, like, "see I have raised so much money"
Very rarely, if ever, money is spent on general welfare of the community in which we live.

It is worth noting that none of the expenditures listed above are for the sanyasi himself or for his family which he has given up for ever. They are for others only. May be they may not be spent for the purpose of giving free color tvs, mixies, grinders etc., to the members of the 'community in which we live' which, if done would have earned the certificate of general welfare from our friend.

for bragging rights, like, "see I have raised so much money"

I think this is a piece of story produced from the fertile imagination. Can the member tell here as to who told whom and when? To attribute such crass behavior to a sanyasi who does not even touch the money that followers put before him daily is sheer..............(I am not giving here the word as I will be charged with personal attack.)

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Nice drama we have here.Some people themselves write post using different Avatars and actually fake a difference of opinion with their own friends only and jump on others and act as if they don't know whats going on.

They have Multiple Personality Disorder and they are dumb enough to think others can't see it.They are not smart enough to cover their tracks.
Well said son! :clap2:

What with multiple roles, incognitos, disguises, invisible modes...:spy:

The list can go on and on! :rolleyes:

Nothing short of the Maharajas of the past! WOW

And all as badly done as in the movies!

Often I feel like saying, "Pardon! your slip is showing!" :becky:
I don't think you participate very frequently here, as seen from the fact that you have 110 posts in about two years. If my memory is correct this is the first post I am seeing from you. Much of what you say is really valid and valuable. I would differ only in one respect, and that is regarding your statement "Anyways, if I were running a Hindu forum, I would only promote all threads and posts in favor of Hindu Dharma because its natural common sense to understand a person's motive and attitude by his/her posts for the past. I would remove the member regardless of his/her contributions to the forum and the posts that does not promote the Hindu Dharma and Values and keep the posts which are in favor of it.
This is not a forum promoting Hindu Dharma directly, but a forum for brahmins to come together and express their views on various topics. .........................................................................................................Very recently also Shri Praveen has gone on record here that this forum can have different pov expressed. It is Shri Praveen's broadminded attitude to sensitive issues that enables this forum to attempt looking outside the limited views permitted by orthodox Hindu religion, as it has turned out to be now (though Hinduism did allow cārvāka and his lokāyata doctrine, buddha, mahāvīra, etc., once upon a time).

Dear Sangom Sir,
As you have rightly observed It is not that other religions like Carvaka etc. required the permission of Hinduism to propound their views. Rather it is a fact that other religions too propounded their views forcefully in their time. But when great Acharyas came on the scene these religions had to roll back their march as they were proved to be empty vessels. Is it not a fact that these so called dissenting voices had the patronage and support of some of the kings themselves?

No two individuals have the same point of view. But when you find someone repeatedly bringing in a pet idea like brahminism even while we discuss about the particle physics, oncology or Punjabi recipe, some thing goes wrong and the whole thing becomes quite irritating. This is when things boil over and Praveen or the SM has to intervene.

I agree with you on what you have said about Praveen. Because of his upbringing ( as gathered from his own words) he is not a bigot. Yet I am sure it is his roots that have helped him understand the limits for nihilistic questioning. So the site gets encomiums from every one including you and me. Moreover a heated intellectual argument , as long as it does not get out of hand, is quite interesting and gives more footfalls to the site. This in turn generates revenue to maintain this site.

I agree with your view that this forum need not be a bhajan mandali where one says something and all others say jai jai. Dissent can bring about dissemination of knowledge and so should be welcome as long as it is relevant to the subject discussed.

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Nice drama we have here.Some people themselves write post using different Avatars and actually fake a difference of opinion with their own friends only and jump on others and act as if they don't know whats going on.

They have Multiple Personality Disorder and they are dumb enough to think others can't see it.They are not smart enough to cover their tracks.

Dear Brahin,

You know??? You have missed hell lots of interesting dramas, many in past..

One thing I want to convey...Differences of opinion can exist with our friends and still the friendship can continue. It just depends as how we consider each other. Differences of opinion can very well prevail within the same family (blod relations), then there is nothing to be suprised and felt hurt by our friend's POV.

POV should not be hindered by friendship and both should not exist in a fake manner, otherwise that will be the paradigm of hypocrisy..

Dear Brahin,

You know??? You have missed hell lots of interesting dramas, many in past..

One thing I want to convey...Differences of opinion can exist with our friends and still the friendship can continue. It just depends as how we consider each other. Differences of opinion can very well prevail within the same family (blod relations), then there is nothing to be suprised and felt hurt by our friend's POV.

POV should not be hindered by friendship and both should not exist in a fake manner, otherwise that will be the paradigm of hypocrisy..

When THIS happens, We will be justifying the sweeping statement

namely the topic of this thread!
When THIS happens, We will be justifying the sweeping statement

namely the topic of this thread!

Smt. Visalakshi,

I couldn’t get your point clearly....

Do you feel that friends should not have different POV's? And if exists, we will be forcing our self to justify our sweeping statements, just to win? Or, is that friendship can not exist with different POV's in between?

I belive, POV"s can not be the same on all the topics between the friends.

Please clarify...Because I have the wish and confidence to learn from you.

I agree with your view that this forum need not be a bhajan mandali where one says something and all others say jai jai.

Hinduism is not about bhajan mandali, I have been trying to post on other forums how scientific Hinduism has been for hundreds of centuries and I have told this here also many times. People refuse to see the greatness of science in Hinduism. Science was like a DNA in the body in Hinduism, embedded in it. The western world found the world is round and it revolves around the sun (after so many fights, scandals and arguments) but still in our puranas we have seen Lord Vishnu's Varaha avatar depicted with a round world over his face. Also in the story of Krishna, when he was asked to open his mouth, the world is seen round inside. Our Temples are having the planets (Navagrahas), none of which is found in the Western worlds during the old times and they were quarreling over this in the olden days.

This might not seem relevant to this hypocrite thread but whenever I try to bring up the scientific greatness of Hinduism in any forum, some trolls would come up and post a controversial post to make me angry and give up. That troll is clearly someone in disguise of a Hindu yet he/she has the freedom to do what he/she wants. Their posts would be irrational all aimed at degrading Hinduism still the moderators would allow their posts. I don't get upset with their posts remaining, I present proof of knowledge to disprove their fake words, then they resort to personal insults to make me give up. Still i manage to prove my point but the scandal created would result in closing or deleting the thread in the end and nothing remains no one can read it and gain the knowledge. The Troll is very happy in his/her mind thinking he/she has accomplished their goal of preventing the people from knowing the greatness of Hinduism.

That is the reason I wanted to start a Hindu forum by myself and give the freedom to all those knowledgeable people posting in favor of Hinduism. Because I know unlike other Religions, Hinduism cannot be flawed in a proper way that's why they resort to improper means. Even when their views are disproved they resort to insult and making fun. I would remove those kinds of members and their posts.
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Dear Brahin,

You know??? You have missed hell lots of interesting dramas, many in past..

One thing I want to convey...Differences of opinion can exist with our friends and still the friendship can continue. It just depends as how we consider each other. Differences of opinion can very well prevail within the same family (blod relations), then there is nothing to be suprised and felt hurt by our friend's POV.

POV should not be hindered by friendship and both should not exist in a fake manner, otherwise that will be the paradigm of hypocrisy..

You know here its more like Mega Serial,many episodes will come also.
I agree with you.You,Renu,Sravna and I have different opinions almost conflicting views about love and we had nice exchange of thoughts.
Thats just our opinions and we can agree on other subjects also,like I see Renu and Srava have similar thoughts on Advaita.

I feel if we are truthful in our thoughts than its Ok to share what we feel.
See Renu wrote what she thought in that Psych... Kaliyuga Thread and even in this thread some are making her sound as if she was promoting Adharma when it was her opinion since it was exchange of views.

Anyway its good you have a mature mind so its nice to exchange views.
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i suspect why the psycho thread and a few others were shot to oblivion, because of some presentations there, which might be construed as offensive and possibly crude.

after all, inspite of all our warts, we do have some standards :)

i suspect why the psycho thread and a few others were shot to oblivion, because of some presentations there, which might be construed as offensive and possibly crude.

after all, inspite of all our warts, we do have some standards :)

Good Day Mr. Kunjuppu,

Yes I do know we have standards and some presentations are termed offensive and possibly crude. But there is something called righteousness which is called Dharma in Hinduism. I do not want to bring up the discussion or that topic again here but just to give an example of what I was saying earlier about trolls let me put it here.

The issue was about a member posting her views on virginity. She was saying prostitutes were living like Patnis and that is her POV yes it could be right also because it is easy to know if a girl is a prostitute or not may be she was living a good life when she left her hometown and living in a different country.

But why myself and other members got irritated and termed her promoting adharma was that her statement about virgins driving their inlaws out. This is completely irrational and completely illogical, whichever way we put it without knowing the ones that had driven their in laws are actually virgins. How did the poster know it and why did she make such a remark?

This is what I called trolling post in my previous post, does this make people angry that posting illogical and irrational things as their POVs, if someone posts that the sky is red and its their POV, would it be rational?

However I do see some useful knowledgeable posts in that so called psycho thread, especially those statistics provided by Mr. C Ravi was useful to know the world around.
Nice drama we have here.Some people themselves write post using different Avatars and actually fake a difference of opinion with their own friends only and jump on others and act as if they don't know whats going on.

They have Multiple Personality Disorder and they are dumb enough to think others can't see it.They are not smart enough to cover their tracks.

How come ? Any clue/.. CID Shankar? :peep::tape:
How come ? Any clue/.. CID Shankar? :peep::tape:


i am curious too. like sury here.

you have called these 'Multiple Personality Disorder and they are dumb enough to think others can't see it.They are not smart enough to cover their tracks.'

this is enough to rile even the mildest of members here. but i find there are no responses.

so, how did you know there are different avatars? and what these original 'true' identity is.

pray do please oblige folks like me, who appear to be equally dumb at not being able to see through these ploys.

thank you.

i am curious too. like sury here.

you have called these 'Multiple Personality Disorder and they are dumb enough to think others can't see it.They are not smart enough to cover their tracks.'

this is enough to rile even the mildest of members here. but i find there are no responses.

so, how did you know there are different avatars? and what these original 'true' identity is.

pray do please oblige folks like me, who appear to be equally dumb at not being able to see through these ploys.

thank you.

Dear Kunjuppu ji,

Simple...keep eyes wide open and read style of writing and why so many are in silent mode,invisible mode.
It has very specific personal attacks.I have not read all post but dont you see here Renu is considered Adharma here but what about all other Anti God post by some nutcases here, why no one is jumping on them saying they are Adharmic.

Dont know why some guy who still cant get a girl and most probably a loser cant check out the Adharmic threads out here in the Forum.

Isnt it obvious?

Anyway since you consider your self dumb why you want me to explain to you?
Not that I am smarter to you but I am also dumb so dumb cant teach dumb.
Dear Kunjuppu ji,

Simple...keep eyes wide open and read style of writing and why so many are in silent mode,invisible mode.
It has very specific personal attacks.I have not read all post but dont you see here Renu is considered Adharma here but what about all other Anti God post by some nutcases here, why no one is jumping on them saying they are Adharmic.

Dont know why some guy who still cant get a girl and most probably a loser cant check out the Adharmic threads out here in the Forum.

Isnt it obvious?

Anyway since you consider your self dumb why you want me to explain to you?
Not that I am smarter to you but I am also dumb so dumb cant teach dumb.

ஒண்ணுமே புரியல்லே சார் :( :(
Shri Siddhanta,

I like your posts. They ring true. Thank you, I was not aware that some thread itself was removed.

Regarding that post about virgins throwing out their in-laws after getting married, may I state that Smt. Renuka and myself have not generally been seeing eye-to-eye, as our opinions about godmen, especially her most respected one, are quite opposite poles. Still, I do not find anything wrong after reading her post in the google cache. As you know, she is a practising doctor and so I am sure she is well within her province when she stated that she knew some prostitutes living like "patnis" after marriage. Coming to the opposite sex - male, we all know many young men who visit prostitutes later getting married to a girl and some living as very respected examples of brahmanas.

In our community all girls were, till recently, presumed to be virgins at the time of marriage, unless otherwise "rumoured" (not proved, pl. note). Today divorcee girls with children also get remarried and so the aforesaid rule gets broken in such cases, at least. All other cases continue to get the blanket protection of presumed virginity, as hitherto. Therefore, Renuka's remark/s should be read as applying to some cases of such presumed virgins and not on the basis of some virginity test on girls who throw out their in-laws, IMHO. FYI, there is one close relative of mine (now nearing 50 years) who could successfully eject her in-laws from Delhi to some town in Tamil Nadu very soon after her marriage, and the strange truth is that both the in-laws have not even once visited Delhi ever since (during the last about 30 years) though their another son is also in Delhi or somewhere nearby! I am therefore in agreement that sometimes a prostitute may turn out to be a better dil than a non-prostitute (a.k.a virgin). BTW Kunjuppu is not a moderator now.

Regarding the "hypocrisy" which is being discussed in this thread, my understanding of the issue is this. Many (most) of us tabras find great pleasure in praising the brahmin way of life, more particularly some few aspects of the stipulated nityakarmas, like (1) wearing yajñopavītaṃ (poonal), (2) the scientific and esoteric benefits of kuDumi and the absolute need for sporting one compulsorily, (3) gaayatree and its recitation, procedure for recitation, gaayatree maahaatmyam, (4) aavani aviTTam - its significance, its virtual effectiveness in enabling us from being blissfully ignorant of vedas, (5) Sraaddham & tarpaNam and their maahaatmyams, etc. In reality however many of us pay only lip service to these things and are not even showing minimal sincerity in putting into practice what we preach here through the computer. If we were really sincere, we as even 25% brahmins will not get time to spend before the computer unless we decide to keep awake late in our respective nights. But the very fact that all of us have enough time to spend here is proof of how much we follow the daily duties prescribed by the śāstras! It is this hiatus between precept and practice which I consider as our hypocrisy.
the current crop of active participants would not hvae known me to be a moderator. someone has to know me atleast a couple of years ago to make this comment about kunjuppu the moderator.:)

following brahin's teasers, i am inclined to think our freind sarvajithv51 is one of us, having fun, under a different nomenclature. i also find sidhantha's posts paralleled that of sarv. dont know if these two are the same.

not accusing anyone here. but thinking out loud. :)

i dont think it is illegal to post under different names, and take on different viewpoints. ofcourse it would be a challenge to complete mask one's style. amazing, these things....
Here is a story of a good guy that I know. I know he is not a hypocrite but unfortunately he will be considered one by many posters here.

He is a tambram, with a poonal. He goes every year to sabarimalai, 40 days of all the necessary stuff. No failings or short changing.

But also, weekends he has barbecue (only chicken). Has a full bar and loves his alcohol. Used to smoke, but gave up for health reasons.

Both children married out of caste, and he eagerly embraced the new additions to the family, and both weddings conducted in grand style.

Ofcourse, I have never questioned whether he felt any ‘guilt’ re his contrarian habits. He appears to be at peace. He is very jovial and a generous host to the hilt.

Therefore, Renuka's remark/s should be read as applying to some cases of such presumed virgins and not on the basis of some virginity test on girls who throw out their in-laws, IMHO.

Dear Mr. Sangom,

Thank you for your post. Yes I do agree the comment is made on presumed virgins and not based on any tests medically.

However I feel that remark is unnecessary in view of degrading a virgin and her esteem. In our Hindu culture virgins are held at high esteem in Ramayana and Mahabharatha and all Puranas. If I am not a Brahmin, I stay out of casting aspersions on Brahminism, which is a good virtue.

Same way I feel that the remark of prostitutes living as Patnis was a normal POV or remark, but the other one about driving inlaws out however I do understand your opinion, but my view is different and I feel it was unnecessary there.

I do not get angry with anyone here personally and I feel it is unecessary also. I have a lot of internet experience and I have seen even males posing as attractive females (they could be gay males heheheh) and they claim to be in high position and so and so, but what it actually fetches in the end? I dont go too personal with any one on the internet based on what they say nor get angry with them or hate them. I dont know that the people's identity in this forum is actually verified but I dont think so unless you get their personal details and get in touch with them. Good to know that Mr. Kunjuppu is not a moderator, I was assuming he was. Thanks for the clarification.

I did create one more username in this forum last time I think about 8 or 9 months back. It was to clarify about a dosham with Sri Swaminatha Sharma Ji who was a member at that time. Then I am not using it anymore, I made only one post with that username. Its interesting to know from Mr. Kunjuppu that anothe member's views are in parallel with mine. I will go though his posts but I am not that person hehehehe.
Another interesting point...

I feel one of the posters in this thread is actually a female in male identity. I could suspect it from reading "his" posts.

I think that person knows it and I know it.

Its really interesting heheheh.

Or even if this poster is male, he is having serious gynecological problems or impotence I guess (from his comments on adharma and virginity) also he mentions about someone clearly but does not use the name openly. I don't read the threads completely. I am not addicted to this forum. I visit the forum main page read one or two threads on the main page and reply only to those. I am just making fun of him/her by his/her own feminine style.

Regarding guys don't getting girls, was Lord Hanuman ever criticized of being a Bramhachari? I dont feel getting a girl is difficult. In college many girls were after me, I avoided those even now many are willing to marry me for my money (many girls are desperately looking for a male with a good pay) still I would not marry a non virgin because I feel it is against Dharma. Better to be a Sanyasi and live a peaceful life rather than tasting the perils of life. However its my POV hehehe :)
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Every once in a while we have a jamadagneya or his avatar coming here.

When j appeared a couple of years ago, he wreaked havoc. His was an abusive post against everyone who was against his version of orthodoxy. Happy hindu stood steadfast against him. I was a moderator.

The vast majority of the members at that time, identified themselves meekly with j. aspects of what he said, and by and large, ignored the foul language and the dirty mind. Any ‘upholder’ of Hinduism, was good enough, and nobody challenged his credentials.

Till Praveen. True enough, j threatened Praveen, and even his real address and folks close to him. When he was kicked out.

Did not have anyone like that till sarv51 came few days ago.

this guy’s foulness and dirtyness was condoned by many, who appeared to ignore the abusive vitriol, but found ‘goodness’. There was this mild tapping of his wrist by a few. Only some whom in retrospect, i would like to thank Stood steadfast, and took sarv to task.

Now we have apolgizers for his deleted threads. Where are the morals for these people? Will these qualify to be hypocrites, though not under the assumptions of this thread, but if we stick to a simpler definition of the term.

all those people who kept quiet or who found ‘goodness’ in sarv51’s posts, you should be ashamed of yourself. Off hand only siddhanta come out as an apologist for sarv, but there were others too.

Do you have to wait till someone calls your mothers and daughters as whores before you get excited?

I for one, would assure you, that I would stand up immediately, and throw the rascal out.
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