Dear Renuka,
I never have believed in LOVE out of Physical Attractions. Right from late teen age till late 20's, as any normal male species I certainly have got attracted towards beauty BUT never had the pulsating sense of Love.
My definition of LOVE from the very beginning, revolves around emotional togetherness with sense of lasting bondage. May be, that's why I could not find any girl so far who have same definition of Love!!! LOL!!! I am not saying that there are no girls having same definition of Love. Just that, I am not fortunate to come across such a girl so far in my life.
Apsara's are not my fancy. I fantasize only Radha like divine love that would never be deceiving and would never fade away.
Tomorrow if I get a girl of my liking who fits in my definition of LOVE and if at all she can't involve in physical relationship, my Emotional Love hormones would be highly pulsating, being in active mode 24/7 and would effectively make my testosterone inactive, without slightest regrets.
My desire for Grihastha stage of life is not physically driven..It is driven by emotional togetherness with sense of lasting bondage, backed up with pure Love, Care and Respect towards each other as husband and wife.