Anyway, the frequent posters had fun time!
So........ thanks to OP!![]()
Anyway, the frequent posters had fun time!
So........ thanks to OP!![]()
கால பைரவன்;342416 said:Doctor Mam,
Maybe you are correct. However a google search tells that one of the responses claimed to have gotten by OP is from the hindudharmaforum. Please see here:
See attached images. View attachment 5569View attachment 5570
The responses in that thread show a time stamp of January 2011. The thread originator in that forum is the non-brahm girl as you deduced and the first message in that thread says that they have been loving for seven years then in Jan, 2011. Now it is Apr 2016.
So what we glean is that this love story has been going on for the past 13 years or so and the answer about scriptural provision/acceptance is still NOT known to the OP!
That is why I think the OP is started NOT for the benefit of himself or his parents but for the readers! These things are unavoidable in an open forum. But members can tone their advice accordingly. So much for integrity![]()
கால பைரவன்;342416 said:Doctor Mam,
Maybe you are correct. However a google search tells that one of the responses claimed to have gotten by OP is from the hindudharmaforum. Please see here:
See attached images. View attachment 5569View attachment 5570
The responses in that thread show a time stamp of January 2011. The thread originator in that forum is the non-brahm girl as you deduced and the first message in that thread says that they have been loving for seven years then in Jan, 2011. Now it is Apr 2016.
So what we glean is that this love story has been going on for the past 13 years or so and the answer about scriptural provision/acceptance is still NOT known to the OP!
That is why I think the OP is started NOT for the benefit of himself or his parents but for the readers! These things are unavoidable in an open forum. But members can tone their advice accordingly. So much for integrity![]()
i dont know whether this was reported in the press. i suspect this is under pressure from devar, vanniars etc this below is from facebook...
தமிழகஅரசு இந்து திருமணசட்டத்தில் சிறு திருத்தம் கொண்டு வந்துள்ளது!
அதில் காதல் திருமணம் செய்யும் தம்பதிகள் கண்டிப்பாக அவர்களின் பெற்றோர் சம்மதம் இல்லமால் செய்ய முடியாது!
ரிஜிஸ்ட்டர் மேரேஜ் என்று நம்மை ஏமாற்றும் முறைக்கு முற்றிலும் தடை உள்ளது
ரிஜிஸ்டர் மேரேஜ் கண்டிப்பாக பெற்றோர் வந்து கையொப்பம் இடவேண்டும்!
குறைந்தபட்சம் பெண்ணின் தாய் கையொப்பம் அவசியம்!
எந்த தாயும் தனது மகளை கிணற்றில் தள்ள சம்மதம் தெரிவிக்கமட்டர்கள் என்பதை அறிந்து அரசு சட்டதிருத்தம்கொண்டுவந்துள்ளது.
30 நாட்களுக்கு முன் பதிவு செய்தல் அவசியம்!
இதற்குமேலும் சில சிறப்பு அம்சங்கள் உள்ளது! அதை வெளியே செல்ல விரும்ப வில்லை!
நாடககாதல் பெரும்பாலும் ரிஜிஸ்டர் மேரேஜ் என்னும் திருமணபதிவு வே நமது சமுதாயத்திற்கு எதிரியாய் இருந்தது! அதற்கு கடிவாளம் இப்போது வேறு வடிவில் இருக்கிது!
இனிமேல் நம்மை ஏமாற்றும் நாடக காதல் போராளிகளை நசுக்க இந்த ஆயுதத்தை பயன்பாடுத்தவும்!
நாடக காதலால் எத்துணை பெற்றோர் அவமணம் பட்டு தற்கொலை செய்தது யாருக்கு தெரியும்??
ஒருவன் கொலை செய்யபட்டால் ஆவேசப்படும் வேசி ஊடகங்கள்
தற்கொலை செய்துகொண்ட 200 பெற்றோர்க்கு ஒரு இரங்கல் செய்தியவது சொல்லியிருக்குமா??
திருத்தப்பட்ட இச்சட்டம் இந்த மாதம் முதல் தேதியிருந்து அமுலுக்கு வந்துள்ளது!
இதை எந்த வேசி ஊடகம் வெளியே சொன்னதா??
இதற்குமேலும் நமது பெண்கள் திருந்தவில்லை என்றால் நமது வீரஅன்னையின் கையில் வாளை கொடுக்க வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் ஏற்பாடும்
When will we accept the social realities?
When will we accept the social realities?
Times have changed and so have girls.
Being traditional and orthodox is no longer acceptable to girls.
Yes, for most of the girls.When will we accept the social realities?
Times have changed and so have girls.
Being traditional and orthodox is no longer acceptable to girls.
What she has written is her 'malarum ninaivugaL'!The author( Ananya)is a 54 year young lady!.........
If she is 54 so what?The author( Ananya)is a 54 year young lady!
This is what she has to say! A different TB altogether! We should be ready to live with such character's too!
Treveni Nagarajan
Ananya is me. I dont know any shlokams or poojais though i have a big ummachi shelf at home. I have never sung or danced. and love Hritik Roshan Brett Lee. I ogle good looking men. Love romance movies and read Mills and Boon by the dozens. I eat out a lot and drink road side chai and love road side bajias and sandwiches. Tambrahm but never really follow what a Tambrahm does. And I am 54 years old!!!!!!!
Dear Renu,
In a 'neeyA nAnA' show, girls and moms participated.
One 'veerAnganai' brahmin girl said that she will NOT wear the thAli after her wedding.
Most of the moms said they don't wish that girl to be their d i l !! :lol:
If she is 54 so what?
I am male about 70 plus but think young.
I do not perform any rituals nor I have a thread.
I used to smoke in my fiftees . I drink the best alcohol and hold my drink better than most.
As a brahmin male I can do that why cannot 54 yr lady do what she does?
It is her personal preferance. She is not harming anyone being what she is and consuming bajias and chai. I also like mirchi bajjis on roadside and chai in nearby shack
along with labourers.I like her preferance for film stars and cricketers.
Bless this lady . She is open and daring.
Beloved people,
I think you all are arriving well to my problem statement. My parents are giving lots of other reasons like what the society will think if I marry a NB girl, Hw my relations will behave with me normally after my IC marriage, How they will answer to the relatives' questions, etc. etc.. I can easily counter these questions by giving some practical examples of other IC marriages and how the world has changed. But, if they say that I'll lose my entity as a brahmin and will not b allowed to do srardham, they will not eat my wife's cooking as she is NB, I become speechless. That's why am trying here to argue that my wife automatically becomes an iyengar with my gothram once she marries me.
I may not get some references which I expected from this forum. Nevertheless, at least I shall share some of my feelings and pain which I take to convince my parents patiently without hurting them much.
For some veterans who argue that my parents are only taking the pain, I would like to say that myself and my wife may be ill-treated by the whole society for the rest of our lives. If we are fully aware of these consequences and pain and if we are ready to take all these, you must think about the power of love and trust we have kept on each other.
I am never gonna argue that my parents doesn't take any pain. Yes, they ll be deeply hurt by the questions of ppl around them, but am asking for a chance.. atleast they can do it for their son's happiness and in return they gonna get a gem of a girl as their daughter-in-law.
My girl's parents are ok for our marriage. Her mom said only her daughter's happiness matters at the end. So the ball is in my court for the past 6months..
Yes...I admire a bold person..she is being herself instead of having herd mentality and have pretenses.
After a certain age...we need to be honest with ourselves...honesty is always the best policy and that includes admitting even our short comings.
No use being in denial.
B community is not bold enough to impose their customs strictly. This is the reason for creating girls like the one who spoke in a TV program.
All this customs imposing is only for females..males do as they please.
I have seen even in NB community..they view a person who does not wear a thAli worse than a suicide bomber.
I know a iyengar girl who married a christian and he observed the hindu way of life following some hindu customs. Their daughter again married an iyengar.This is side stepping the issue. The answer sought by Chandra was:
"will she marry a Christian or Muslim and live without following their customs - without wearing ring or burka? Girls who have such mindset are scrupulously follow the customs of Abrahamic Religions without any deviation, after marriage, probably fearing persecution."