in such cases going to courts is an option.One of my cousins served a legal notice on his son for not returning the money he spent on his engg education since he had daughters to marry off and son after his marriage refused to support his parents and siblings. ladies who encourage such acts from daughters do not realise that similar things could happen to them when when they reach old age. Looking at this issue from career girls point of view ,they require their mothers as domestic help at least for cooking and baby sitting for their children which they would not be able to make inlaws do that easily . in india brahmin cooks and good creches are just not available in large numbers New house expenditure sharing models other than pooling and spending have to evolve to enable both boy and the girl to meet the demands of extended families.Girls can use part of their income to support her family while son can fund his own family. both can maintain separate bank accounts and contribute some to take care of their monthly house running expenditure. Most middle class parents do not have sufficient funds to meet fully their needs after their retirement. there is hardly any social security worth boasting about.true. it varies by cases.
i have a cousin boy. father died early and he was brought up re education by uncle. who also married off his only sister and footed the bill.
now this boy married arranged. they went to live in the usa. the girl's mother was widowed early and the girl had two younger sibliings, sister and brother. with the boy's wages in the usa, the girl married off her sister, educated the brother, and built a nice house for the mother in chennai.
when she comes to chennai she does not even visit the mother in law, who is forced to live alone in palghat. she gets a few ruppees from relatives who stay there when visiting for the ther or ancestral temple. otherwise no income. the mother is too devastated to protest to the boy. the relatives have kept quiet.
or the hubby's sister. the cousin's wife has also brought up her two daughters to disdain hubby family.
our family, since on the receiving end, is aghast. but nothing can be said, as the cousin involved is completely under his wife's thumb.
what to do? you tell me man!!
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