What Im asking is - as VA says a part is non-god
First things first... from where did you derive this interpretation...?
What Im asking is - as VA says a part is non-god
>>as VA says a part is non-god<<
Asesha Chit-Achit Prakaaram Brahmaikameva Tatvam - Brahman as qualified by the sentient and insentient modes ,aspects or attributes, is the only reality.
wikipedia definition.
sb, adhai thaan naanum ithana naala sollindiruken... sanskrit words use pannalai... avlothaan...
neenga wiki lerundhu dabaal nu potutel...
There is no imagination here... everything is real... that is why shri sankara's adhvaitham is a fallacy...
Everything we see is real... only the combination of the supreme differs... and hence vishishtadhvaitham is the correct reasoning...
Consider the following logical argument. A pen is placed in front of a mirror. One can see its reflection. To one's eyes, the image of the pen is perceived. Now, what should the image be called? It cannot be true, because it is an image. The truth is the pen. It cannot be false, because it is seen by our eyes.
source wikipedia.
sb, neti neti means "not just this" "not just this"... which shows that brahman is not a part but the whole...
do you mean to say that we are not real??????????
That is why Lord Krishna says to Shri Arjuna,about Material World and Spiritual World.The spiritual world is real and material world is unreal.A parallel universe exists to the universe which we mortals see,perceive and understand.Uttaryanam is the best time to attain liberation and escape from repeated birth & death ie Dec 21/22 till Jun 21/22,the favorite month of the Lord being Margazhi ie dec 15 till Jan 14........and so on
When we start parsing words and mention things,then it would appear out of context.Which is what we are doing.
Adavaitha,Dvaitha,Visistaadvaitham......etc are different streams of rivers finally merging into sea.Each has a place under the Sun which is Part of Milky way which is part of Galaxies.......
There is one white light,when entering and coming out of the prism,we get vibgyor of varying wavelength.So,which is Maya here?