அதனால் தான் பெண்கள் இப்போதெல்லாம் :mullet:
சேலையைத் தூக்கிக் கடாசி விட்டார்களோ?
சூரிதார்/ ஜீன்ஸ் பெண்களை நம்பலாமே!!!
எது வரையில், ஏமாற்றபடும் வரையிலோ அல்லது ஏமாறும் வரையிலோ தாராளமாக நம்பலாம்.opcorn:
:focus: please!!!
This thread is devoted exclusively
to the words of wisdom of the
well known people and not
every Tom, Dick and Harry or
every Amar, Akbar and Antony or
every Appu, Kuppu and Chuppu!
(from my opening post)
I am sure these pictorial quotes do not fall under this category of
"words of wisdom of the well known people" Right???![]()
Hello madam,
Thank you for your wise counsel. As you said 'only words of wisdom of the well known people' are to be posted here. Ok. Now could you please tell me under what category you posted your threads 3413 to 3415. I am a layman who do not know anything about that. Anyway I want to know those well known people whose golden words are they. There is a tamil proverb "உயர உயர பறந்தாலும் ஊர்க்குருவி பருந்தாகுமா" . நான் ஒரு ஊர்க்குருவி தான் ஒத்துக்கொள்கிரேன். I may be a Appu,Kuppu and Chuppu. Who are they? kindly bear with me for my Appu,kuppu,Chuppu postings. :washing:opcorn:
Appu, Chuppu and Kuppu are the now famous aam aadmis!
We are all aam admis and there is no need feel shy about it.