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TALE OF TWO SISTERS..[ 1 ]..kk4646 [TVK]

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What an interesting way to brush up the

long-forgotten geometrical figures!!! :)


Next Time If I happened to any more story I will try with ALGEBRA....!!

"'O'.....Lovely...Tell me who it is...because I know most of your girl friends...
Yes..Yes.. ..You know this girl verywelll....
Is it.?.. hmmmm...sorry I am unable pinpoint....pl. tell me..



I am jolted down in my seat..." unquote....

காத்திருந்தவன் பொண்டாட்டியை நேத்து வந்தவன் தூக்கிக்கிட்டு போயிட்டான்

Raviji, all I can offer in reply:

From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850:
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

Dear Renuka,

I never have believed in LOVE out of Physical Attractions. Right from late teen age till late 20's, as any normal male species I certainly have got attracted towards beauty BUT never had the pulsating sense of Love.

My definition of LOVE from the very beginning, revolves around emotional togetherness with sense of lasting bondage. May be, that's why I could not find any girl so far who have same definition of Love!!! LOL!!! I am not saying that there are no girls having same definition of Love. Just that, I am not fortunate to come across such a girl so far in my life.

Apsara's are not my fancy. I fantasize only Radha like divine love that would never be deceiving and would never fade away.

Tomorrow if I get a girl of my liking who fits in my definition of LOVE and if at all she can't involve in physical relationship, my Emotional Love hormones would be highly pulsating, being in active mode 24/7 and would effectively make my testosterone inactive, without slightest regrets.

My desire for Grihastha stage of life is not physically driven..It is driven by emotional togetherness with sense of lasting bondage, backed up with pure Love, Care and Respect towards each other as husband and wife.

Raviji, all I can offer in reply:

From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem In Memoriam:27, 1850:
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

Biswa ji,

Nice Quote!!!

But for me, to be at least loved once and get lost is more painful than the pain of death. So, I would never wish to have such a chance, just for the sake of experiencing the feelings of Love.

I can at the most accept "It is better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all", IF the love is Not out of physical attraction/craving BUT purely on heart felt conscious understanding of the other and the Love of closeness and togetherness.

I never accept in relating the meaning of True Love with physical attraction. I strongly believe that, a "True Love" is something that does not yearn for physical attraction and physical satisfaction from the other.

A Love motivated by strong yearning for physical attraction and physical satisfaction may help sustain the feelings of love for the other BUT can not be considered as "True Love". "True Love" is beyond physical desires, that is motivated by clear understanding of an individual and accepting the person as he/she is, with mutual vibrational match and the sense of emotional bondage, IMO.

Then Mr Ravi, you are at the Krishna level.

Of course it is still not clear to me how much of Krishna's love was physical and how much was not. In particular why did he only love the gopinis (of the female variety)?
Biswa ji,

Nice Quote!!!

But for me, to be at least loved once and get lost is more painful than the pain of death.


Love comes and goes..time heals all wounds.
Even the pain of death of a loved one is erased after a while.
Time is the ultimate cure.
None of us remember the pain of death cos none of us remember our past births and our past deaths and most importantly no one wakes up from the dead and talks about pain.

All near death experiences are described to be blissful and always seeing some bright light at the end of a tunnel.
Everyone says "Is this how heaven looks like?"

Dying might be a painful process in some cases but Death is Different from Dying.
Death is a transition from one state to another.

So sometimes the process of falling in love might be painful but Love itself is not painful.
Love is our innate nature.
Love is also like going from one state to another.
But if one Love fails..we do not die..rise like a phoenix from the ashes and reach for a new love.

When the Atma itself seeks a new body from life to life..what do I need to say more about love?

"Just like a person discards old clothes and puts on new ones
the Soul leaves the old body and enters in to a new one"
Gita Chapter 2, Shloka 22

So just like a person discards unreciprocated love and takes on a new conquest..the body leaves the old relationship and enters into a new one.
Time for song and dance sequence.

Raji secretly loves Krish but Krish loves Savitri.

Raji has that Kuch Kuch Hota Hai feeling and wants to tell Krish she loves him totally unaware that Krish loves Savitri..

Now Krish is totally devastated that Sebastian and Savitri are getting married.
He is drowning in sorrow.

"'o'.....lovely...tell me who it is...because i know most of your girl friends...
Yes..yes.. ..you know this girl verywelll....
Is it.?.. Hmmmm...sorry i am unable pinpoint....pl. Tell me..



I am jolted down in my seat..." unquote....

காத்திருந்தவன் பொண்டாட்டியை நேத்து வந்தவன் தூக்கிக்கிட்டு போயிட்டான்


நமஸ்காரம் ராகவன் சார்..,

நீங்க சொல்வது ரொம்ப சரி...

பாவம் சார்....நம்ப ஹீரோ.....!!

shayad aisa hee hoga!!
magar ye tho hamem pathaa nahin
break kithnaa lambaa or chowdaa hoga?!

Haan ji, teekh kaha!!! Pathaa nahin kithnaa lambaa aur chowda hoga ye break???

Bada break hargiz hamain baychain aur niraash kar dega
Jane kab aur kaisa ye kahaani apna mode lega
Dil ki baath jo kahdi is mohabbath ki daastaan maey
Na jaane kisko kiska pyaar milage is zindagi ki kahaani maey...

TALE OF TWO SISTERS..[ 5 ]..TVK [kk4646]

Sebastian... I enjoy your 'joke'....haha..that too in the Morning......
No..No....Krish....It is not a joke... My parents have consented to this only about two weeks back....
My heart started shedding.. not tears...but blood....
Sebastian how it happened...you mean ...you loved Savithri.....and Savithri agreed for this marriage...??
And I am totally confused...Sebastian... You are a Christian and Savithri is Brahmin Iyer....?
Yes..krish..It all started almost an year back..... Some how I stated loving Savithri....and I know it is unacceptable to the society...I have opened my heart and poured out to Savithri about eight months back..... Initially there was an angry re-action from her but she never revealed it o anyone including Raji.... she never cut the friendship and threw me out...That is her quality... But I felt there is a development of gradual inclinatation and re-thinking by Savithi.....About four months back...I asked her opinion again... reluctantly and with very great hesitation ...she agreed to consider my prposal after Raji's college result.. .Fortunately you have fixed a good job also for Raji after the result...
But when I have spoken to my parents there were lot of problems..... Savithri was also wants me to wait till Raji's marriage is finalised...
But ..Sebastian...I understood from Ram that Savithri wants to join AndhramahilaSaba after Raji's marriage...?
Hahaha...That one was to tease Ram...I was there with them on that day...
'O....finally how the arrangements have come through..?
After lot of haggling ,arguments, fights...parents have agreed .....on one condition.....
Condition...?...What is it...?
My parents do not want their daughter-in-law from Hindu community....and that too an 'Iyer'....so they made it clear ....
........Savithri MUST convert herself to christianity before marriage...
My ...God.. Savithri ...agreed to this..?
Initialy...No... but I have persuaded her...But we have decideded to wait till Raji's marriage is finalised...
But tell me ...Is Raji aware of all these things...?
After Savithri gave the consent...both of us have discussed with Raji....and she is in full support for our proposal...She is very happy...Savithri's furutre is secured....
But ..how about Raji's future....If both of you have to wait till Raji's marriage....will it not take long time...?
No Krish ....Raji is in love 'with someone'.....and she discussed it with Savithri already...
My..goodness....I wish that 'someone' will marry Raji shortly so that both the Sisters will have secured and happy future...[Let me not discuss with Sebastian--the intention of Ram...as he wanted..}
Anyway thanks Sebastian....I wish you all the best....and I am very happy....

Am I happy...? I returned to my Room as a dead-wood....But better I go to office and to think about this in the evening....I need to change my mood...


Marina Beach....the never ending white sand....merge of blue sea with the sky at the horizon....the mesmerising sun-set...Yes...the birth-place for many of my poetries......I am upset...upset to the core... I myself has written so many poetries about love failure ..but who will write a poetry for me now..?... What a difference between reality and imagination..? Writting one's feeling and experiencing the same is altogether different.....which I understood now..
But...Am I 'Devadas'......to grow a beard.....sing a song ....holding a bottle in hand....No... I will not....I am KRISH the Diehard...hot-headed krish... This is not the end of the road...this not the end of my life.....Yes..Savithri will be wthin me for ever...
.. If I would have told Savithri my intention..my desire to marry her .....last week.....or earlier ?..what amount of embarrassment for Savithri..and Sebastian would have been there..?...Yes I thank God ...such an embarrassing sitution is AVOIDED...Better...let me not think about it......

18th,July, 1973, Wednesday....

After three days of mental torture...now I am able think 'bit' clearly.........Since Savithri has consented to Sebastian... .I have to bury my love over her and I should not spoil her happiness ...In such case why not I think about accepting a girl chosen by parents...? Already father has sent two reminders about a girl and their family.....So...be..it...let me say yes..to parents.... and let their happiness be mine also.....

Dear Dad,

Sorry for the delayed reply...I fully concur with you about the girl and her family whose bio- data you have sent to me last month... Pl. proceed to finalise....and it is enough if you decide the girl is suitable for me as well as for our family....You know what is good for your son...

yours ever loving son....

Having posted this..now I feel slightely relieved...."When you can not get what you like ...better like the one you get..."

Who said this.?..I don't know.....



[To Be Continued...]

My apologies to Everyone who reads this Story...

The JCP used to cut the trench for storm-water drain in our area has affectionately HUGED the BSNL under-ground telephone cable which resulted in the disconnection of telephone/Internet to more than 200 houses including mine.. BSNL people have now restored the connections and I hope ..there may not be further disconnection..

I have now posted the chapter -5 of the TT Sisters.. and likely post the chapter -6 too in late night..

Ok, I read the chapter 5.

Now the suspense is if Raji could express her love to Krish and if Ram could express his love to Raji..And who gonna marry Raji.

Sebastian gonna marry Savithri out of his love on her and mutual acceptance, with his parents approval.

Raji is happy with her sister's arrangements.

Sebastian knows that Raji loves some one. But dunno who the guy is.

KRISH is clear, gave up completely his love feelings towards Savithri and is now ready to accept a girl that his father's selects for him. KRISH knows Ram loves Raji BUT don't want to talk about it from his side, at this juncture.

That Savitri is mad Ok!! Why the heck she wants to convert for some guy who she is even not really in love with.
What happened to all her upbringing as a Hindu?
Can't she at least have a registered marriage without converting to Christianity?

This Sebastian is also too much expecting Savitri to convert!!He loves his religion more than Savitri.
Savitri should realize this.

Why don't there be a rape scene where Savitri is raped by some gangster while waiting for a bus at night.
Then Sebastian dumps her cos he doesn't want a rape victim as his wife.

Krish comes forward to marry her not out of pity but becos he truly loved her.
க்ரிஷ் கொஞ்ஜம் அவசரபட்டுவிட்டானோ என்று ஆதங்கப்படுகிறேன்
That Savitri is mad Ok!! Why the heck she wants to convert for some guy who she is even not really in love with.
What happened to all her upbringing as a Hindu?
Can't she at least have a registered marriage without converting to Christianity?

This Sebastian is also too much expecting Savitri to convert!!He loves his religion more than Savitri.
Savitri should realize this.

Why don't there be a rape scene where Savitri is raped by some gangster while waiting for a bus at night.
Then Sebastian dumps her cos he doesn't want a rape victim as his wife.

Krish comes forward to marry her not out of pity but becos he truly loved her.

"Why don't there be a rape scene where Savitri is raped by some gangster while waiting for a bus at night.
Then Sebastian dumps her cos he doesn't want a rape victim as his wife."

You know better... Human mind when agitated over something will think extreme... I understand your aversion towards Savithri for having accepted to conversion..

But think about a girl without any support and her future hanging without knowing which direction it will go... I do not see anything unnatural in Savithri's acceptence..

Ha..Ha.. At the same time as the author of this story .. I am able generate such feeling which I aimed...!!

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