Forms And Manifestations Of Shakti
"During these sacred nine days (Navaratri), people go through the sacred texts such as Devi Bhagavatam, Ramayana and Mahabharata. People also worship the deities Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Goddess Gayatri is the presiding deity of our senses. Savitri is the presiding deity of speech. All these three are within the same Principle of Truth. Gayatri Mantra begins with 'Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah'. 'Bhuh' means materialization (Body); 'Bhuvah' means Vibration (Life Principle); Svaha means Radiation (Atma).
During these nine days, Goddess Shakti (Energy Principle) is worshipped. Truth, righteousness, peace, forgiveness are all expressions of the Principle of Shakti. Truth is the primal cause. There is nothing other than this. All faculties of energy are present in this Truth. So, consider Truth as your mother and follow it. The Vedas proclaim, 'Satyam Vada; Dharmam Chara', which means speak the truth and follow the righteousness. Unfortunately, today people do not follow this. On the contrary they follow Asatya (untruth) and Adharma (unrighteousness)" Sai Baba. SS, 11/98, p. 284
Durga, Lakshmi And Saraswati Symbolize Three Potencies
"Bharatiyas (people of India) have been celebrating the Navaratri festival from ancient times as a mode of worship of Devi (the Divine as Mother). They worship Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati during these nine days. Who are these? They are three forms, which have fascinated man. Their esoteric significance is represented by three potencies (Shaktis). They are Karma (action), Upaasana (worship) and Jnana (wisdom). Their potencies have been given other names". Sai Baba. SS. 11/94, p. 282
"The significance of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati has to be rightly understood. Three represent three kinds of potencies in man. Ichchaa Shakti (will power), Kriyaa Shakti (the power of action) and Jnana Shakti (the power of discrimination). Saraswati is manifested in man as the power of speech (Vaak). Durga is present in the form of dynamism (the power of action). Lakshmi is manifested in the form of will power. The body indicates "Kriyaa Shakti". The mind is the repository of"Ichchaa Shakti". The Atma is "Jnana Shakti". "Kriya Shakti" comes from the body, which is material. The power that activates the body, which is inert and makes it vibrant, is "Ichchaa Shakti". The power that induces the vibrations of'khchaa Shakti" is "Jnana Shakti" which causes radiation (of energy). These three are represented by the Mantra "OM Bhur-Bhuvah-Svah". "Bhu" represents Bhu-loka (earth). "Bhuvah." represents the life-force (also means conscience of man), "Svah" represents the power of radiation. All the three are present in man. Thus, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati dwell in the human heart." Sai Baba. SS. 11/94. pp. 283 & 284
"The Vedas declare that whenever the mind wanders, the three worlds will be perceived. What are these three worlds? All are familiar with the pronouncements in the Gita and in the Gayatri Mantra. The three worlds are: Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah (the Bhu-loka,Bhuvar-loka and Swarga). These three are present in man: Aadibhoutika, Aadidaivika and Aadhyatmik). These three worshipped by our ancients are: Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Every form is that of Durga, the deity that is associated with energy (Shakti). There is infinite power within man, power that is beyond comprehension and which is divine. But he makes no effort to recognise it. What is the power that makes the earth revolve round itself? It is not any machine or mantra. The power is within the earth itself. This energy, present in man and other objects, has been characterized as cosmic power. The sun derives its energy and effulgence from this cosmic source. It is the same cosmic source that accounts for the power of the human mind and the marvellous power of the eye to see the most distant stars." Sai Baba, SS, 11/94. p. 287 & 288
"The energy in man is a primordial power (AdiShakd). It is termed 'OM'. This power permeates the physical world (Prakriti) of matter. There is another power, which animates this material substance. This is the power of vibration. It is termed 'Prana Shakti (the Life-force). It is this Life-force which activates every part of the human body. This is termed 'Bhuvah'. Lakshmi symbolizes this power. Lakshmi is the embodiment of that power, which enables a human being to see, to hear and to do many things. Lakshmi represents the power to see what is good, to hear what is good, to speak sweet words, to entertain good thoughts and to do good deeds. The Lakshmi principle accounts for the good, happy, auspicious happening in the world. The third form of energy is symbolized by Saraswati. She is regarded as the Goddess of Speech (Vak Devata) Lakshmi is Praana Swaroopini (the embodiment of the life-force) Durga is Shakti -Swaroopini (embodiment of physical energy). (These) three in their unified expression represent the Atmic Principle." Sai Baba, SS, 11/94, p. 288
Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati Symbolize Three Qualities
"Men are prone to exhibit Rajasic qualities like anger and hatred. They are menacing manifestations of Durga. The extolling of the Divine in song and poetry and the pleasing vibrations produced by them indicate the power of Saraswati. The pure qualities that arise in man such as compassion, love, forbearance and sympathy are derived from Lakshmi. When people worship Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati externally in pictures or icons, they are giving physical forms to the subtle potencies that are within them. The unfortunate predicament of man today is that he is not recognising the powers within him and developing respect for them. He goes after the external, attracted by the physical forms. The relationship between the material and the subtle has to be understood." Sai Baba, SS, 11/94, p. 284
Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati Natural Powers
"During the Dasara festival, three goddesses - Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati -are worshipped according to certain traditional practices. Durga represents the prodigious power of nature (Prakrit-shakti). As against this power of nature is the Paraa-Shakti (the power of the spirit). When spiritual power is predominant, the power of nature is kept under control. When spiritual power is weak, the power of nature becomes predominant. This is illustrated by the example of smoke and fire. When smoke is predominant, the fire is suppressed. When the fire is blazing, the smoke vanishes. Hence, to enhance the power of spirit and limit the power of nature, man has to cultivate detachment (Vairaagya). To the extent that power of nature is under control, to that extent spiritual power grows. "Ichchaa-Shakti" is one of the of several other potencies like intellectual power, the discriminating capacity and others. To develop this "Ichchaa-Shakti" (will power), one has to worship "Devi". This calls for the cultivation of Tyaaga (detachment or renunciation). For instance, if one has a desire for various drinks, he can bring the desires under control by giving up, to begin with, the desire for one of them. Thereby the Will Power (Ichchaa-Shakti) is developed and in due course, it becomes easier to give up other desires. In Vedantic parlance this is described as "Vairaagya" (renouncing attachments). Vairaagya is not abandonment of hearth and home and retiring to a forest. It means developing godly thoughts and reducing worldly feelings. When this balanced development takes place, one acquires control over the powers of nature (Praakrita-Shakti). When these powers are got, the mental power in a person increases. Durga represents the Praakrita-Shakti and Lakshmi represents the Thought Power (Sankalpa Shakti). Vaak-Shakti (the power of speech), is represented by Saraswati. In order to acquire these three powers, various forms of worship are performed during the Navaratri festival. But prayers alone are not enough. Prayers should not be just from the lips. They should emanate from the heart. The heart (Hridaya) symbolizes the Ocean of Milk (Ksheera-saagara). When Lakshmi emerges, purity of speech follows. Whatever you speak should conform to truth." Sai Baba, SS. 12/92. pp.304 & 305.
Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati Symbolize Mother
"Recognising one's mother as the very embodiment of all divine forces, one must show reverence to her and treat her with love. This is the true message that the Navaratri festival gives us. The Supreme Shakti manifests herself in the form of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. Durga grants to us energy - physical, mental, and spiritual. Lakshmi bestows on us wealth of many kinds, not just money, but intellectual wealth, the wealth of character, and others. Even health is a kind of wealth. She grants untold riches to us. Saraswati bestows on us intelligence, the capacity for intellectual enquiry and the power of discrimination. The Navaratri festival is celebrated in order to proclaim to the world the power of these goddesses. One's own mother is a combination of all these divine beings. She provides us energy, wealth, and intelligence. She constantly desires our advancement in life. So, she represents all the three goddesses that we worship during the Navaratri festival. If the Pandavas were able to become so dear to Krishna and make their lives worthy by serving Him, it was not on account of their own merit or austerities. It was Kunti Devi's love for them that brought to them such a great fortune. Even when they had to live in the forest or in the House of Wax, she always stayed with them and prayed for their welfare. The Pandavas also reciprocated her love, and that accounts for their final victory. Lakshmana, likewise, was able to dwell in the forest with his brother Rama, serving ceaselessly, only because of his mother Sumitra's blessings". Sai Baba, SS, 11/88. p. 290
"There is no need to propitiate Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati for material prosperity, energy and worldly knowledge. If we love and adore the mother, we shall be showing our love and devotion to all these goddesses. One's mother is greater than heaven itself. Sri Rama himself declared that one's mother and motherland are greater than even heaven. The Navaratri festival teaches this profound truth. One must remember that reverence to one's own mother is one's paramount duty. If one's mother is unhappy, all expenditure one incurs and all the worship one offers in the name ofDurga, Lakshmi and Saraswati in the Navaratri festival will yield no fruit". Sai Baba, SS, 11/88. p. 291
Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati Symbolize The Supreme Divine
"The Navaratri festival should not be observed as a festival for worshipping the consorts of Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. These goddesses symbolize divine potencies. All these potencies are derived from Vishnu. The entire cosmos is a manifestation of the myriad forms of Vishnu. People must recognise this oneness underlying the different forms. All beings breathe the same air as their life-breath. Likewise all the five basic elements are the stuff of nature. But in the Para-Tatwa (the Supreme Principle, the Divine), these do not exist. The elements are mortal. The Divine is immortal. To proceed from the mortal to the immortal, the easiest means is the cultivation of the Divine Love (Prema). The heart is like a sky wherein the clouds in the form of thoughts hide the Buddhi (the intellect) and the mind representing the sun and the moon. Vairaagya (detachment) is the means to get rid of thoughts and desires arising from them. The Devi Puja performed during Navaratri is intended to get rid of worldly attachments and divert the mind toward God. There are four different qualities in man: humanness, the animal nature, demonic nature, and divine nature. When man follows the dictates of the body, he is a prey to his animal nature. When he is subject to the vagaries of the mind, he becomes demonic. When he is following the Atma (conscience), he is manifesting his divinity. When he is governed by all the three- the body, the mind and the Atma, he is human". Sai Baba, SS, 12/92, p. 305
"Vishnu pervades the cosmos as His body. All things in the cosmos are limbs of the body of Vishnu. Hence, no one should have any aversion to anything in the universe. He should not hate anyone, because the same Divine is present in you and in everything in the universe. The cosmos has three forms: the gross, the subtle and the casual. The physical universe represents the gross form. The subtle form is the mind, and subtler than the mind is the Atma". Sai Baba, SS. 11/92. p. 270
Lakshmi Puja
"Let me tell you frankly, I do not like this Lakshmi Puja, which people do, expecting to grow rich and accumulate wealth. They even speak ofDhana-Lakshmi and special Stotras to propitiate her. Lakshmi or wealth accrues by fair means as well as foul. Money is earned by gambling, by various forms of deceit, by highway robbery itself, by high and low, by all and sundry. Worship Lakshya (goal), I shall appreciate you. Keep the Lakshya, the goal of expanding your love till it embraces all beings, till it sees every being as your own self. Keep it ever steady before your mind's eye, then Lakshmi will, other own accord, favour you to the extent necessary for realising the goal. Never doubt that. Never falter at that." Sai Baba. SSS. Vol. III. p. 35