If the children will not share their problem with their loving parents, :tape:
I doubt whether they will share it anyone else...:nono:
especially to those who can send the feedback to their parents. :gossip:
Each person has to face his own problems, fight his own wars and win his own victories.
Life is not a bed of roses for everyone... barring the lucky few!
every parent, including myself, think that we are 'loving'. but it is the kids, who may not think so.
parenting is never 100% right, and it is a 'good' parent, who can get 'pass marks' when evaluated by their children. that is why none of us seeks this feedback from our children, and even if we did, the children may not tell you the whole story.
i have a friend, who says, that we repeat our parents' lives. so when we were young and bringing up our family, our reaction to crisis, day to day affairs and mundane stuff, was probably nasty and uncouth, because that is what we learned from our parents. how many of us, consciously understood each situation, and changed our behaviour, to something more in tune, with the then current day norms.
it is amazing, when i see the behaviour of indian parents and children the world over - no matter how many generation removed, it is the same, across all nationalities (or very similar). the parents shout, the mothers run after the children with the food, the fathers spank etc etc..quite different from white folks or chinese.

so, i think, it is wrong to say, that if kids not confide to 'loving' parents, they wont confide to anybody. they probably have friends or in laws they may feel more comfortable.
all i am saying, is we as parents, need to analyze ourselves, and understand how our kids view us. not as what we imagine how we are.