Well-known member
Sowbagyavathy Renuka, Greetings.
I refer to my message in post #2875. I notice, you have not mentioned tying any Rahkki to my hand. So, I am folding my hand back, please.
Dear Raghy,
4 other members wished me Happy Raksha Bandan(Bala sir,Gurvayur sir, Mano sir and Brahin).
In my reply post to all of them..all I wrote is Thank You.
For your post..I wrote a longer reply with quotes from Geeta.
Actually a brother sister relationship is still very much human.
In my reply to you I took the relationship one step higher by talking about the same Atma that pervades all of us and we being clones of Paramatma and also quoting the Geeta.
I feel in this world there is no relationship greater to Jeevatma Paramatma bond.
Seeing everyone of us as the same is the ultimate dream of any Jeevatma.
So the best Rakhee is the one we Jeevas tie on Paramatma cos no matter what He never abandons us.