Why Not?It should happen like this.Why is it absurd to play this game.It is a leela of brahman.We are the participants of leela as well as the leela.Or in another words aham brahmasmi.
I think that this is delusion... to infer something when there could be "n" possibilities is but deceiving the self...
At age 2-i remember nothing.At age 1 - i remember nothing.In the womb of my mother - i remember nothing.As a cell in the sperm and in the egg - i remember nothing.To love brahman and realise we are brahman is the leela.Some say illusion.Some say delusion.So be it.Everyone has a right to think independently and everyone is right.That is my mission.
Why leela? A leela for one is a pain for another...
Anyway, nothing personal Shri Suresh... I am just countering against differing views and not your self... :wave: