Dear Vaagm ji,
I am beyond praise and blame!LOL
Really..its not that I am God but its just that I do not have to proof myself or try to add value to my "image".
As it is with hardly any effort I have a Fan club and "Jalras"..I am even Guru/Mentor to I am already quite a high profile member here.
Sometimes too much attention is not too easy to handle.
Even Avatars descend only from Yuga to Yuga and not on daily basis..cos God knows too much attention is not good.
So frankly speaking I do not mind having any sort of image..Good<Bad>Ugly..all images are mine.
I try not to identify with any even though I might project myself in many ways.
It might confuse you I can understand.
Anyway lets wait for Kunjs to come online and till then everyone is welcome to leave their comments. .
Let the party begin!LOL
That is okay. Your position is understood. And no comments on that.
I had enough and I do not intend to continue this argument any more.
The party may begin and go on. LOL.