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மதுபான விற்பனை: வருவாயைவிட நோயாளிகளுக்கு அதிகம் செலவிடும் அரசு!


துவிலக்குக்கு ஆதரவாக தமிழகம் உட்பட பல்வேறு மாநிலங்களில் வலுவாக குரல் எழுப்பப்பட்டு வரும் நிலையில், குறைந்தபட்சம் அதன் விற்பனையையாவது மட்டுப்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்ற கோரிக்கைகள் முன்வைக்கப்படுகின்றன. ஆனாலும் மத்திய, மாநில அரசுகள், மது விற்பனை மூலம் அரசாங்கத்தின் கஜானாவிற்கு கிடைக்கும் வருவாயை கருத்தில் கொண்டு மதுவிலக்கை கொண்டு வர ஆர்வம் இல்லாமலேயே இருக்கின்றன.

இந்நிலையில் பிரதமர் மோடி தலைமையிலான தற்போதைய தேசிய ஜனநாயக கூட்டணி அரசை ஆட்டுவிக்கும் ஆர்எஸ்எஸ், இப்பிரச்னையை கையில் எடுத்து, நாடு முழுவதும் மது விற்பனையை கட்டுப்படுத்துவதற்கான நடவடிக்கைகளை மேற்கொள்ளுமாறு மத்திய அரசை வலியுறுத்தி உள்ளதாக தகவல் வெளியாகி உள்ளது.

மகாராஷ்ட்ரா உள்ளிட்ட சில மாநிலங்களில் கொண்டுவரப்பட்ட மாட்டிறைச்சி மீதான தடை, வெற்றிகரமாக அமலானதாக கருதும் ஆர்.எஸ்.எஸ், இதே பாணியில் மதுவிற்பனையை கட்டுப்படுத்துவதையும் செயல்படுத்தலாம் என மோடி அரசுக்கு அழுத்தம் கொடுத்து உள்ளதாகவும், இதனைத் தொடர்ந்து நாட்டின் மது விற்பனையை கட்டுப்படுத்துவதற்கான செயல் திட்டம் ஒன்றை மத்திய அரசு தயாரித்து உள்ளதாகவும் கூறப்படுகிறது.

Read more at: http://www.vikatan.com/news/article.php?aid=48083
I had been in Gujarat for a brief time when the State was under total prohibition.At that time also, I was told that smuggled items of liquor wear available at differential rates. Moreover large number of Gujaratis are accustomed to chewable tobacco items like Jaritha Beeda ( 180,320,etc.) which give more intoxication than the drinks and also do more harm than the liquor to the body and mind.
I had been in Gujarat for a brief time when the State was under total prohibition.At that time also, I was told that smuggled items of liquor wear available at differential rates. Moreover large number of Gujaratis are accustomed to chewable tobacco items like Jaritha Beeda ( 180,320,etc.) which give more intoxication than the drinks and also do more harm than the liquor to the body and mind.

Strict enforcement by Government machinery with stringent punishment and iron hand is necessary. Besides, it also requires fullest co-operation of the general public. The public should be made aware of their self-discipline in maintaining good habits in the interest of their own good health
I think too much is being made of prohibition.

I do not think it should be introduced as it will lead to illicit liquor, crime and unwanted deaths due to illicit hooch consumption.

we have in karnataka bars which have existed from times immemorial and most have a mature approach to drinking.

only when something gets over controlled, it creates problems for society.

for the poor facing a miserable life , a cheap drink after a day of hard work is often the only outlet that prepares him to face life next day.

unless the basic issue of rich and poor divide is properly bridged , closure of booze shops is not advisable.

it is equally unwise to tax it heavily to take good liquor outside the reach of the poor.

perhaps govt should get out of liquor business and leave it to private players.

Govt has no business to be in it or profit from it
perhaps govt should get out of liquor business and leave it to private players.

Govt has no business to be in it or profit from it

was the State Government which took it over from private players for obviousreasons.

Do you have any idea as to where from TASMAC receives all the IMFL, who owns those companies, who are making profits in several crores by making a big hole in poor men purse?.

How many precious lives are being lost due to this evil practice?

There are umpteenway to make profits if the Government thinks, viz. by regularizing sand quarries, Granite Quarries, etc etc

I just reproduce hereunder a portion of my posting which is relevant to the topic:

"In Tamil Nadu, ‘Prohibition’ was lifted from 1983 onwards.

fact, Tamil Nadu State has a long history of enforcement of prohibition?

It was enforced and lifted for a brief period earlier too.

While few other States can implement ‘Prohibition’, why not Tamil Nadu that is my question?

All that is required is good Leaders who have more concern for wellbeing of the society?.

Well, it can be done in phased manner like Kerala for example?

But here in Tamil Nadu , there is no slight sign of imposing any restriction in phased manner, but on the contrary, all out efforts are taken to boost sales of TASMAC products.

Where are we heading by introducing such evil habit to the young generation?

Even in TASMAC there is 'corruption' reported.

If time permits please go through this link.:-)
Tamil Nadu's 'corrupt' cash cow TASMAC: How politics & liquor came to form a potent mix in the state

Read more at: http://articles.economictimes.indiat...quality-liquor


While national Party leaders are fighting against TASMAC and courting arrest, we have a member here who cooly comes and write 'too much is being ..............made out of proportion.. his usual masala,etc

When is this member going to come out of his dream world to realise ground reality.

Here is a news piece:

BJP's anti-Tasmac campaign intensifies with state President getting detained in Tamil Nadu –


“Among the 6000 shops, around 1000 shops are near schools, near temples,” said Soundarajan. "A woman is ruling Tamil Nadu. She should know how the TASMAC is spoiling (health)", she said.

"Let the revenue come from elsewhere", she added.

The TN government generates a chunk of its revenue from liquor sales. Revenue from sales has steadily increased over the years with Rs. 26,188 crore generated last year, 2014-15. The sales this year is expected to reach Rs. 29,672 crore – which is reportedly more than quarter of the State’s total expected revenue for the coming year.


See more at: http://www.thenewsminute.com/articl...etained-tamil-nadu-32034#sthash.vp5zuDw2.dpuf

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Anti liquor campaigns by political parties are only election gimmicks impressing no one except a few gullible .

Govt can keep away from liquor business if it is conscience stricken .

Perhaps they may get a few votes from womenfolk .

But freebies also have to be financed by the state.

Where are these coming from?

It is partly liquor revenue.

Prohibition is a massive failure everywhere .

Do you know .Washington DC has the maximum number of liquor shops in whole of US.Their liquor consumption is the highest.

It is frequented by mostly locals with stress and most congressmen.

These congressmen pass bills affecting the whole world

long live drinking US congressmen and senators

Indian politicians zindabad. Give free liquor to citizen at election time and shout prohibition on the streets to win election
The father of the nation was in favour of prohibition. He strongly believed that this evil habit will ruin life of the poor. Simply printing his picture in currency notes and throwing his ideals in the air is not acceptable.

Alcoholism is a social taboo. People with health concern will keep away from such habits.

Now with increase in number of TASMAC shops, especially near schools, Highways, etc most of the men of poor families get addicted to this evil habit. These families are run out of the income earned by the women folk by toiling hard and sweating under the sun while the men folk frittering away their earnings at TASMAC shop.

Who are all responsible for this ‘ugly condition’?

The fact remains that dealing with problems caused by the alcoholism costs three times more than the amount of revenue the Government, gets through sale of IMFL thro TASMAC. Why this unnecessary expenditure?

The well informed citizen who think ahead of time and feel more concerned about the serious damage alcoholism causes, should come forward to fight against this evil habit

One should realize that the poor masses are becoming frogs which are slowly being boiled alive and cooked to death.

And those who preach in favour of alcoholism may go and take several pegs of Tequila intermittently and enjoy colorful BIG DREAM of cabaret dancing with minimum cloth and enjoy the dream and not the life lol

Situation song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqw23ubq-M4
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Indias Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi appeared for liquor lobby in a supreme court case against kerala govt trying to implement a policy aiming to reduce liquor

consumption in kerala.

He claimed that he had done so in his private capacity and had the permission of central govt which was not a party in this case.

He opposed restrictions on consumption of liquor in certain places frequented by the poor and vulnerable sections.
Indias Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi appeared for liquor lobby in a supreme court case against kerala govt trying to implement a policy aiming to reduce liquor

consumption in kerala.

He claimed that he had done so in his private capacity and had the permission of central govt which was not a party in this case.

He opposed restrictions on consumption of liquor in certain places frequented by the poor and vulnerable sections.

You are free to follow his footsteps.:-)
Nitish kumar yesterday offered to consider prohibition after elections in bihar.

He was made fun of by local BJP leaders for making this offer as a gimmick to catch votes.

Delhi allows Free sale of liquor in stores run by Govt agency DSIIDCdelhi stateindustrial and infrastructure corpn thru 96 IMFL vends and 15 country liquor shops.

The objective being genuine IMFL /liquor at approved rates , avoid leakage of excise and sales tax and have money for development activities.

No public drinking is allowed . But it is allowed in top hotels or clubs with licences or homes. This is effective enough . no one wants prohibition .

laws are effective for drunk driving or action against those breaking the public drinking laws.

I worked in public sector for a lifetime. There was hardly any restrictions on atleast serving of beer in office parties. in private guest houses of the company.

What is good for the capital should be good enough elsewhere.

No sense in being puritanical and think of non achievable objectives
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Sample of cases, explaining evil effects of alcoholism reported in everyday newspapers. Every individual has got his own responsibility and self-discipline to take of his own health in the interest and welfare of his family.

குடிபோதையால் தம்பதியர் தற்கொலை

வேலூர் : குடிபோதையால் ஏற்பட்ட தகராறில், தம்பதியர் இருவரும், தீக்குளித்து தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்டனர். வேலூர் அடுத்த, சிங்கிரி கோவிலைச் சேர்ந்த கூலித்தொழிலாளி சங்கர், 36. இவரது மனைவி கீதா, 25. இவர்களுக்கு, ராகவன், 5, ராஜன், 4 என்ற, 2 மகன்கள் உள்ளனர். சங்கரின் குடி பழக்கத்தால், இவரது குடும்பத்தில், அடிக்கடி தகராறு ஏற்பட்டு வந்துள்ளது. இந்நிலையில், வழக்கம் போல் குடிபோதையில் இருந்த சங்கருக்கு, கீதாவுக்கும் இடையே தகராறு ஏற்பட்டது. இதில், தம்பதியர் இருவரும், சமையல் அறையில் இருந்த மண்ணெண்ணையை எடுத்து, தங்கள் உடம்பில் ஊற்றிக் கொண்டு தீவைத்துக் கொண்டனர். படுகாயம் அடைந்த அவர்களை, அப்பகுதியினர் மீட்டு, வேலூர் அரசு மருத்துவனையில் சேர்த்தனர்.

அங்கு, சிகிச்சை பலனின்றி, சங்கர், கீதா ஆகிய, இருவரும் பரிதாபமாக இறந்தனர். பெற்றோரை இழந்த குழந்தைகள் இருவரும், கதறி அழுத காட்சி, அப்பகுதியில், இருந்தவர்களை சோகத்தில் ஆழ்த்தியது.

Source: http://www.dinamalar.com/news_detail.asp?id=1293968


“குடி” குடியை மட்டுமல்ல உடம்பையும் கெடுக்கும்…

சென்னை: இன்றைய காலத்தில் "கார்ப்பரேட் கல்ச்சர் " என்ற பெயரில் ஆல்கஹால் பருகுபவர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகமாக உள்ளது. இதுவரை ஆண்கள் தான் அதிக அளவில் ஆல்கஹால் அருந்திக்கொண்டிருந்தனர்.

தற்போது பெண்களும் குடிக்க ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டனர். சொல்லப்போனால் ஆண்களை விட பெண்களே அதிகம் குடிக்கின்றனர்.

அத்தகையவர்களிடம் மது அருந்துவீர்களா என்று கேட்டால் அவர்கள் "இல்லை அது ஃபேஷனுக்காக குடிக்கிறேன் நான் அவ்வளவாக அருந்தமாட்டேன்" என்று சொல்வார்கள்.

Read more at: http://tamil.oneindia.com/art-culture/essays/alcohol-suffers-health-a-human-body-194431.html


In a dark, dingy, slum, families cope with Mumbai's hooch tragedy

Families, torn apart by the Malvani hooch tragedy, where 104 people lost their lives, confront a dark and hopeless future.
Rediff.com reports on how the families are coping with their individual tragedies. The first part in a series.

Text: Prasanna D Zore and Reuben NV; Photographs: Reuben NV


The Das family, from left: Meena Das, Ashish Das, his nieces, Ashish's wife and their two children; In the background: Govind Budan Das.

Read more at: http://www.rediff.com/news/special/...-cope-with-mumbais-hooch-tragedy/20150706.htm
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All youngsters would laugh if one lectures them on evil effects of drinking.

many college students [both boys and girls] get exposed to drinking when they join college hostels and get freed of parental controls.

When they join the work force ,corporate culture feeds the habit . I t is considered the 'in' thing to do to be accepted in peer groups.

Girls do not want to feel discriminated and they also hit the bottle in case they have left their parental homes and are in a different city taking up shared accomodation with

friends or in hostels.Most of these start with wine or gin which are considered fashionable ,later on hit whisky or brandy mixed in coke or other soft drinks.

It is a lifestyle statement for many with high IT ,MNC income. They do not want to be associated with thatchi mammu crowd.

If parents like their children in high paying jobs ,this is the price they have to pay.lol
All youngsters would laugh if one lectures them on evil effects of drinking.


All citizen with a sense of empathy on aggrieved families of poor, and those who fight for good causes and those who have an eye on welfare of the society will certainly laugh if one lectures against 'Prohibition'. lol

Source: google images
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For the eyes of those who advocate alcoholism:

Rage against liquor marketing arm TASMAC: Why cries for prohibition are getting louder in Tamil Nadu

When the word TASMAC (Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation) is uttered within earshot of 51-year-old Lakshmi Gunasekaran, she becomes almost apoplectic. A deep frown casts a shadow on her weary face and she spits with contempt. "Shut it down; shut them all down," she says. "Does the government need such revenues by making women widows? Who asked for freebies? Did we?" she rages.

The frail lady from Bodidasanpatti village in south Tamil Nadu's Theni district is willing to shout her tale to anyone who will listen. "I will not keep quiet," she says. "What has happened to my children should never happen to anyone else. And for that, I will keep talking," she says.

Lakshmi's husband Gunasekaran died early, leaving her to care for their three daughters and a son. Working as a farm labourer, Lakshmi managed a tough life and was happy to see her daughters and son get married. "My husband never used to touch alcohol but fate intervened and ensured that all my three daughters married men who became drunkards," she rues. "My son too has become an alcoholic. It is all because of TASMAC," she says. "My third daughter's husband asked her for money to buy booze. When she refused, he urinated in her rice and forced her to eat it," she breaks down. "No one helped me; neither the police, nor my neighbours. My own daughter — my flesh and blood. Will any mother keep quiet on hearing this?" she cries.

Read more at: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2015-01-18/news/58200767_1_tasmac-theni-prohibition
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My domestic servant , a tamil old lady used to buy a quarter for her husband out of her earnings lovingly everyday

She preferred him to drink at home in peace in his last days .

She did not want to risk his drinking elsewhere.

She herself would go to the wineshop and buy him his bottle.

He died with booze in his stomach and song on his lips.

Now she is a merry widow collecting pension from delhi govt.

She can be a role model .

She says many do not know the meaning of love.

How true.
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For attention of those who advocate alcoholism:

மது இல்லா மாநிலம் தேவை!

குடி குடியை கெடுக்கும், குடி உடல்நலத்திற்கு கேடு, மது அருந்துவது சமுதாயச் சீர்கேடு என்பதோடு பொருளாதார சீர்கேடும் ஆகும் என்பதை மத்திய, மாநில அரசுகள் பிரசாரம் செய்கின்றன. தொழிலாளர்களின் வருவாயை மதுவே கபளீகரம் செய்துக்கொள்வதால், அக்குடும்பங்கள் வறுமையில் வாடுகின்றன. சமூக ஆர்வலர்களும், தொண்டு நிறுவனங்களும் விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்தினாலும், அவற்றால் ஓரளவே பயன்கிடைக்கின்றன.

பாரத நாடு முழுவதும் 20 கோடி மக்கள் மதுவுக்கு அடிமை. தமிழகத்தில் 2 கோடி பேர் மதுவுக்கு அடிமை என புள்ளிவிவரம் கூறும்போது உள்ளம் நடுங்கத்தான் செய்கிறது.

20 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு மது அருந்துவோர் ஊருக்கு 5 பேர் எனும் அளவுக்கு இருந்தது. அப்படி மது அருந்துபவர்கள் கூட மற்றவர்களுக்கும், குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்களுக்கும் தெரியாமல் அருந்துவர். அப்படி தெரிந்துவிட்டால் வேதனைப்படுவார்கள், வெட்கப்படுவார்கள். தினசரி குடிப்பவர்களுக்கு குடிகாரன் என்ற பட்டம் கிடைத்துவிடும். இதுபோன்றவர்கள் குறைந்த அளவே இருந்ததால் இது இலைமறை காய்மறையாய் இருந்தது.

இன்று நிலைமை தலைகீழாக மாறிப்போனதால் மது அரக்கனின் கோரப்பிடியில் கோடிக்கணக்கான குடும்பங்கள் சீரழிகின்றன. குடிப்பழக்கம் சமுதாய அந்தஸ்து பெற்றுவிட்டதுதான் கொடுமையிலும் கொடுமை. திருமண வைபவங்களில், திருவிழாக்களில், பண்டிகை காலங்களில் ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமைகளில், விடுமுறை நாள்களில், இறப்பில், பிறப்பில் எங்கும் மது ஆறாய் பெருக்கெடுத்து ஓடுகிறது. கிரிக்கெட்டில் இந்தியாவென்றால் வெற்றிகளிப்பில் பார்ட்டி. தோற்றால் அந்த வேதனையை மறக்க பார்ட்டி.
மது அருந்தும் இளைஞர்கள் ஆரம்ப காலத்தில் அதன்பாதிப்பை உணரமாட்டார்கள். நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி இருப்பதால் உற்சாகத்துடன் காணப்படுவார்கள்.

மதுப் பழக்கத்திலிருந்து விடுபட மனக்கட்டுப்பாடும் மன உறுதியுமே மிக மிக அவசியம். திருடராய் பார்த்து திருந்தாவிட்டால் திருட்டை ஒழிக்க முடியாது என்பது மதுவுக்கும் பொருந்தும்
மது எனும் அரக்கனை நாம் அழித்தொழிப்போம். மதுவே இல்லாத மாநிலமாக தமிழகத்தை மாற்றுவோம்.

Read more at: http://www.dinamani.com/specials/karuthuk_kalam/2015/01/19/மது-இல்லா-மாநிலம்-தேவை/article2626012.ece
for those who advocate prohibition

Have a chota peg and mourn .

it is a lost cause in india.lol

Mourn for all those poor souls who lost their precious lives due to drunkenness habit leaving their family members in lurch.


And pray that souls of those who advocate alcoholism should not end up in Hell as believed.:sad:


Souce: Google images
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For closure of TASMAC, the reasons given are, it erodes health and finally takes the life. Eventually, the family comes to road……………. the reasons are valid and acceptable.
But see the TASMAC shops. They are thronged with crowd. In Tamilnadu, put together ….how many persons drink in a day overall? Over all ..... millions!!!!!!

TASMAC crowd appear to be lower middle class and middle class.

What about high class stratum? Are they not drinking?

Are all drunkards having one and the same reason to drink? Are all can be branded as addicts?
Is everybody wants immerse /hide / forget oneself by boozing?
Are all drunkards having valid & acceptable reasons to drink?
Is everybody wants merry making / celebrations?

If TASMAC shops are closed shall the drinking habit in Tamilnadu come to a grinding halt?
What is the guarantee that money mongering 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] rate politicians shall not open illicit doors?

‘Drinking’ is a sociological problem to be analyzed with an outlook of critical spirit of humanity. Who is to bell the cat? of course,Cat will not bell itself on its own?

To this problem, remedy will not come from people who make a cry in the day and sit along with an IMFL/ imported bottle in the late evening.

To this problem, remedy will not come from people who make a cry in the day and sit along with an IMFL/ imported bottle in the late evening.


Lot of Schemes initiated by the Governments having an eye on generating more money were subsequently cancelled by the Government either against public demand or court order, etc

Indian Constitution enshrines this great right to address issues and it is legitimate for every aggrieved families to protest against alcoholism and it is for the Government to initiate effective measures to redress their grievances taking into consideration the amount being spent on medicines, hospital maintenance, etc to save lives of those who have been admitted with alcohol consumption related ailments.

There are States with ‘Prohibition’ functioning effectively and in fact better.

And there are umpteen number of sources for the Government to generate more revenue which the Government can very well concentrate.

Will they?

One should have a minimum social responsibility to encourage such protests and support agitations addressed for good causes.

If one spare his thought for a while as to who are all the actual beneficiaries and who share the profits that accrue due to functioning of TASMAC, he can very well understand.

It is money that is more important than the welfare of the poor which is presently pushed to the back seat.

We had ' prohibition' in Tamil Nadu earlier. Just go through the history.

The time will come when the poor, who are the vote bank will have the say and shall definitely teach a lesson to these politicians.

Till then let us keep the fire burning by voicing our protest.:-)

Meanwhile, just go through the following news report which is self-explanatory:

Bihar polls: Nitish Kumar promises liquor prohibition

Had received complaints from women folks over wide-spread addition to country liquor in rural areas

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday played the prohibition card to woo women voters. He promised total prohibition on liquor, if he won the coming assembly polls.

In an official function here on Thursday, Kumar faced high pitched complaints from women folks in the audience over the wide-spread addiction to country liquor in rural areas. They demanded a total prohibition on alcohol in the state. In response, Kumar said, “These women are correct. If I retain power, I will impose a ban on liquor in the state.”

With increase in liquor consumption in Bihar in the past few years, the demand for prohibition in the state has also become louder. Women have been on the forefront of protests against liquor consumption and are demanding a ban on it.

Kumar had earlier refused this demand, saying prohibition is not a feasible option. The state government earns nearly Rs 2,500 crore every year through the taxes on the sale of alcohol.

Read more at: http://www.business-standard.com/ar...quor-prohibition-in-bihar-115070901044_1.html
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எல்லோரும் மதுக் கடைகளை எதிர்க்கிறார்களே, மூட வேண்டியதுதானே.. தமிழிசை கேள்வி
சென்னை: நிலம் கையகப்படுத்தும் சட்ட மசோதாவை எல்லோரும் எதிர்ப்பதால் நாங்களும் எதிர்க்கிறோம் என்று தமிழக அரசு கூறுகிறது. அப்படியானால், மதுக் கடைகளைக் கூடத்தான் எல்லோரும் மூடச் சொல்கிறார்கள். மூட வேண்டியதுதானே என்று தமிழக பாஜக தலைவர் தமிழிசை செளந்தரராஜன் கூறியுள்ளார். இதுகுறித்து அவர் கூறியதாவது: நிலம் கையகப்படுத்தும் மசோதா தொடர்பாக அனைத்து மாநில முதல்வர்களுடன் ஆலோசனை நடத்துவதற்காக பிரதமர் மோடி தலைமையில் நிதி ஆயோக் ஆட்சி மன்ற குழு கூட்டம் டெல்லியில் நடைபெற்றது. இந்த கூட்டத்தை தமிழக அரசு புறக்கணித்து விட்டது.

Read more at: http://tamil.oneindia.com/news/tami...58.html?utm_source=vuukle&utm_medium=referral
One cannot stop a alcohol addict unless there is no alcohol in any part of the world. Tasmac is preventing illegal alcohol and saving deaths.. but good thing will be to keep the Tasmac outside city or well away from temples, schools etc. Interesting information that I read is.. Tasmac supply comes from a particular distillery (almost 75%) and it owned by DMK. That is interesting....
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