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Quotable Quotes Part II

Wishing all a very Happy & Prosperous Buddhist New Year. Happy 2557th Vesak (Vaishakh) Purnima.
Thanks VR Madam for your good wishes and greetings

Though Adi Shankara and his advaita philosophy are very close to my heart , yet I love Buddha very much and find his sayings very practical in day to day life and hence sharing most of Buddha's quotes here .
Merit Grows Little By Little:

Some tend to think that virtue can be taken lightly, and that virtue practiced is not likely to bring about any spectacular good results. This view is not quite correct. The good done by an individual accumulates little by little. The process is very much like the filling of a water-pot, drop by drop. As time goes on, the little acts of virtue accumulate, until the doer of good is totally filled with it.

~ The Buddha ~

PS : The same can be said of vices also . Those who indulge in it bit by bit may feel they are doing no wrong and no one notices the same and they can escape till one day it becomes a tsunami and consumes them in one stroke .
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Thanks VR Madam for your good wishes and greetings

Though Adi Shankara and his advaita philosophy are very close to my heart , yet I love Buddha very much and find his sayings very practical in day to day life and hence sharing most of Buddha's quotes here .

Let noble thoughts come in from all the directions and all the religions! :welcome:

The Supreme power is one and the aim of human life is the same. :hail:

How does it matter which path we follow - as long as we reach our destination? :angel:

இறைவன் அளித்த இச்சிறந்த உடலின்
பிறவிப்பயன் என்ன என்று அறிவீரா?
மறைகள் புகழும் இறைவன் அவனை, இப்
பிறவியிலேயே அறிந்து கொள்வதே!

கயிலாயத்துறை காஞ்சன வண்ணனை
கணப்பொழுதேனும் காணாத கண்கள்,
மயில் தோகையில் மாண்புடன் விளங்கும்
பயனில்லாத கண்களைப் போன்றவே!

திருவுடன் கூடி உலகினைக் காக்கும்
திருமால் பெருமை கேளாத செவிகள்,
கம்மல், கடுக்கன், தோடு, ஜிமிக்கி என
கல் நகையணியும் வெறும் காதுகளே!

வனமாலை அணியும் மனம் கவர் கள்வன்
புனைந்த மாலையைப் பெற்று நுகராத,
இரு துவாரம் உடைய நாசியோ, காற்றை
இழுத்து விடுகின்ற இருமான் துருத்தியே.

கமல மலர் அமர்ந்து கருணை பொழியும்
கமலக் கண்ணியைப் பாடிப் பரவாத நாவு,
குவளை மலரிடை அமர்ந்து இரைச்சலிடும்
தவளையின் நீள் நாவுக்கு ஒப்பானதே!

எண் குணத்தானை மனத்தில் நினைத்து
எட்டு அங்கமும் நிலம்பட வணங்காத,
மண்டிய கர்வம் கொண்டவன் தலை
முண்டாசையே தாங்கும் மூளையை அல்ல!

கண் முன் அழகனாய் காட்சி அளிக்கும்
ஷண்முகன் திருவடி வணங்காத கைகள்,
இயக்கமும் இரத்தமும் இழந்து போன
குயவன் செய்த மண் கைகளை போன்றவே!

திருவருள் தேடி அவன் திருவடி நாடி
தீர்த்த யாத்திரை செல்லாத கால்கள்,
விண் முட்ட ஓங்கி வளர்ந்து நிற்கும்
மண்ணில் இருக்கும் மரத்தின் வேர்களே!

தாளாத காதலுடன் அவன் துதி கேட்டு
இளகாத நெஞ்சம் இரும்பு நெஞ்சமே!
கண்ணீர் மல்கி கனியாத மனங்கள்
மண்ணில் வாழ் விலங்குகள் மனமே!

பிறவிப்பயனை அறிந்தோம் இன்று,
பிறவிப் பயனுக்கு முயல்வோம் இன்றே!
“அரிது அரிது மானிடராய்ப் பிறத்தல்,”
அரிதிலும் அரிது விடுதலை அடைதல்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.


Do you know the purpose of our being born as human beings? It is to help us realize God in this birth itself and not for any other purpose besides this.

The eyes of a man which do not find pleasure in looking at the lovely form of the glowing Shiva and praise Him are no better than the colorful but useless eyes found on the feathers of a peacock.

The ears which do not find happiness in listening to the great stories of Lord Narayana and Lakshmi Devi are useful only for wearing the various ear ornaments – as if they were jewel stands!

The nose which has never once smelled the fragrance of the Thulasi nirmaaylam of Sri Krishna is nothing better than the bellows of a blacksmith – drawing in fresh air for melting iron.

The tongue that does not praise and sing the glory of the Lakshmi Devi seated on a lovely red lotus is nothing better than the tongue of a croaking frog – sitting amidst the lotus leaves.

The head which has never bent or touched the ground in a sashtaanga namaskaaram in front of a God is only a turban stand in a human form. It does not contain any brain inside .

The hands which never did anjali to the most handsome and delightful form of Lord Shanmukha are nothing better than the clay hands of the dolls made by a potter – devoid of blood circulation and the sense of touch.

The feet of a man who never went on a theertha yaatra are none better than the roots of the tall trees found in the forests.

The heart which does not melt with bakthi is but made of iron. The mind that does not spill over through the eyes as tears is none better than the mind of an animal.

Being born as a human being is a rare opportunity. Let us not waste this precious janma in vain. Now that we know the real purpose of our janma and our existence, let us strive for the real purpose and not waste one minute of our lives in other useless pursuits.

Source: Ennangalin Vannak Kalavai - Visalakshi Ramani
உவட்டாத பேரின்பமான சுகவாரியினை
வாய்மடுத்துத் தேக்கித் திளைக்க
நீ முன்னிற்பது என்று காண்?

இனிக்கும் உணவை உண்ணும் பொழுது உலகத்தவரின் பேரிரைச்சல் நம்மை
உபத்திரவம் செய்வதில்லை. இறைவா! உன்னை நான் உன்னும் போதும்
உலகத்தவரின் பேரிரைச்சலை எண்ணாமல் இருக்க எனக்கு அருள் புரிவாய்.
Fear and pleasure are inseparably related.
It sounds very strange but it is true!!!

Man is afraid of losing things/ persons who give give pleasure.

Man is afraid of ending up with things and person which do not give pleasure.

So fear is born out of these two reason...

losing what you like/love and

getting what you do not like/love.


We like a person / a thing only because he / it gives us happiness / pleasure.
[h=5]The man who serves the world really serves himself. That man who helps others really helps himself. This is an important point. When you serve a man, when you serve your country, always think that the Lord has given you a rare opportunity to improve, correct and mould yourself by service. Be grateful to that man who has given you a chance to serve him.
~Swami Sivananda
தன்நெஞ்சு அறிவது பொய்யற்க; பொய்த்தபின்
தன் நெஞ்சே தன்னைச் சுடும்

[h=1]தன்னைப் போலவே![/h]
உலகைத் துறந்து, மனத்தை அடக்கி,
உண்மை சமாதியில் இருந்தார் ஒருவர்.

களவு புரிந்து ஓடி வந்தவன், அவரைக்
களவாளி ஒருவன் என்றே நினைத்தான்.

“வீரர்கள் வருமுன் நான் ஓடிச் சென்று
வீட்டை அடைந்தால் பிழைப்பேனே!”

நொடியில் மறைந்தான் அக்களவாளி.
ஆடியபடியே வந்தான் மிடாக்குடியன்.

“வயிறு முட்டக் கள் குடித்து விட்டு
வழியில் கிடப்பதைப் பாருங்களேன்!

ஒரு பானைக் கள் நான் குடித்தாலும்
தெருவில் விழுந்து புரண்டதுண்டோ ?”

யார் வந்து போனதையும் அறியாமல்,
யார் சொன்ன சொல்லையும் கேளாமல்,

வசை மொழிகளையும் கூட உணராமல்,
அசையாமலேயே இருந்தார் அம்மனிதர்.

மகான் ஒருவர் வந்தார் அவ்வழியே.
மண்ணில் கிடக்கும் மா மனிதனைக்

கண்டதும் கீழே அமர்ந்து மிருதுவாக,
கால்களை வருடலானார் மகிழ்வுடன்!

“எத்தனை பெரிய மகானோ இவர்!
என் பாக்கியம் தொண்டு செய்வதே!”

தன்னைப் போலவே சக மனிதர்களை
உன்னுகின்றான் ஒவ்வொரு மனிதனும்.

நல்லவருக்கு எல்லோரும் நல்லோரே!
அல்லாதவருக்கு அனைவரும் தீயோரே!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.

Ennangalin Vannak Kalavai - Visalakshi Ramani
"The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds." - Tryon Edwards
Attention DOES not cost anything but interest

and yet nobody is willing to give it anybody!!! :whistle:

The best gift a man can give to a woman is his undivided attention.

I have my own doubts whether any woman - including Eve -

got it from her man, at least once in her life time. :)

Here is an interesting and informative article on listening.

[h=1]Types of Listening[/h]
We all appear to listen attentively to what is being told to us. But surprisingly we hardly listen to 50% of what is being told to us and later on hardly remember 50% of what we had listened to!

This is due to the defective listening techniques we employ. There are several defective listening techniques like ‘false listening’, ‘initial listening’ and ‘partial listening’. On the other hand ‘good listening’ can be either ‘full listening’ or ‘deep listening’.

False listening occurs when a person pretends to listen keenly, but actually nothing gets registered in his mind. People who are known to indulge in this kind of listening are the Royalty, Politicians, Sports stars, Film stars and famous persons in any other field. They are forced to listen to a lot of talk, from persons whom they may never meet again! So they need not listen to nor remember, what they are being told!

Initial listening is when we listen to the opening remark, immediately form an opinion about it and wait for a chance to voice it. We stop listening to everything that follows the initial remark.

Partial listening is what most of us do most of the time! We listen a little and soon get diverted or distracted and lose the continuity.

Full listening is the most active form of listening. The listener pays close attention to the speaker and understands thoroughly what is being conveyed to him.

Deep listening is, when we not only listen to the words being spoken, but also understand the underlying emotions. We watch the body language of the speaker. We grasp the needs, preferences, biases, values and beliefs of the speaker. Deep listening is called as “the whole person listening”. It is also the wholesome listening technique.

It is said that, “The best gift you can ever give a woman is your undivided attention.” This is the gift every woman seeks for, all her life, but sadly very few ever receive it!

Visalakshi Ramani

102. Types of Listening | The wonderful world we live in
Here is one more on selective listening... that is what most of us do all the time!!!

Selective Listening

There are many similarities in the ways the brain processes the sound signals and the visual images. But there are many differences too. The main difference relates to the attention we pay.

We have more control on what we want to see than what we want to hear. Why?

We can turn our head and look at the object of interest without any disturbances. But it is difficult to listen just to the sound that interests us. We always hear overlapping and conflicting sounds which cause chaos. But this problem is settled in a unique way!

We can mentally choose to focus on one sound and block out the other conflicting sounds. This ability is called ‘Selective listening’. When two different stories are read out, in the two ears of a person simultaneously, he can decide to hear any one of them fully and just skip the other willfully.

We communicate through languages which have both sound and meaning. We understand coherent and meaningful words but not disconnected and meaningless chatter. Even in a crowded room filled with multi-lingual-babble, we can hear our name being called out softly, by some one, somewhere in the crowd.

Selective listening is an everyday business for almost every one. A person immersed in a T.V show is virtually deaf to all the other sounds around him. Have you ever watched a person working on a P.C? He is in the deepest form of meditation—lost to the entire external world! Many domestic quarrels result from this kind of selective listening.

It is amazing to watch students who use music as a barrier to all the other sounds. Have you watched a person studying hard for an upcoming exam, while music is played around him, round the clock? The music does not disturb his study but helps to keep off all the other unpleasant and disturbing sounds.

Diamond cuts a diamond. So too a pleasant sound cuts off an unpleasant sound!

Visalakshi Ramani

103. Selective Listening | The wonderful world we live in

சித்தமிசை குடிகொண்ட அறிவான
தெய்வமே, தேஜோமய ஆனந்தமே.

நெருப்பு எல்லாவற்றையம் ஏரித்துத்
தன்னில் லயப்படுத்திக் கொள்கிறது.

தேஜோமயமான உன்னிடத்தில் 'நான்', 'எனது'
என்பன எல்லாம் லயமாகிவிட வேண்டும் பெருமானே!
[h=5]Nowadays, we are confronted by a huge gap between rich and poor. This is not only morally wrong, but practically a mistake. It leads to the rich living in anxiety and the poor living in frustration, which has the potential to lead to more violence. We have to work to reduce this gap. It’s truly unfair that some people should have so much while others go hungry.

~ Dalai Lama ~
The lifting of the millions of poor out of their poverty and misery and raising them to become the equals of the rich is impossible. The bring down of the stinking rich to the level of starving poor might be much easier. :peace:
The rich keep becoming richer.
The poor keep becoming poorer.
The gap separating them is growing wider by the minute!
This gap is filled up by the middle class in different levels.
The Upper middle class, The Lower middle class, The Middle middle class etc. :)
கண்ணே கருத்தேயென் கற்பகமே கண்ணிறைந்த
விண்ணே ஆனந்த வியப்பே பராபரமே

கருணைக் கடலாகிய நீ ஒரு கற்பக விருக்ஷம்.
உன்னிடம் கேட்பதை எல்லாம் தருகின்றாய்!
உன் முன்னிலையில் தரித்திரத்துக்கு இடம் ஏது?
The Upper middle class, The Lower middle class, The Middle middle class etc.

In the Modern Economy the Upper Middle class consider themselves as Rich .
The Lower Middle Class consider themselves as Poor
and the Middle Middle Class consider themselves to be the real Middle Class .:)

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