Dear Visa mami,
Please reconsider your decision. You will be missed.
- 1,178 views all-time
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- 41 views on your busiest day, August 9, 2012
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Statistics for my blog on Food, flavors and benefits as on 31-8-2012
- 337 views all-time
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- 25 views on your busiest day, April 20, 2012
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- Statistics for my blog of Naughty Poems Long and short as on 31-8-2012.
- 30 views all-time
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- 4 views on your busiest day, August 26, 2012
- Summary Tables as on 31-8-2012.
- Statistics for my blog on Amazing Animal Behavior completed in mid August 2012.
- 13 views all-time
- 0 views today
- 5 views on your busiest day, August 14, 2012
- Summary Tables as on 31-8-2012
- Statistics for my Blog "Adam to Zeus" and "A to Z Schools of Thoughts" completed in Mid August 2012.
The nectar-oozing-diplomatic-person may think (s)he evicted me from the forum.
(S)he merely hastened it by a few months. I thank him/her for that.
His/her mission accomplished (s)he vanished to where (s)he came from
or has (s)he been banned??? :noidea:
I have converted one more curse into a boon
and been liberated from bonded labor earlier than planned.
dear VR !Dear amala,
I am very much here. Only I have shifted to a different house!![]()
dear Mr.Ravi
As I have already stated elsewhere reading and writing have become to me
as natural and as necessary as breathing air.
I WILL continue to write, more, better and on things of permanent value.
If you can access this site, you can also access the
I will look forward to your comments, suggestions and opinions in my wordpress blogs.
In, things are under my control, like my own well organized house.
My presentation can enriched and the layout remains the same always -
unless I want to change it myself. People visit regularly to read.
They either appreciate or question but NEVER ever insult on purpose.
I think my varied interests were actually preparing me for the forum
but now the very same thing is held against me!
Health is also an important factor.
Family support is also another requirement.
My own Tamil Brahmin resents the time I spend in this and is always cross.
What is the fun in having the people who are cross with me at home as well as the forum???
By leaving this, I make everybody happy - myself included.
The Forum will go on as usual. Have no fear.![]()
Dear Guru Sir,post3846 #
dear raji ram madam !
it would have been better if you said i can not devote more time instead of having better thing to do .contributing to this forum is also better thing only. ........
I authorize you and my sister take up my position and
continue to :fencing: :argue: and :boxing: on my behalf
and retain the :first: of this thread.
Hello VR Mam, Its really a great shock to me ,I had few disturbances in viewing this TB site as i was warned by my PC as this might harm ,I had discussed this with our RR Mam. MAM,pls within few days ,OMG!!!!! ,lot of changes, very disturbing.I now know things are more far off ,but kind request ,IMPOV,those people are not aware of your nature ,talents,My humble feel why just because of some you move away ,I / WE do not want ,like these type of reactions from your side.I can understand the disturbing words they uttered,Mam just ignore them, this is under your talent ,creation, how can you with draw.pls reconsider.all members are really waiting for YOU.
dear VR !
you have rightly said.your writing will be always available in this forum or in word press.i am glad that you have not stopped writing even though this forum may miss if you have not reconsidered your decision. keep good health and enlighten us all.kindly do not make that (s)he moderate diplomat for your hastened decision and make that person hero/heroine our feed back will reach you .
Dear VR Madam, If one door is closed one door will open. You have closed this door and have opened the new door. Nothing in our hands and we are only the insturment of God. I wish you best of luck in your feature endeavours. You are leaving a vaccum in this thread which I feel very difficult to fill up.