There is a quote that just as a candle needs a match stick i.e. agni to light it, our
life too needs spiritual light to eliminate the darkness or ignorance in us. One must
have spiritual urge and inspiration to lead a complete life to attain the bliss of the
Supreme Power. One can notice in Gita that Lord Krishna mentioning that the
Supreme Power dwells in the hearts of all human beings. One visits many temples
to have HIS Darshan to eliminate the sufferings or problems. Every drop of water
in the ocean has a different taste i.e. salty as compared to the rivers and tanks.
The ocean consists of waters from many rivers and tanks, each one having its own identity
of colour and taste, etc. The Supreme Power is an ocean. If one desires to have divine
taste one has to do Namasmaranam daily. One does many activities in life, i.e. those
sometimes result in imperfections or abnormalities. It is all because of certain addictions
or undesirable habits. Some say that they have done unconsciously. But then all these
create sufferings in life. Our Puranas clearly mention the significance of Spritiual
practices, which is otherwise called Sadhana to eliminate the Karma. That is why,
it is said that spiritual practices like meditation can be best one to neutralize the effects.
One can call Conscious and the Subconscious as the Husk and Kernel. There should be
a quest for a person to search for the spirituality and divine power. If that is done,
automatically, one would be able to concentrate and gradually withdraw from undesirable
activities. A sound mind in a sound body can do many wonders in the spiritual arena.
Sai Ram
life too needs spiritual light to eliminate the darkness or ignorance in us. One must
have spiritual urge and inspiration to lead a complete life to attain the bliss of the
Supreme Power. One can notice in Gita that Lord Krishna mentioning that the
Supreme Power dwells in the hearts of all human beings. One visits many temples
to have HIS Darshan to eliminate the sufferings or problems. Every drop of water
in the ocean has a different taste i.e. salty as compared to the rivers and tanks.
The ocean consists of waters from many rivers and tanks, each one having its own identity
of colour and taste, etc. The Supreme Power is an ocean. If one desires to have divine
taste one has to do Namasmaranam daily. One does many activities in life, i.e. those
sometimes result in imperfections or abnormalities. It is all because of certain addictions
or undesirable habits. Some say that they have done unconsciously. But then all these
create sufferings in life. Our Puranas clearly mention the significance of Spritiual
practices, which is otherwise called Sadhana to eliminate the Karma. That is why,
it is said that spiritual practices like meditation can be best one to neutralize the effects.
One can call Conscious and the Subconscious as the Husk and Kernel. There should be
a quest for a person to search for the spirituality and divine power. If that is done,
automatically, one would be able to concentrate and gradually withdraw from undesirable
activities. A sound mind in a sound body can do many wonders in the spiritual arena.
Sai Ram