K sir When it comes to marriage why do you think it is no No when it is a muslim . white christian is ok with them. are tbs not progressive when it is a muslim.btw I have one in my extended family who is tryng to find peace and security in canada after failing to get the same in india
dear krish, i am just saying what i see. none of us are without prejudices. we are defined by them. it is what we feel 'comfortable'.
very good friends of mine, jews, their daughter married an iranian. i was surprised, till they told me, that he was non practising and enjoyed alcohole/bacon as much as anyone else. it is the compatibility that counts. i think.
which is why, the future marriages may be dictated more by social standing than caste. my children, having brought up as liberal hindus, without castes, would mostly likely marry folks like them, ie liberal irrespective of religion, with similar habits. it is difficult to have one going to separate prayers when everyone else is doing something else. even that may be adjustable. who knows.
my girl cousin who married a xtian in chennai, totally converted and identifies with his faith 100%. much surprised as she was a devout person who went to saneeswaran temple without fail every week. personally i find, that it is people who are 'ritually religious' who convert, just switch from one set of practices to another, because the first set failed.
those like me, who do not expect anything of God, materialistically, and who take life as it comes, attribute everything to randomness, feel no need to convert, and are plain contented with our religion temples and palghat food
hope this explains. somewhat. re islam, very seldom you find one of such heritage who is liberal and not dogmatic. tough to accommodate it with liberal views. i think so.