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Points to ponder!

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# 29. Old is Gold.

In olden days the children were encouraged to learn many arts and acquire other talents. Every girl could sing confidently.

Most girls could sew and mend clothes - even if the could not stitch new clothes. Girls knew the kitchen work as well as other handicrafts and decorating homes with elaborate kolams.

Now no one knows anything. The sad thing is that they take pride is declaring that they do not know anything. One girl said, "I do not even know which side of the needle should be threaded" grinning from ear to ear!

People like my mother insisted that the children should learn everything which is within their means. Otherwise having lived in a small remote village how could all her children cause ripples in whatever they take up?

Art for the sake of art is gone for ever. People want to learn things which will help them to get a job, earn a lot of money and spend it lavishly.

No one wants the "roses" anymore.

Everyone wants only the "cabbages"!!:hungry:

கீறல் விழுந்த பாடல்களை ஓயாமல் போடுபவர்கள்
நெறிகள் கூறும் கவிதைகளை நக்கல் செய்வது ஏன்??? :noidea:
தனக்குத் தெரியாததை வேறு யாருமே
தெரிந்துகொள்ளக் கூடாது என்பது ஏன்? :noidea:
விருப்பம் உள்ளவர்கள் விரும்பி வாசிக்கிறார்கள்
விரும்பாதவர்கள் "போய்கினே" இருக்கவேண்டியது தானே!
"நாளொரு மேனி பொழுதொரு வண்ணம்!"

வண்ணம் என்றால் உடலின் வடிவம் / அளவு
என்று நினைத்திருந்தேன் இன்று வரை.

இன்று அறிந்துகொண்டேன் அது
இடத்துக்கு இடம் நிறம் மாறித்

தன்னை மட்டும் காத்துக் கொள்ளும்
பச்சோந்தியின் வர்ணஜாலம் என்று!

வர்ணத்துக்கும் வண்ணம் என்று தானே
ண்டமிழில் நாம் சொல்கின்றோம்!

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இந்திய நண்டுகளில் முதன்மையாக நிற்கும்
தமிழ் நண்டு அல்லவா???:rolleyes:

Children begin by loving their parents.
After a time, they judge them. :decision:
Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them. :nono:
Oscar Wilde.

Train up a child in the way he should go
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.:laser:
A proverb.

No one keeps a secret so well as a child.:rolleyes:
Victor Hugo.
# 30. Old is Gold!

In olden times, first aid was given with the things available in the kitchen. Externally applied "Paththu", potent Kashaayams and paththiyam in the food eaten, worked wonders when a person felt indisposed in a small way.

People were not popping in antibiotics and pain killers randomly - the way we do now! Most stomach problems were treated with Paththiyam and kai vaidhyam.

Now we just self prescribe medicines or get them prescribed by friends who have used them. The medicine is bought over the counter and swallowed without caution.

Most of our problems respond to the spices and herbs we have in our kitchen. Rather than make the body carry, collect or dispose the dangerous toxins with multiple side effects, we can get cured in the natural way using nature's gifts!
Previously we used to consult elders for advice and they would really give a good and sound advice.

But Internet teaches everything including how to make bombs.

So the youngsters must use their discretion while consulting the Internet.

Now the latest trend with youngsters is to browse internet and indulge in self medication.This is one of the negative aspects of internet saga.
The ad says genuine dating! :confused:

What is so genuine about dating total strangers?? :cool:

How much of the girl is genuine in the first place??? :drama:

What is supposed to be the genuine outcome of the

genuine dating of the genuine strangers??? :noidea:
Why do the women wearing really high heeled shoes always stand
cross legged??? :confused:

Will they lose their balance and fall off if they stand like the rest of us do???
# 2084

Internet addiction does not only lead to self medication but it also produces negative
effects on family communication besides psychological disorder and some take
false steps as well leading to destruction of their life.

# 2084

Internet addiction does not only lead to self medication but it also produces negative
effects on family communication besides psychological disorder and some take
false steps as well leading to destruction of their life.


Internet usage I feel makes one talk very much lesser than usual.My phone bills are so less now cos I hardly call to talk to anyone..so I am not complaining.
Victoria's Secret model Karolina Kurkova and

the riddle of her missing belly button

A genuine about about this medical miracle...

Another EVE in the making!!!

Was she too created out of a man's rib and

not born out of a mother's womb??? :noidea:

I have a couple of patients like this.
One of them got some umbilical infection few days after birth and the orifice got obliterated on its own.
# 2091

Yes No doubt it facilitates faster and speedy communication but teenagers
who are having the habit of surfing internet for entertainment has to be watched
or monitored at periodical intervals without their knowledge. It is not their fault
but the environment and sometimes their association in the society leads them
to wrong doings.

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You think me the child of my circumstances:
I make my own circumstances.:thumb:
Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Men are dependent on circumstances, :pout:
not circumstances on men. :nono:
# 31. Old is Gold!

Safety of women and minor girls.

In the past, the crime against women was almost nil compared to what is happening today. Mostly women and girls were safe to go about alone during the day time.

The women and girls also dressed up respectably without revealing their beauty and thereby inviting serious trouble.

When I studied in Madurai, my father would put me in the mid night train from Pollachi to Madurai in an unreserved compartment. He thought (and was right in thinking thus) that the more the population the more safety and less number of crimes.

The train would reach Madurai early in the morning. I would get down and walk to the bus stand and take a city bus to my college.

Now I shiver to think of what all could have gone seriously wrong!

Now no woman or girl is safe anywhere. Girls get raped in the trains and moving cars. Gang rape of 11 and 12 year old girls - who hardly realize what is happening to them-at times resulting in unwanted pregnancies too.

The show biz women and the models create an uproar and stir up the animal instincts in the men. Those who have no proper outlets indulge in these heinous crimes against women in general and children in particular.

Mahatma Gandhi dreamed of an India where a woman decked in jewels would fell safe to walk during mid night.

A woman without wearing any jewels can not safely walk in India even in broad daylight today.
இருட்டும், செவிகளும்!

மின்சாரம் உள்ளவரை சீரியலில் :boxing:

மின்சாரம் தடை பட்டால் சீரியஸ்
ரியல் :boxing:

மின்சாரம் தடை பட்டால் பார்க்கமுடியாது!

மின்சாரம் தடை பட்டால் காதுமா கேட்காது??? :shocked:

பத்துமணியில் இருந்து, ஒரு நாள் போலவே இரவு

பதினொன்று வரை :boxing:செய்பவர்களை என்ன செய்யலாம்???

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