sorry to disappoint you mate, but i think, a good number of us tambrams do not care to heed to the rules of 100 years or before any more. we may not be a majority, but are a significant number, to get the traditionalists concerned. personally i welcome this change, and do not see it as a problem. but yes, a change, to be MANAGED on our terms and for the continuation of our what i consider, decent and acceptable traditions. not some inane rituals and caste pride. there is enough of that all over india.
There is hardly any pride left with the Tambrahm...He has given up his traditional dress to suit the modern life...He no more sports the traditional symbols of his religion..He has given up his Brahminical Tamil to live with the rest of the populace...He has compromised his education & employment by making peace with reservation...Now when you are trying to poison him with IC & IR what is left of him...An emaciated soul crying Easwara..What should I do...And you are repeating again & again IC is the salvation ...In Tamil there is a slogan வெந்த புண்ணில் வேல் பாய்ச்சுவது.. (Frying pan to the fire equivalent)
again, i wish to say, that we are the ones who broke ranks and attended convent schools. later we find them wanting, and we started our own, wherever possible, to suit our cultural needs. PSBB, Chettinad, Vidya Mandir are such schools. These schools are run, what i would say on hindu morals, but i dont think they can or should teach the separation of castes.
There needs to be more of that in Higher Education too...None of the above mentioned are in higher education...We just have one Sastra University where traditional values are appreciated
what moral education you want? dont marry outside of the castes? if the parents have no objection, who are strangers, albeit of the same caste to say. it is like the recent divya ilavarasan stuff, where politics and the public got into the picture, and made a mess of the whole thing.
Moral education does not mean pride in caste...It means character building, control of mind, teaching yoga & meditation...Why are you bringing caste into this?
i agree. except to me, the right path, is to follow respect hindu values regardless of caste.

otherwise, tomorrow our numbers will be counted within 4 or 5 digits, which is the fear of the OP
Why are you unnecessarily bringing caste into the debate...I never said anything superior about Brahmins
i agree with you. as a devout spiritual hindu, nothing disgusts me more than the pseudo secularists. pure secularists have respect for religions. like nehru or lohia. or even rajaji. though i dont understand what living with its life and dignity has to do with 'hounding'. also, along the same lines, i am leery of rss or bajrang dal or some elements of bjp because, india is a multi ethnic multi religiou multi linguistic multi country. if we irreparably antagonize targeted groups, it will explode to violence, and ultimate victims may be you or your children (if they still live in india).
Surprisingly you are bringing the RSS into this with some ulterior motive...
i think it is ethically cleansed enough. any more ethical cleansing, and others would need sunglasses, to protect the glare emanating from such pure skins.
I said ethnically cleansed (not ethically cleansed) which is what EVR wanted which our children are unwittingly following
to sum up, between a marrying couple, there needs to be a compatibility on many fronts - economic, social interests, hobbies, pastimes, money sense, affection, regard, food, etc...and i think, same caste is not a prerequisite to a good marriage. having all the others, same caste helps.
Caste has been the foundation of India & Indianness...Why are you breaking caste of only Brahmins with gay abandon..Can you try to mess with any other caste...No...Because Brahmins are the soft targets as they do not retaliate...You want to break the foundation and say that is good for the country...Alas you will also be hounded as you too are part of the same foundation (I did not mean you to be kunjuppu but of your ilk)
the biggest hurdles are the society and relatives. if we leave the couple alone, i think, there is a good chance that they can make a marriage work, provided it is well thought out BEFORE the event.