Kargil War Heroes
the above url is an ode to lt col viswanathan who lost his life in kargil. the battle cry of our soldiers, when they charge against the enemy in the field, is ‘hindustan hi jai’ or ‘jai hind’ - and for many it is the last words uttered before falling prey to the enemy bullets.
viswanathan is one of our tambrams, and one of the handful of our community who laid down his life for our motherland. to me when someone says ‘jai hind’, i feel, there should be a drop of sanctity and reverence. To utter those words at the end an hatred filled vitriol against the rest of non Brahmin India, to me, is an insult to the land of our birth. I have no problem in reiterating it.
soon after kargil, there was a rush among the sikhs and jats to join the army, but i am not aware of reading anywhere there was a similar rush by tambrams. if at all anything, we have always disinclined our youth from joining the armed forces in any capacity.
in today's india, we are undergoing massive social changes. we are probably trying to uproot prejudices and practices handed down through milleniums, all within a lifetime or two, as india is in a rush to catch up with the world and ensure that it gets its due respect befitting an ancient civilization, transposing itself into a modern society. communities forever condemned to the margins, or even beyond margins, have now a chance to dream of a better life for their progeny.
as a percentage, i feel, that we tambrams, have a lot lot fewer folks who could be defined as below poverty level. yes they should be helped up. what i find unacceptable is this level of anger fueled by the belief, that other communities are coming up at our expense. folks like partha, appear to subscribe to this type of thinking, judging by his posts. i am not going to quarrel with him, because for me, it is a waste of time and breath, to spend over such corruption. i would rather help someone who gives me hope and positive vibes, and not someone who has a grouse against the whole world.
in most societies, upheavals of the kind that is happening in india, has resulted in enormous bloodshed - one only has to turn the history pages on france, russia or china. it is to india's credit that we have turned around and elevated those disenfranchised as late as 60 years ago to positions of power, and built new generations of those communities who are able to participate in nation building in all its facets.
in any turmoil of this kind, there are those who are left behind. particularly from the erstwhile privileged class. by 'privilege', i do not necessarily mean one of wealth. i am referring more to a state of the mind, and the sense of entitlement that goes along with it. which i think, all the erstwhile so called high castes, have it instilled in them, sadly, even to this day.
in the context of this post, the elephant in the room, was the supposed incursions of the NBs into erstwhile exclusive brahmin entities like agraharams or our daughters/sisters and polluting our space/blood. i agree that all of us are prejudiced, and we only differ to the degree or level. when it comes to india as a whole, we often tend to forget, that modern india, belongs to all - right from the so called upper castes to the supposedly lowly dalits, the various other religious groups.
in that context, and based on the content of the post, the signature 'jai hind' was unbecoming. even when a president or prime minister signs off with jai hind, it is not preceded by vitriol against other castes or religions of india. i found insinuations in partha's posts, which were only magnified in his further diatribes against me.
basically i have no quarrel with partha. he is a newcomer with a single agenda. he has not established his bonafides and could be an avatar of the several frauds that we have had here. again he might be genuine, but till proved, folks of standing like me or you, have a responsibility to the forum, to stick with each other. inthe least. we could keep quiet.
you are only well aware, of the instigators and bogus folks who swarm here with a regularity and unfortunately, from my viewpoint, are still successful in inciting many honourable members against long standing folks like me.
i do not know how many members know of partha's antecedents and why the rush to defend someone who has posted exactly 11 posts, most of them disgustingly rude, against someone like me with over 2500 posts? and that too even without the courtesy of asking for a verification.
I do not frankly understand where I claim to be more privileged than anyone else or even come close to behaving like a moderator. Would it be fair to presume that you know enough about partha’s bonafides, atleast to the level you know of mine, to take a stand to outright attack me such.
I agree with you but feel that Shri Kunjuppu need (I feel should) have limited himself to clarifying his position instead of going into a sermon -cum- admonition mode. This gives an impression that Shri Kunjuppu is a more previleged member - something like a moderator. This position needs to be amended if people have to feel all members are equal in this forum.’
frankly, anyone could come here, write a few sentences of anger and in capitals, and we find a group rushing to their sympathy. for what? would we exhibit such behaviour in our own house if a stranger knocks on our door, and abuses a long standing neighbour? i think it is something that all members need to consider before jumping to conclusions. where is our sense? our sensibility?
My notes on genes and DNAs are but a pale of what was discussed here about how the tambram genes is no different than most of the other groups in India. What we have in us is a belief of our ‘purity of blood’ which have been defined as bunkum by many folks here.
To sum up, i was thinking of only folks like lt col viswananthan, and thousands of others who shed their lives, and to whom 'jai hind' was the last words.
to me it is certainly an abuse, if someone is unhappy with the social transformation that is happening in india and which to him appear a abomination. if such angry folks claim to be the new guardians of hinduism, to maitain a status quo on brahmin hegemony and have only contempt for the NBs and dalits, i am afraid, it is a very bleak future for our faith. it is neither sanatana or dharma, but in my opinion, an abomination of all the best of our values.
and your support of such attitudes is even more disheartening and disappointing. sorry sir, you failed me in my regard for you, in your support for folks like partha and his ilk. based on our dealings to date, i had expected something better.
thank you.’