I observe that you mostly promote those concepts in the Vedas WHICH do not include the Gods and Godesses.
Rather you promote selected few verses and Sai Baba. Yet you also mentioned another's choice is of no importance. I see your posts are just like how marketers provide advertisement for their products.
No offence. Just an observation.
According to your faith, ie you love all and hate none, you should not post a harsh or insulting reply in return, like how you mentioned about obsessions on spiritual frauds.
You should also love the comments of RVR even though his view disagrees with yours and you should see your GOD in his OPINIONS as claimed by you in your previous posts.
Thanks a lot.

Dear sir..didnt you see my post after that where I publically apologized to RVR anna...
RVR anna and I share a good relationship..but even then I realized that may be i offended him and I publicaly apologized here..
As a medical doctor I was stating my opinion about obssesion and did not direct it to RVR anna in specific as I did not mention his name in my post..
I apologized to him because he could have thought that I was hinting about him..I would never want to hurt anyones feeling directly or indirectly..In fact in my previous post many a times I have been telling not to be judgemental because that it self will deviate our thoughts from God as we will be suffused with negative vibes.. Thats all..
Regarding the songs and versed I posted ..I am not marketing Sathya Sai Baba..i was really enjoying the song and wanted to share it with everyone..I do it all the time here..not only religous songs but lots of funny and naughty one tooo in other thread..like I even dedicated to Ravi,amala etc En Peru Meena Kumari song..my favorite item number and lots of others too..
may be you dont know me well enough yet..I am a very carefree happy go lucky person who does not like to harbour ill feelings for anyone..I will not despise anyone who does not think in same lines with me...
Regarding me promoting concept of Vedas where its more on the Advaitic point of view..to tell you frankly..i dont have an Ishta Devata because as a child i always felt that God is One..all forms are His..so I try to look as every form as God only..everyform is equally potent..so it might look as if i dont favor the concept of God and Goddeses..
OK ..let me explain a little..the Male aspect of Divinity is the Static form of Paramaatma..the Feminine aspect of Divinity is the Dynamic form of Paramaatma..
Goddeses for eg Durga,Laxmi and Saraswathi are deified symbols of the 3 Gunas in Prakrithi...
Man have been offering prayers to these deified symbols to conquer the 3 gunas in our selves..
I prefer to read the hidden message of the Vedas..which is the Sarva Sara of our very existence..
Dont get me wrong..but I have a firm beleive in God..
Its just that it might differ..I learnt all forms of God are One form my son a few years ago..
i had bought some medallions(locket) of various deities Shiva,Vishnu,Krishna..and I gave it to him aged 7 then..
i told him to choose one..
He told me he wants all..I told him dont be greedy ..just take one..
He said this " I cant amma..everything is God here..how can you make me choose just one..its either I have all or have none"
That statement made me realize that all this years of praying..I still saw difference in the forms of God(even though I knew God is One)..
I was asking my son to make a choice..I realized then I was wrong and try not to see differences anymore..
I still pray daily..
My morning prayer but in a open space( not in prayer room) includes my daily recital of mantras and a few bhajans..
i dont show aarti..or make offering as I pray in an open place facing the sky..
I dont have an image in front of me either..but mental images do flood my mind on its own when i pray..I prefer that ..becos its not an artist impression.
At work in between patients I read religous text in Sanskrit daily without fail..and I share what i learn with others in the Forum..
before i end this post...this concept cannot go wrong;