The other relegious structures are organised,motivated, and more so, more closely knit than the hindu culture. A specific day, ( sunday for christians, Friday for muslims) is earmarked for congregation, inter action and fellowship.While different groups owe their affinity to different churches, still they are united by one faith and one messiah. Any hindu can get into a church unnoticed, kneel down and meditate and experience a similar bliss as experienced in a temple, as I had experienced. And above all, they rise in one voice to thwart any attempt to question their intentions and defend their actions in a singular tone. Look around! Who is their for us to lead, who is an equivalent to a bishop or pastor in our system, who is their to extall the virtues of the god to whom we offer our prayer on a fixed day in a week, where we can get together in a congregation.The other day I attended a prayer meeting in my friends house and they had summoned the pastor to conduct the prayer. He had come, read a few psalms and then sermonised on the importance of spiritualism accepted a cup of coffee, blessed the inmates in the house and gracefully left the house. Through out his presence he exhibited a personal rapport with the members of the family. Contrast this with our system. Speak of Ganapathi homam or any other pooja, a specific fees in thousands is asked as fees for performing the puja and a bargain ensues. To reach God, or to pray to him, if I have to bargain in terms of money, well, I'll leave it at that. Money is no problem in India, particularly with Hindu bretheren, yet where are the orphanages, old age homes, missionaries, and social activists espousing the cause of the poor and down trodden. A existing few can be counted on finger tips and at this moment the only name I can capture is Ramakrishna mission and a few others. We are so sickening in our attitude, are'nt we who obstructed jesudas from entering a temple despite his musical contribution in praise of Hindu gods. Believing that the poor and sick, and the down trodden suffer due to their karma, and that their life need not be redeemed as they have to go through the karma of their past, even if it is true, does not mean that these deserving should be left to suffer or to the mercy of other relegions to mitigate their agony. Name a Hindu saint equivalent to mother theressa, can we. There may be some who are working un announced,but in the present day world, marketting also is called for to keep the flock together. It is not late, time to wake up and see the writing on the wall. The day our preists acts as advisors and guides to people by being available at reasonable dakshinais, and perform the rituals/ poojas/ thevasams, sincerely with out resorting to shortcuts to meet another deadline, and if ritual practices are made affordable to a common man, well, these are my loud thoughts. Any takers. ( For a moment I dont mean to say that the religious leaders from other religions are without blemish. they also have their own draw backs, but atleast for a common cause they are united that is to spread and propogate their religion, but here we are, with every one jumping the band wagon to be critical of our culture and ethos to suit their personal agenda.)
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