Birth varna is like the tuner in your radio.
What?? I didn't understand.
The radio is kind of of obsolete, isn't it? Oh wait, now I understand ...
Birth varna is like the tuner in your radio.
Criticism of Brahminism and Brahminist behavior is not "hateful posts about Brahmins". Simply branding them as such is at best a tactic to avoid having to address the issues.
tks, when I started this discussion with you I tried to be respectful to you, I only criticized the idea of Guna Brahmana as supremacist and I even conceded you probably didn't see it that way. The response from you was a litany of condescending dismissals of my abilities and accusation that I was a casteist. You are continuing to respond in the same manner, never addressing the issues raised head on, but generous in insulting comments about me. I really don't care about the insults just as long as you would also address the issues.
Post #165 is a post made by me, not you. Also when I click the link it takes me to post #11. In any case, if you think 2.16 of BG supports your Guna Brahmana theory then state your case.
I agree that we need to have a "complete picture" and the complete picture is BG or commentaries of BG by great Acharyas do not support Guna Brahmana. I have already stated my arguments in post #202. Please try to respond to it, throw in your usual insults if you like, but please also state your reasoned rebuttal.
If you think this shows what I said about this verse in post #202 is not true then you have to state it more clearly. Show me why your interpretation of the verse is correct and the commentaries of great acharyas are wrong. Simply asserting that nara doesn't understand or nara is not capable of understanding is not sufficient.
Thanks ...
1.Dear Vaagmi, that is very convenient isn't? What you take or not take is not the issue here.
2.Is this "called for" or only you are allowed to issue such admonishments?
3.Now, the reciting of vedas is about the so called Shudras, not NB.
4.This guy is supposed to be a king, not a Shudra.
5.Satyakama's story is laced with some ugly subtext. All the back and forth is in the archives, I don't want to re-litigate.
6.You have to be more specific than these. Besides, whoever said there is a consistent narrative in these texts, it takes a Suthrakara and/or Bhashyakara to stitch together one and if your view is that there is no scriptural prohibition against "Shudra" reciting the vedas, then your view is not consistent with them. The fact is they are not even allowed to listen to the sound of reciting of the vedas.
7.But, what is this about "seeing" the Vedas, how do you see something that was not written down until relatively recently.
8.If this works for you that is great, for a lot of people what you call Sanatana Dharma aka Brahminism, is like a well with lot of water, but is contaminated water.
9.It is one thing to marvel at Brahmnical vedantam, Dharma, etc., but, one must be tone deaf to not hear what the so called "Shudras" and "panchamas" hear when "Guna Brahmana", "Shudra can become Brahmana", or "Sanatana Dharma is like Banyan tree" are talked about.
Thank you ...
For all the above, I request you to provide the relevant verse from the said texts. Thankyou.1.Please refer to ChAndOkyam in which a shudra by name jAnasruthi learnt vedas from Raigyava.
2.Please refer to what is said in Rg veda about kakshivanthan, a shudra. He learnt vedas.
3.There is another story of a panchama, Gavasha which also confirms there was no restriction on a panchama learning vedas. Please refer to Rg Veda 7th Ashtaka where the mantras that were 'seen' by Gavasha find a place.
4.Please refer to Chandokya 4th prapAta in which some one whose varna was not known -jApAlan - leaning vedas is mentioned.
Kindly provide the relevant verse which describe 'panchamas' learning vedas.Alright a King. But an NB. And I was speaking about NBs including panchamans learning vedas.
For all the above, I request you to provide the relevant verse from the said texts. Thankyou.
tks, you come across loud and clear, you want to state your opinion and don't wish to be challenged or don't wish to answer the questions raised when challenged.Nara - I have tough time getting my point across. Let me try once more..
Vaagmi, you have said that you wish to pick and choose what you want from this tree you call Sanatana Dharma, and that is fine with me, I have no quarrel with that....Thanks. If you agree I would like to bring this discussion to a close as people's position are all within hardened silos.
sigh! true, how i just wish some folks would realize varna thingy was no good and will never be if implemented anywhere anytime. The feudal governance model was an oppressive one and we have moved on ages away. However, every now and then someone comes along and either touts greatness of varna system or makes statements that even shudras could learn vedas.....pali,
i think, it is useless to quote exceptions. we think nandanar is a saint, and won the grace of god. but how hard he had to work at it. compare that with that of a high caste guy! so even if your request is answered (!), it would be one of a kind. the norm, during peshwa rule, was to pour lead into a dalit's ears, if he heard the vedas, and cut off his tongue if he chanted the gayatri.
in the south, we were better, but ot much; where i was born, the dalit had to yodel to announce his passing, and stand 15 feet away from my grandfather, and cover his mouth when he spoke.
it is the norm to keep 25% of the population outside the varna and treat them worse than animals. atleast at home, cows were fed and taken care, these humans were not even treated as humans. and elements of that treatment still continues.
i wish learned folks would address those issues, instead of obfuscating or ignoring or (worse) shouting out epithets. we cannot wish away the problems. they just come to haunt and these will ultimately win.
Criticism of Brahminism and Brahminist behavior is not "hateful posts about Brahmins". Simply branding them as such is at best a tactic to avoid having to address the issues.
TKS, to the point in bold. First you do not know what brahmanism is, yet you say "if it is what brahmins practice". Please explain what is it that brahmins practice? Kindly elaborate what you wish to say in the context of "against discrimination" - the point above is not clear to me sorry.1. I don't know what brahminism is ... If it is what Brahmins - whoever they are - practice then attack on that is attack on Brahmins. We can agree to disagree. If you are against discrimination of any kind we are in the same side. But that is not what I sense
i wish learned folks would address those issues, instead of obfuscating or ignoring or (worse) shouting out epithets. we cannot wish away the problems. they just come to haunt and these will ultimately win.
Vaagmi, you have said that you wish to pick and choose what you want from this tree you call Sanatana Dharma, and that is fine with me, I have no quarrel with that.
If Sanatana Dharma is not equal to Brahminism, and if you can show why this is true -- it is not obvious as only followers of Brahminism seem to use this term -- then I will revise my statement to Brahmnism is like a well with completely contaminated water.
i think, it is useless to quote exceptions. we think nandanar is a saint, and won the grace of god. but how hard he had to work at it. compare that with that of a high caste guy! so even if your request is answered (!), it would be one of a kind. the norm, during peshwa rule, was to pour lead into a dalit's ears, if he heard the vedas, and cut off his tongue if he chanted the gayatri.
in the south, we were better, but ot much; where i was born, the dalit had to yodel to announce his passing, and stand 15 feet away from my grandfather, and cover his mouth when he spoke.
it is the norm to keep 25% of the population outside the varna and treat them worse than animals. atleast at home, cows were fed and taken care, these humans were not even treated as humans. and elements of that treatment still continues.
i wish learned folks would address those issues, instead of obfuscating or ignoring or (worse) shouting out epithets. we cannot wish away the problems. they just come to haunt and these will ultimately win.
Unfortunately sir, in translation some of the original meaning may be lost. So can the context. Hence am not comfortable with a Tamil translation of Sanskrit works. I would definitely appreciate the exact sanskrit verses. However, just mentioning the verse number will do. I can find the relevant text.Dear palindrome,
It is quite a lengthy quote and I will have to carefully input the sanskrit words. So let me try another way:
1.jAnasruthi and Raigva: the relevant portion starts like this "ததுஹஜாநஸ்ருதி: பௌத்ராயண:ஷட்சதாநிகவாம் நிஷ்கமஸ்வதரீரதம் ததாயப்ரதி சக்ரமே தமஹாம்யுவாத 1. ரைக்வேமநிஷட்சதாநிகவாமயம் நிஷ்கோயம்...................Then in a passage following this Raigva addresses jAnasruthi by word shudra several times and it is clearly said there that he was taught the brahmavidya.
2. kaksheevanthan: Please refer to Rg veda-somAnamswaranam pathikam. Brhaspati is requested to grant the 'prakaasam' just as it was given to kaksheevandan the Shudra who was the son of Usikai.
3. Gavashan the panchaman: Please refer to AitareyabrAhmanam 12-3.
4. Chandokyam 4th prapata for the story of jApAla the man who learnt vedas though he was a chandaala.
If you want the exact verses in full I will have to go back to my archives retrieve the books and copy it for you.
I respect your decision not to go into sociology and politics. Thankyou Sir.I have already said my view that the dharma shastras take a back seat when they contradict what is found/said in vedas. Period.
Why dharmashastras were written that way? This question lies in the realm of sociology and politics which I do not discuss. Period.
However, every now and then someone comes along and either touts greatness of varna system or makes statements that even shudras could learn vedas.....
1.jAnasruthi and Raigva:
2. kaksheevanthan: Please refer to Rg veda-somAnamswaranam pathikam. Brhaspati is requested to grant the 'prakaasam' just as it was given to kaksheevandan the Shudra who was the son of Usikai.
3. Gavashan the panchaman: Please refer to AitareyabrAhmanam 12-3.
4. Chandokyam 4th prapata for the story of jApAla the man who learnt vedas though he was a chandaala.
Vaagmi, you have to give proper citation, chapter and verse. Also, let us make sure we are on the same page, the question is about Shudra (the 4th varna) and Panchama (avarna), not NB in general.
#1 -- Janasruti was a kshatriya not a Shudra, and #4 -- Gautama first queried Satyakama about his birth and accepted him only because Gautama asserted only a Brahmana will speak the truth fearlessly. So, #1 and #4 do not support your view.
For #2 and #3 you have to provide more precise citation.
Athreya Brahmana has 8 cantos and each canto has 5 chapters. Cite the canto number, chapter number and verse number please. Same for Rg veda citation.
Thank you ...
Vaagmi, here is what you said in post #223:I did not say that. I note you are trying to put word into my post. I have nothing more to say on this.
In what way what I said is differs in essence from what you have said above? Of course I paraphrased you and not quote your exact words, but that does not mean I mischaracterized what you said. So, I standby my observation that you "pick and choose what you want from this tree you call Sanatana Dharma"...... I listen to kalakshepam from learned elders. But I take what is clearly not disputable. The rest I search in the archives myself and come to my own conclusions on the basis of facts.
Vaagmi, if I have said it one time I have said it a thousand times, and now, since you are relatively new to this forum you are asking me to repeat it again. I shall oblige, Brahminism is an ideology that is rooted in Dharmashasthras and it is still not only eulogized as the best system, but it is also vigorously practiced in one way or another. It is not the people belonging to Brahmin castes who subscribe to this ideology lot of others do as well. Those who identify with the Varna/jAti system, including those who concoct Guna Varna, irrespective of their own jAti, are part of this. Not only Brahmins drink the rotten water from this well, lot of others do as well.I want to know whether you are bracketing only Brahmins with brahminism or others too. Then I will give my reply to you and we can see what is contaminated.
Once again Vaagmi, let us be clear, this is about Shudra and avarna, not the three upper varnas. Let us not use the term NB as it is ambiguous. Let us stick to Shudra and avarnas..... that has its roots in a reply I gave to you about NBs studying vedas....
Dear TKS,1. I don't know what brahminism is ... If it is what Brahmins - whoever they are - practice then attack on that is attack on Brahmins.
கால பைரவன்;198869 said:Dear TKS,
The term "brahminism" is used in place of "casteism" with the only reason to make brahmins the scapegoat. Nothing more, nothing less. You are correct in your assessment that such posts are hateful posts with hate directed against brahmins. This is the technique with which dravidianists were able to villify brahmins and captured power and also were able to protect the "middle" castes as Vaagmi had pointed out here.
Sorry Vaagmi, you have not given any form of proof yet. Kindly provide the verse number or the relevant verse.After reading the proofs I have given above I would expect you to withdraw this statement of you if you have intellectual honesty.