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TALE OF TWO SISTERS..[ 1 ]..kk4646 [TVK]

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22nd,July,1973, Sunday....

I am seeing a pale Raji with sleepless eyes......yes..she might have wept whole night.....
Please tell me Raji...Are you angry with me...?...I think Savithri might have told you...
Yes..Krish...Savithri told me...but I am not angry with you....but angry with myself........
I understand ...Raji....but it is not your fault..... But circumstances forced me to take such decision.......Do you want to know why I have decideded that way......
Yes...tell me Krish.....
I told her my one-sided love..my desire...my intention to marry Savithri....Sebastian's information to me....My father's repeated letters .... my decision to accept the realty....and all....
I am not aware Raji...your intention...your desire to be my wife....What else do you expect me to do when I am repetedly reminded by parents....?
Raji..please understand.....love is like a COIN....it needs both sides validity to be sucessful...... I never had that intention and my help to you in all these years is not based on that... and at the same time I do not want to call our friendship as brotherly.....Honestly.. I do not know why I help you ...and I do not want to know what kind of relationship it is...

Krish ...I have to ask you a questions......tell me...if you have NOT consented to your parents....and happened to know from Savithri about my love...What you would have done...accepted me .?..accepted me as your wife...?..Any other girl would not have asked this question to you...but..but..I have the right to ask you....
Raji...I fully understand ..your....agony...your disappointment...your anger....but...still I would have said ..NO......I will tell you now why.....
I told her ....Ram's discusion with me.....[and broken the promise to Ram.. not to discuss it with anyone till he talks to Raji.].....I do not like a love failure for Ram as it happened to me...I felt I can convice you and I hope you will definitely say yes...when Ram comes back and talk to you.....

Krish...just now you said love is a coin and it needs both sides validity....But why this ...double standard ..Krish...? one for you and the other for Raji....How do you expect me to consider Ram's proposal...? when I never had such intention...
I do admit ..Raji... both of us are sailing in the same boat...but please ..think it over.. as I have chosen the alternative... why not you too...?

Sorry Krish....."A love failure can occur for both Men and Women..and there is always a possibility for Men to reconcile and get married to any other girl...but it is not so for Women.....the scar...the wound...will take long long time to heal.....Even if the Womenfolk has to marry someone else out of necessity....circumstances.....there will always be a scar in her heart ....which will be a difficult thing to erase...and sometimes it will remain till her end..." This you have written in one of your stories ..Krish......Now you are asking me erase my love over-night.....Are you so cruel Krish...?
Raji...you please understand... a story is a story....it can not be taken as sample for real...
Yes..Krish..but ...most of your stories are reflection of real life incidents...and I know that..I will not be surprised Krish...one day you may write a story based on our epizode also.... the failed love....

Raji...please think about Savithri...She is adamant...Unless your marriage is finalised she is not prepared to get married....I expect you to re-consider for the sake of Savithri and accept the proposal by Ram....Sebastin talked to me over phone on Friday Evening....... He told me that he is likely to be transfered to Ahemadabad.....and he made a request to his office to keep it pending till his marriage takes place... Now Raji....Savithri's marriage is in your hands....Please don't think I am blackmailing you..... After Savithri's marriage and if Sebastian is trasfered ...What are you going to do..Raji..?

I have no problem..Krish....It is not me..it is you who has to worry about it.........Please tell me ....have you not decided in all these days..months..years....what this Raji has to do ?..in anything and everything....Then why do you want me to decide about this now ....?

Yes...Raji.....I accept .....I thought about it also yeterday night....In case if you refuse to marry Ram...I have to fix a place for you...and you can not stay alone... I know a working women's hostel in T.Nagar...I will talk to them and get an occamadation for you....You pl. discuss with Savithri...Savithri's marriage must take place at any cost.Please take your own time and...decide about your future....

Yes...Krish...I think it is a possible solution....I will talk to Savithri...and I will not marry..Ram...this you please tell him as soon as he comes back....

No..Raji..I will not tell him...Let him come back and talk to you.....I sincerely hope ..you will change your mind...

[To Be Continued]

What is this yaar? If I were Krish I will be telling Raji this;

"Hey Raji where are your brains? Can't you advise your sister at least not to convert?
How is she going to adapt to a total new identity?
A different religion, life style and food.
Can she adapt to all these?

Why you girls don't have any love for your religion?

How would your parents feel if they were still alive?

Is Sebastian going to do Shraddam for your parents?

Is there going to be Pinda and Jalam or is it going to be Doughnuts and Coke?

Has Savitri thought about all this?

Just don't give up religion so easily..please advise your sister.

Tell her at least do not convert and remain a Hindu."
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What is this yaar? If I were Krish I will be telling Raji this;

"Hey Raji where are your brains? Can't you advise your sister at least not to convert?
How is she going to adapt to a total new identity?
A different religion, life style and food.
Can she adapt to all these?

Why you girls don't have any love for your religion?

How would your parents feel if they were still alive?

Is Sebastian going to do Shraddam for your parents?

Is there going to be Pinda and Jalam or is it going to be Doughnuts and Coke?

Has Savitri thought about all this?

Just don't give up religion so easily..please advise your sister.

Tell her at least do not convert and remain a Hindu."

Recentely my relatives Daughters both elder & the younger have married this way..Elder married a christian.. younger married a french national...

So.. it is the girls who fall in love easily ..without understanding the parents plight... One my office mate's Daughter married a MUDALIYAR boy eventhough she is a brahmin...

Unless the girls realise not to go for such marriages and accept the boys chosen by parents...things will go further worse... Is this advancement of gender or exposure to modern world..?? LOVE is disease...which attacks without any reason...

Recentely my relatives Daughters both elder & the younger have married this way..Elder married a christian.. younger married a french national...

So.. it is the girls who fall in love easily ..without understanding the parents plight... One my office mate's Daughter married a MUDALIYAR boy eventhough she is a brahmin...

Unless the girls realise not to go for such marriages and accept the boys chosen by parents...things will go further worse... Is this advancement of gender or exposure to modern world..?? LOVE is disease...which attacks without any reason...


Dear sir,

I have no problems with intercaste marriages cos religion is still intact.
Many Non Brahmins too follow Hindu culture well.

But in inter religious marriages the Hindu loses out and often converts.

You know most of the while Caucasians(Whites) are quite open minded and do not impose conversion.

I have no idea what is so hard to say No.
When we girls were in college many times guys from middle east especially Iran who were drop dead good looking like Greek gods would try to ask Hindu girls out for dates.
All of us used to say No cos they were not our religion.
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Recentely my relatives Daughters both elder & the younger have married this way..Elder married a christian.. younger married a french national...

So.. it is the girls who fall in love easily ..without understanding the parents plight... One my office mate's Daughter married a MUDALIYAR boy eventhough she is a brahmin...

Unless the girls realise not to go for such marriages and accept the boys chosen by parents...things will go further worse... Is this advancement of gender or exposure to modern world..?? LOVE is disease...which attacks without any reason...


Dear Sir,

You are right.

Girls fall in love easily.

Generally girls have their own clear wants/needs and based on that fall in love with a guy. Whether they fell in love with a right guy or not is depending on their luck.

And when a girl could win her love that meets all her necessities, she would not mind discarding her religion.

Needless to say, exceptions do exists. Where a girl would never give herself a chance to fall in love with a guy of another religion and end up marrying him. Or she will be dating him for all fun BUT would not marry.

Girls are indeed emotionally strong!!!! And are indeed smart??!!??

In this story about the two sisters, I have nothing to criticize Savithri for her conversion, knowing her plight and considering the good guy. Any girl in her place would do the same, allowing herself for conversion for a person who loves her and on whom she can boldly depend. She needs the sense of security and happiness of heart in her married life. When that is the case she would not mind adopting anything new.

I have no problems with intercaste marriages cos religion is still intact.
How far one can stretch and where the problem starts, what to keep intact varies by person, right?
What to say No to also varies right? It all depends on the extent you want to choose to be blinded by love, right?
How far one can stretch and where the problem starts, what to keep intact varies by person, right?
What to say No to also varies right? It all depends on the extent you want to choose to be blinded by love, right?

Dear Ozone,

Love is NOT blind..believe me..it's well sighted with 6/6 vision.
You see marrying someone is a major decision.Falling in love might not be a major decision.
Sometimes a relationship feels like love but after a while we can know if its love or not.

People who are staying far from home often feel lonely and like some attention.
So they start confusing love with attention.
Most of girls who dated guys in college would not even think of those guys when the plane landed back home and start thinking of the guys again when plane lands back in college.

The guys also could have felt the same way and that's why some don't marry finally cos it could have been just attraction and fondness for a person.

Even after an arranged marriage with a perfect matching horoscope people do fall out of love.
Everything changes but for me as long I have my religion intact and I can sit with my husband and discuss religion and philosophy that's enough for me.

Cos I can't imagine a life not being able to express my thoughts and sharing the same religion with the person I married.

So my love for religion can make me forget anyone if needed.

So it's never too hard to say NO.
. Any girl in her place would do the same, allowing herself for conversion for a person who loves her and on whom she can boldly depend. She needs the sense of security and happiness of heart in her married life. When that is the case she would not mind adopting anything new.

Dear Ravi,

I beg to differ.I know of a person here a Hindu girl who was orphaned and grew up in an orphanage and had no one to depend on.
She studied got a good job and is working and has decided to help out in the orphanage again.
Recently she got married to a volunteer there who admired her for her selflessness.

She told everyone that through her life as a orphan many times people were trying to convert her to Christianity but she said since her parents were Hindus she wanted to remain a Hindu forever cos that's the only memory of her parents left in her.

So dear Ravi..not all girls are like Savitri.
Dear Ravi,

I beg to differ.I know of a person here a Hindu girl who was orphaned and grew up in an orphanage and had no one to depend on.
She studied got a good job and is working and has decided to help out in the orphanage again.
Recently she got married to a volunteer there who admired her for her selflessness.

She told everyone that through her life as a orphan many times people were trying to convert her to Christianity but she said since her parents were Hindus she wanted to remain a Hindu forever cos that's the only memory of her parents left in her.

So dear Ravi..not all girls are like Savitri.

Dear Renuka,

First let me tell you, Exceptions do exist. Where a girl in place of Savithri will not agree for conversion. And that's the most remote chance when the girl is in Savithri's position, having a tough plight, having no clue of the future and having known a good Christian guy for a long time and having come to know his deep love towards her.

Secondly, the case you have narrated, you said, The Orphan girl was attempted to be converted into Christianity but she denied with her valid reasons. Was that attempt was due to a Christian guy's honest love towards her?? Who is as good guy as Sebstian who the girl knows for a long time?? You haven't said that the girl in your case has deneyed the true love of a christian guy and his request to her to convert herself.

Dear Renuka, you should critically distinguish circumstances before condemning some one for their conversion.

You would not know what the orphan girl whom you are talking about would do, if she happened to be in close touch with a good christian guy for a long time as good friends, be proposed by him and been requested to get converted considering his parents?

I bet, almost all the girls who are exactly in the position of Savithri, living like every one else without the support of an orphanage and who all know of a good guy for a long time who has extended so many help, would take the decision that Savithri has taken.

Dear Ozone,

Love is NOT blind..believe me..it's well sighted with 6/6 vision.

Off course!!!!! Hardly for girls love can be blind.

Mostly no girls are blind in Love. They are clear with what they want and where and how they can compromise, what they can forgo and what all they can do to win their Love. All because they are rest assured what they gonna get in return...


Dear Renuka, you should critically distinguish circumstances before condemning some one for their conversion.

Dear Ravi,

Who else knows conversion better to me since I have a convert in my family circle.
I do not condemn anyone for conversion but I always admire muslims cos they never convert even at gun point.
Drooling over how falling in love is so sublime? Please read up on the studies by Prof. Robert Epstein (1953 - ) (Ph.D. Psychology, Harvard University).

After two love marriages followed by divorce, Epstein believes that people can deliberately learn to love each other. He studied arranged marriages (especially quoting Hindu marriages) and found that in most cases the couples in arranged marriages developed greater feelings of love and affection for each other after marriage than did couples who fell in love and then got married. He published a study showing that many people marry for reasons other than love.

He seems to agree with the dictum: In the West, love ends in marriage, and in the East, love begins in marriage.
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.....In the West, love ends in marriage, and in the East, love begins in marriage.

That's right.

The former Love is physically driven and the later Love is primarily driven by mutual understanding, respect, commitments, obligations, responsibilities and valuing the family system, day by day , right from the day of marriage, where the couples understand, value and honor each others contribution for the sake of the family betterment.

Drooling over how falling in love is so sublime? Please read up on the studies by Prof. Robert Epstein (1953 - ) (Ph.D. Psychology, Harvard University).

After two love marriages followed by divorce, Epstein believes that people can deliberately learn to love each other. He studied arranged marriages (especially quoting Hindu marriages) and found that in most cases the couples in arranged marriages developed greater feelings of love and affection for each other after marriage than did couples who fell in love and then got married. He published a study showing that many people marry for reasons other than love.

He seems to agree with the dictum: In the West, love ends in marriage, and in the East, love begins in marriage.

Dear sir,

It's actually getting used to living with someone that makes people fall in love after marriage.
Close proximity can do wonders.
That's why in Islam..close proximity of 2 people who are not Muhrim(related by blood) is totally not allowed cos as the saying goes..in close proximity of 2 people the third person is the devil.Temptation might arise.

Nowadays close proximity is also there in the cyber world.Some people spend lots of time online chatting with each other and develop a deep connection of emotions and at times end up marrying each other.

Some married couple are "unfaithful" online cos they are in an emotional affair with another person but not in a physical affair.

When we dissect further we would come to realize that Love is actually caused by the mind cos in an online relationship people haven't met sometimes but still feel all the same feelings of love and when the relationship breaks off all the signs and symptoms of a break up of a real relationship is felt.

Love therefore starts in the mind.Attraction might start by visual input but Love is a cerebral affair.

Someone should also start a study to determine why some couples fall out of love midway during marriage and just stay with each other for duty and children's sake.

What exactly is the mechanism of falling out of love?
That needs deep study.
Dear sir,
Someone should also start a study to determine why some couples fall out of love
midway during marriage and just stay with each other for duty and children's sake.

What exactly is the mechanism of falling out of love?
That needs deep study.

Falling out of love? Likely an ego clash problem.

Stay with each other for duty and children's sake? – Clearly Social pressure.
I have seen in several families, when the parents argue or fight in front of their
children, the children are totally upset. So, in the interests of children?

Also family honour – much like what the muslims (and some Hindu communities)
have defined?
Of course, a detailed study would nail this issue.
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Falling out of love? Likely an ego clash problem.

Dear sir,

Sometimes its not ego clash just that there comes a point in life where you start questioning yourself too that what is love?

That's why I feel a study needs to be done on couple who have this question in their minds.
As far as I know, if the love has the mutual acceptance and appreciation of the virtues of the partner as the foundation,

it will NEVER decrease! If it is based on physical attraction alone, it is sure to fade off as the age increases. I have seen
many couples 'barking' at each other, even in front of a third person / in parties!! :argue:
Since this story Tale of Two Sisters has conversion as a theme let's read this before the next episode today.

Mahatma Gandhi on Conversion

Compiled by Swami Aksharananda​
(Track No. 010119.1, Jan. 19, 2001)​

I Call Myself a Sanatani Hindu

I call myself a Sanatani Hindu, because I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, and all that goes by the name of Hindu scripture, and therefore in avataras and rebirth; I believe in the varnashrama dharma in a sense, in my opinion strictly Vedic but not in its presently popular and distorted crude sense; I believe in the protection of cow. I do not disbelieve in murti puja. (Young India: June 10, 1921)

Why I am Not a Convert

Hinduism as I know it entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being. When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon, I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. (Young India: June 8, 1925)

I Disbelieve in Conversion

I disbelieve in the conversion of one person by another. My effort should never to be to undermine another's faith. This implies belief in the truth of all religions and, therefore, respect for them. It implies true humility. (Young India: April 23, 1931)

Conversion: Impediment to Peace

It is impossible for me to reconcile myself to the idea of conversion after the style that goes on in India and elsewhere today. It is an error which is perhaps the greatest impediment to the world's progress toward peace. Why should a Christian want to convert a Hindu to Christianity? Why should he not be satisfied if the Hindu is a good or godly man? (Harijan: January 30, 1937)

No Such Thing as Conversion

I believe that there is no such thing as conversion from one faith to another in the accepted sense of the word. It is a highly personal matter for the individual and his God. I may not have any design upon my neighbour as to his faith which I must honour even as I honour my own. Having reverently studied the scriptures of the world I could no more think of asking a Christian or a Musalman, or a Parsi or a Jew to change his faith than I would think of changing my own. (Harijan: September 9, 1935)

No Conversion Designs Upon Me

I am not interested in weaning you from Christianity and making you Hindu, and I do not relish your designs upon me, if you had any, to convert me to Christianity. I would also dispute your claim that Christianity is the only true religion. (Harijan: June 3, 1937)


Conversion must not mean denationalization. Conversion should mean a definite giving up of the evil of the old, adoption of all the good of the new and a scrupulous avoidance of everything evil in the new. Conversion, therefore, should mean a life of greater dedication to one's country, greater surrender to God, greater self-purification. (Young India: August 20, 1925)

Aping of Europeans and Americans

As I wander about through the length and breath of India I see many Christian Indians almost ashamed of their birth, certainly of their ancestral religion, and of their ancestral dress. The aping of Europeans by Anglo-Indians is bad enough, but the aping of them by Indian converts is a violence done to their country and, shall I say, even to their new religion. (Young India: August 8, 1925)

Why Should I Change My Religion

I hold that proselytisation under the cloak of humanitarian work is unhealthy to say the least. It is most resented by people here. Religion after all is a deeply personal thing. It touches the heart.

Why should I change my religion because the doctor who professes Christianity as his religion has cured me of some disease, or why should the doctor expect me to change whilst I am under his influence? (Young India: April 23, 1931)

Missionary Aim: Uprooting Hinduism

My fear is that though Christian friends nowadays do not say or admit it that Hindu religion is untrue, they must harbour in their breast that Hinduism is an error and that Christianity, as they believe it, is the only true religion. So far as one can understand the present (Christian) effort, it is to uproot Hinduism from her very foundation and replace it by another faith. (Harijan: March 13,1937)

Undermining People's Faith

The first distinction I would like to make between your missionary work and mine is that while I am strengthening the faith of people, you (missionaries) are undermining it. (Young India: November 8, 1927)

Physician Heal Yourself

Conversion nowadays has become a matter of business, like any other. India (Hindus) is in no need of conversion of this kind. Conversion in the sense of self-purification, self-realization is the crying need of the times. That however is never what is meant by proselytization. To those who would convert India (Hindus), might it not be said, "Physician, heal yourself." (Young India: April 23, 1931)

Missionaries: Vendors of Goods

When the missionary of another religion goes to them, he goes like a vendor of goods. He has no special spiritual merit that will distinguish him from those to whom he goes. He does however possess material goods which he promises to those who will come to his fold. (Harijan: April 3, 1937)

If I had the Power and Could Legislate.

If I had the power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing. In Hindu households the advent of a missionary has meant the disruption of the family coming in the wake of change of dress, manners, language, food and drink . (November 5, 1935)

The Only Begotten Son of God?

I regard Jesus as a great teacher of humanity, but I do not regard him as the only begotten son of God. That epithet in its material interpretation is quite unacceptable. Metaphorically we are all sons of God, but for each of us there may be different sons of God in a special sense. Thus for me Chaitanya may be the only begotten son of God. God cannot be the exclusive Father and I cannot ascribe exclusive divinity to Jesus. (Harijan: June 3, 1937)

Western Christianity Today

It is my firm opinion that Europe (and the United States) does not represent the spirit of God or Christianity but the spirit of Satan. And Satan's successes are the greatest when appears with the name of God on his lips. (Young India: September 8, 1920)

I consider western Christianity in its practical working a negation of Christ's Christianity. I cannot conceive Jesus, if he was living in flesh in our midst, approving of modern Christian organizations, public worship, or ministry. (Young India: September 22, 1921)

Christianity and Imperialistic Exploitation

Christianity in India has been inextricably mixed up for the last one hundred and fifty years with British rule. It appears to us as synonymous with materialistic civilization and imperialistic exploitation by the stronger white races of the weaker races of the world. Its contribution to India has been, therefore, largely negative. (Young India: March 21, 1929)

No Room For Them

In the manner in which they are working there would seem to be no room for them. Quite unconsciously they do harm to themselves and also to us. It is perhaps impertinent to say that they do harm to themselves, but quite pertinent to say that they do harm to us. They do harm to those amongst whom they work and those amongst whom they do not work, i.e., the harm is done to the whole of India. The more I study their activities the more sorry I become. It is a tragedy that such a thing should happen to the human family. (Harijan: December 12, 1936)


Only the other day a missionary descended on a famine area with money in his pocket, distributed it among the famine stricken, converted them to his fold, took charge of their temple, and demolished it. This is outrageous. (Harijan: November 5, 1937)

Let the Hindu be a Better Hindu

I came to the conclusion long ago that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu. But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian. (Young India: January 19, 1928)

Welcome Them Back

If a person through fear, compulsion, starvation, or for material gain or consideration goes over to another faith, it is a misnomer to call it conversion. Most cases of conversion have been to my mind a false coin. I would therefore unhesitatingly re-admit to the Hindu fold all such repentants without much ado. If a man comes back to the original branch, he deserves to be welcomed in so far as he may deem to have erred, he has sufficiently purged himself of it when he repents his error and retraces his steps. (Collected Works: Vol. 66, pp. 163-164)

NOTE: As a Hindu courtesy, please acknowledge Swami Aksharanandaji who compiled this information and Vidya Bharati, New York who produced it. Please circulate as widely as possible.
Since this story Tale of Two Sisters has conversion as a theme let's read this before the next episode today.

Mahatma Gandhi on Conversion

Compiled by Swami Aksharananda​
(Track No. 010119.1, Jan. 19, 2001)​

I Call Myself a Sanatani Hindu

I call myself a Sanatani Hindu, because I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, and all that goes by the name of Hindu scripture, and therefore in avataras and rebirth; I believe in the varnashrama dharma in a sense, in my opinion strictly Vedic but not in its presently popular and distorted crude sense; I believe in the protection of cow. I do not disbelieve in murti puja. (Young India: June 10, 1921)

Why I am Not a Convert

Hinduism as I know it entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being. When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon, I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. (Young India: June 8, 1925)

I Disbelieve in Conversion

I disbelieve in the conversion of one person by another. My effort should never to be to undermine another's faith. This implies belief in the truth of all religions and, therefore, respect for them. It implies true humility. (Young India: April 23, 1931)

Conversion: Impediment to Peace

It is impossible for me to reconcile myself to the idea of conversion after the style that goes on in India and elsewhere today. It is an error which is perhaps the greatest impediment to the world's progress toward peace. Why should a Christian want to convert a Hindu to Christianity? Why should he not be satisfied if the Hindu is a good or godly man? (Harijan: January 30, 1937)

No Such Thing as Conversion

I believe that there is no such thing as conversion from one faith to another in the accepted sense of the word. It is a highly personal matter for the individual and his God. I may not have any design upon my neighbour as to his faith which I must honour even as I honour my own. Having reverently studied the scriptures of the world I could no more think of asking a Christian or a Musalman, or a Parsi or a Jew to change his faith than I would think of changing my own. (Harijan: September 9, 1935)

No Conversion Designs Upon Me

I am not interested in weaning you from Christianity and making you Hindu, and I do not relish your designs upon me, if you had any, to convert me to Christianity. I would also dispute your claim that Christianity is the only true religion. (Harijan: June 3, 1937)


Conversion must not mean denationalization. Conversion should mean a definite giving up of the evil of the old, adoption of all the good of the new and a scrupulous avoidance of everything evil in the new. Conversion, therefore, should mean a life of greater dedication to one's country, greater surrender to God, greater self-purification. (Young India: August 20, 1925)

Aping of Europeans and Americans

As I wander about through the length and breath of India I see many Christian Indians almost ashamed of their birth, certainly of their ancestral religion, and of their ancestral dress. The aping of Europeans by Anglo-Indians is bad enough, but the aping of them by Indian converts is a violence done to their country and, shall I say, even to their new religion. (Young India: August 8, 1925)

Why Should I Change My Religion

I hold that proselytisation under the cloak of humanitarian work is unhealthy to say the least. It is most resented by people here. Religion after all is a deeply personal thing. It touches the heart.

Why should I change my religion because the doctor who professes Christianity as his religion has cured me of some disease, or why should the doctor expect me to change whilst I am under his influence? (Young India: April 23, 1931)

Missionary Aim: Uprooting Hinduism

My fear is that though Christian friends nowadays do not say or admit it that Hindu religion is untrue, they must harbour in their breast that Hinduism is an error and that Christianity, as they believe it, is the only true religion. So far as one can understand the present (Christian) effort, it is to uproot Hinduism from her very foundation and replace it by another faith. (Harijan: March 13,1937)

Undermining People's Faith

The first distinction I would like to make between your missionary work and mine is that while I am strengthening the faith of people, you (missionaries) are undermining it. (Young India: November 8, 1927)

Physician Heal Yourself

Conversion nowadays has become a matter of business, like any other. India (Hindus) is in no need of conversion of this kind. Conversion in the sense of self-purification, self-realization is the crying need of the times. That however is never what is meant by proselytization. To those who would convert India (Hindus), might it not be said, "Physician, heal yourself." (Young India: April 23, 1931)

Missionaries: Vendors of Goods

When the missionary of another religion goes to them, he goes like a vendor of goods. He has no special spiritual merit that will distinguish him from those to whom he goes. He does however possess material goods which he promises to those who will come to his fold. (Harijan: April 3, 1937)

If I had the Power and Could Legislate.

If I had the power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing. In Hindu households the advent of a missionary has meant the disruption of the family coming in the wake of change of dress, manners, language, food and drink . (November 5, 1935)

The Only Begotten Son of God?

I regard Jesus as a great teacher of humanity, but I do not regard him as the only begotten son of God. That epithet in its material interpretation is quite unacceptable. Metaphorically we are all sons of God, but for each of us there may be different sons of God in a special sense. Thus for me Chaitanya may be the only begotten son of God. God cannot be the exclusive Father and I cannot ascribe exclusive divinity to Jesus. (Harijan: June 3, 1937)

Western Christianity Today

It is my firm opinion that Europe (and the United States) does not represent the spirit of God or Christianity but the spirit of Satan. And Satan's successes are the greatest when appears with the name of God on his lips. (Young India: September 8, 1920)

I consider western Christianity in its practical working a negation of Christ's Christianity. I cannot conceive Jesus, if he was living in flesh in our midst, approving of modern Christian organizations, public worship, or ministry. (Young India: September 22, 1921)

Christianity and Imperialistic Exploitation

Christianity in India has been inextricably mixed up for the last one hundred and fifty years with British rule. It appears to us as synonymous with materialistic civilization and imperialistic exploitation by the stronger white races of the weaker races of the world. Its contribution to India has been, therefore, largely negative. (Young India: March 21, 1929)

No Room For Them

In the manner in which they are working there would seem to be no room for them. Quite unconsciously they do harm to themselves and also to us. It is perhaps impertinent to say that they do harm to themselves, but quite pertinent to say that they do harm to us. They do harm to those amongst whom they work and those amongst whom they do not work, i.e., the harm is done to the whole of India. The more I study their activities the more sorry I become. It is a tragedy that such a thing should happen to the human family. (Harijan: December 12, 1936)


Only the other day a missionary descended on a famine area with money in his pocket, distributed it among the famine stricken, converted them to his fold, took charge of their temple, and demolished it. This is outrageous. (Harijan: November 5, 1937)

Let the Hindu be a Better Hindu

I came to the conclusion long ago that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu. But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian. (Young India: January 19, 1928)

Welcome Them Back

If a person through fear, compulsion, starvation, or for material gain or consideration goes over to another faith, it is a misnomer to call it conversion. Most cases of conversion have been to my mind a false coin. I would therefore unhesitatingly re-admit to the Hindu fold all such repentants without much ado. If a man comes back to the original branch, he deserves to be welcomed in so far as he may deem to have erred, he has sufficiently purged himself of it when he repents his error and retraces his steps. (Collected Works: Vol. 66, pp. 163-164)

NOTE: As a Hindu courtesy, please acknowledge Swami Aksharanandaji who compiled this information and Vidya Bharati, New York who produced it. Please circulate as widely as possible.

"Since this story Tale of Two Sisters has conversion as a theme let's read this before the next episode today."

Ha... Ha.. This is Absolutely wrong...

Tale of two sisters..[ 8 ]..tvk

25th, July,1973....Wednesday...

Received letter yesterday from Father.. Consent from our side has been communicated to Girl's Mother.. [Girl's father..passed away couple of years back] ...Couple of days back Father received communication from girl's side stating they have to get consent from Girl's Brother who is now in Dubai.. Since they have to depend upon him to meet marriage expences.. they have requested Father to give three months time so that Girl's brother can come over here with adequate finance..
Father wanted my opinion and he has also expressed his willingness to wait till girl's brother returns from Dubai..
To-Day I sent a reply informing Father that I have no objection and whatever decission taken by Father is O.K. for me..

30th, July,1973..Monday...

Ram returned to-day morning....
Krish..Sebastian called me when I was in Chidambaram...and told me about Savithri... I hope Raji will agree to marry me...
Yes..Ram ..meet Raji to-day evening...and inform me..I will be back from office around 7.30..PM...
Ram met me around 8.PM...crest-fallen....
What happened Ram...?
Raji is not interested...She wants do her higher studies.....She is not prepared to think about marriage for another couple of years....
'O'...I am sorry Ram ..What will you do now....?
Krish...I can not leave my mother in Chidambaram...she is alone now...I received a call from office also....They want to know whether they can post me to Calcutta with promotion... I expected Raji will agree ..so that I can take my mother and Raji to Calcutta....Since she is not willing..I may accept the promotion and take my mother to Calcutta...
O.K....Ram you please do what ever is convenient for you....
Ram....I will be leaving for Madurai to-night ...I have been asked by my office to hand over the Madurai project to the contractor.. I will be there for another 10 days...Please take my site-office phone No. and of our guest house ...and pass-on these Nos..to Sebastian and Savithri... I may not able to meet them...
Yes..Krish..I will do that...

10th August,1973,Friday....4.30 PM.....

Call from..Ram....Yes..Ram.....Krish..here...
Yes...Krish..please come back to Madras..immediately...
Why..Ram..What happened...?
Savithri met with an accident to-day morning..
Yes ..Krish....She was hit by the transport corporation bus and thrown off while crossing Triplicane High Road....She fell down over the platform stone wall and having head injury....
When it happened Ram.?..
To-day morning...She was returning home after the morning shift....Near by people took her to Rayapetah hospital and admitted her....Since Savithri was having Raji's phone No. in her purse ..someone called Raji and informed her..Raji rushed to hospital and called me and Sebastian...We are in the hospital now...
My..God ..How is she now.?..
Bit serious...Doctors says there is severe internal bleeding in the brain...She is in ICEU....
O.K. Ram...I will come as early as possible..I pray God....

11th ,August,1973...Saturday....

I could reach Madras only by 8 Am...
Savithri....all along she was fighting againt every odds of life...now she is fighting for her LIFE...

But...but...inspite of best efforts by the doctors.....in spite of our prayers....MY Savithri DIED at 2.30 PM....without regaining conscious....


[To Be Continued]
But...but...inspite of best efforts by the doctors.....in spite of our prayers....MY Savithri DIED at 2.30 PM....without regaining conscious....


[To Be Continued]

Oh so she died a Hindu isn't it?

Better make sure Sebastian does not claim she converted and try to give her a Christian burial.

Krish better make sure Savitri has a proper Hindu cremation rites.

P.S..you know in my version yesterday..initially I wanted to make Savitri die in the bomb blast but I did not want to kill off your story so fast.So I changed it to she witnessed the bomb blast.

Hey not bad ok..you do think like me a bit!!LOL
oh so she died a hindu isn't it?

Better make sure sebastian does not claim she converted and try to give her a christian burial.

Krish better make sure savitri has a proper hindu cremation rites.

P.s..you know in my version yesterday..initially i wanted to make savitri die in the bomb blast but i did not want to kill off your story so fast.so i changed it to she witnessed the bomb blast.

Hey not bad ok..you do think like me a bit!!lol

atleast in killing....!!

Dear sir,

Sometimes its not ego clash just that there comes a point in life where you start questioning yourself too that what is love?

That's why I feel a study needs to be done on couple who have this question in their minds.

You have put your finger on the crux of the problem : "there comes a point in life where you start questioning yourself...."

How does this "point" arrive? Not, all of a sudden, out of the blue. A crack, a fault line may have developed in the relationship early on, with stresses building up slowly along the fault line. So when one starts 'questioning' oneself, it is not just about what is love, but about what is marriage, what is family and what is life, a despondency about whether it is all worth it. And different people tackle it differently.

I had a cousin with a Ph.D. It was an arranged marriage, the bride was a B.A. and they liked each other, got married, set up family in Baroda, had two children and every thing seemed hunky dory. I was working in Chennai. Ten years went by after his marriage. One day I had a call from my cousin's aged parents living in Chennai saying that my cousin had passed away in Baroda due to heart attack, and could I help. Immediately I flew to Baroda, stayed overnight in my cousin's house and was talking to the neighbours on how to take my cousin's body to Chennai . After helping me with all the necessary information on how to take the body by train, some of the neighbours told me in a hushed tone that my cousin committed suicide. To cut the long story short, they said that there was constant argument and whining every night from my cousin's wife about his not taking any efforts to go abroad. In addition, they said that he also used to talk to them with despondency about how his wife would not allow him to visit his aging parents in Chennai at least once a year. This has been going on for several years, and then there came the point when the earthquake struck - he just could not care to live any more.
You have put your finger on the crux of the problem : "there comes a point in life where you start questioning yourself...."

How does this "point" arrive? Not, all of a sudden, out of the blue. A crack, a fault line may have developed in the relationship early on, with stresses building up slowly along the fault line. So when one starts 'questioning' oneself, it is not just about what is love, but about what is marriage, what is family and what is life, a despondency about whether it is all worth it. And different people tackle it differently.

Dear sir,

Sometimes it's like the Kah Aham(Who am I ) situation.

Things might be almost prefect in a marriage but some people just can't sustain the love feeling long enough.

There need not be any fights or unhappiness but sometimes it's like this.
The feeling is mutual respect,acceptance and compassion and love that comes natural for one human to another but the "being in love" feeling is not there.

It's like someone feeling "I love you but I am not in love with you"

BTW your cousin's situation was very sad.
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Dear Naina Ji,

BTW self questioning is also a blessing sometimes cos otherwise we will just drown in the transient happiness of the world and never realize Sat Cit Ananda.
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