Dear Sir,
It is the same concept as Vaanaprastha of the olden days.
Our guru used today these things.
After reaching a certain age, the husband and wife should become like mere friends or a brother and sister. They should give up all pomp and show and lead a life centered on god and good services rendered to the others.
If this is your aim, I would love to join the group. I also know that a farm house costs several times that of an apartment.
So I will have to weigh the heaviness of the purse involved and the peace promised and then decide.

It is the same concept as Vaanaprastha of the olden days.
Our guru used today these things.
After reaching a certain age, the husband and wife should become like mere friends or a brother and sister. They should give up all pomp and show and lead a life centered on god and good services rendered to the others.
If this is your aim, I would love to join the group. I also know that a farm house costs several times that of an apartment.
So I will have to weigh the heaviness of the purse involved and the peace promised and then decide.
Dear Visalaksi Ramani madam,
Yes, there is a real onslaught on living with nature and close to nature, but, all attempts to generally slow down the process of detiorating the environment will only end up in the so called " economic slowdown in the growth"
I am keen on getting a group together and select some place where we can live closer to nature, traditionally and in much more peace.
Any takers.