1. you are knocking your head against the essence of manu based hinduism - the gut of the caste system. and within it the sub castes and sub sub castes. tribal loyalty at its basests. read between the lines, 'the views of a xtian or muslim is worth than that of yours, because you are a NB'. that is the bottom line, i am so sad to say this. takes someone out of india or a very enlightened indian to understand how they are literally, thanks to the worldly global values of absolute dignity and equality, how cruel the caste system with its hierarchical structure is. add to it, the disenfranchisement of the dalits, which i see no sympathy here in this forum. at all.
3.everyone is harping only on the supposed 'unfairness' of quotas and chose pleasantly to ignore the milleniums of dungs heaped on the panchamars by everyone above them. that thanks to the voting block system, the dominant castes are ruling, and these have no regard for hinduism. just their tribal loyalty. is it not surprising that tamilnadu today has the highest level of conversions away from hindus. the christians and muslims are playing havoc on our weakness, and all the response i will get from here is another set of epithets or denial or 'we have survived so long and so will ever after'
5.thanks renus for bringing something of myself out tonight here.