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Think it over!

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Dear MK Ji

I think he be more like Dennis Mitchell - Mrs & Mr ManoharKumar could play the Martha & George
role. All we have to do now is find a Joey & Margaret , and not to forget Ruff !

[ Shhhh! I have the Camel in mind for Joey - any takers for Margaret ? ]

Any volunteers / nominations ? - Free Two-Way Ticket to KL & back - offered by Dr Renu .

Yay Yem
Dear VR Ji,

You know when my son was 1 year he was due for his MMR vaccine(Measles,Mumps and Rubella).
Ok that time some pediatrician in UK had come up with some unproven study that MMR vaccine increases risk of autism and delay in speech in children(the medical fraternity did not agree with his findings though).

So I went to a pediatrician to discuss this and he told me not to worry and he administered the MMR.
All along my son was hearing what the doc and I were discussing about autism and delay in speech etc.

When I came home..I noticed that my son was not calling me Amma as usual.
He was opening his mouth as to say Amma but no voice was coming out.

He looked as if he was struggling to speak.

I was observing him 1 hour and then I called my mother who lived near by to come observe him.

When my mother came my son was also doing the same thing..no voice coming out.
Then my husband became worried and told me.."didn't that UK study say that autism and delayed speech is a risk and now see he is trying to talk but no voice is coming out"

I was really worried and waited for hours and I was almost going to cry.
Then I went up to bathe and then my mum called me downstairs saying "your son is laughing and going on saying Amma Amma now"

When I came running down..He was again acting as if he could not speak..then he started laughing at me and called out loudly Amma.

I was thinking he must have understood every word I discussed with the doc about fear of autism and late speech onset and he must have thought to scare me.

What a drama he put at the age of 1!LOL

Dear Renu,

Kutties KNOW and UNDERSTAND much more than we will like to believe.

Yesterday my grandson was very :happy: after he had nursed from his mom.

I said

"Yummy mummy... yummy tummy
yummy tummy ...happy tummy
happy tummy... happy baby"

My grand daughter laughed and this fellow understood that we were making fun of him. :)

He started objecting and crying immediately:Cry:

AND he is just 4 months old. :baby:

He would wait patiently as long as his mom eats her food.

The moment she reached out for a second helping

he would start protesting and crying loudly!
This has brought out the real Renukaji!!!! After all the hardness and thorns on the outside Dr.Renukaji is so soft & sweet inside like the Jack fruit. Even if you can be so cold hearted to administer injections to your son,(as per others) he can still make you cry, Maam. Thats what is called women's Love and mothers affection!! Cheers!!

Nature's way of protecting a soft and sweet interior...
is to provide it with a tough and thorny exterior!!!

Can you imagine the fate of a Jack fruit or pineapple
without their protective and tough exterior???
Dear Manohar Ji,

My son is quite famous for giving me enough scares.
Once he called me when I was at work and told me he had got some red rashes all over his body.
I rushed home and saw that he had taken a red marker pen and drawn all red spots all over his body.

Like mother... like son!!! :)
Some adults become Krishna paramatma
and talk Gita you know when...!!! :spit::)

There is a forum, it allows any one to become a member, it allows a lot of space to accommodate whatever is posted.
There are people who have a lot of time to spend on the internet and in this particular forum. As I spend more time here I post more than others. So more of my posts will be viewed. Each post adds to the number of "views" which can be flaunted like the trp ratings of TV channels. Oh, yeah what an enviable readership!! I can pat myself on my back because i enjoy tickling my ego.
All this is harmless.
Trouble starts when things go straight to my head and I start thinking that I am far bigger than myself. That is the point when I start bullying others in the forum. That is the time when I am unable to resist the temptation to repeatedly needle some one about his/her habits-mind you habits are very personal and they are not there for others to make fun of. The net result is that I am converting the forum into a "kuzhaayadi" or worse a fish market where fisher-women vie with each other and quarrel to sell fish to a customer. The language becomes more aggressive and becomes more obnoxious and offending than the smell of the fish they sell.
My only hope is that better sense prevails and people stop needling others. There are enough topics to discuss, appreciate, differ, argue and to learn from each other. To say that BG is talked about under the influence of a drink is carrying animosity too far, far far beyond decent limits.
I have no one in particular in mind. After reading the quoted text I felt offended that BG has been trashed. This is the result of that pain.
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# 99. க்ருஷ்டையா.

மூன்றாவது servant quarters இல்

குடிபுகுந்தது அவன் குடும்பம்.

எங்களுக்கு வேலை செய்ததும்

இவனது மனைவி மனோரமாவே!

ஒரு மகன், ஒரு மகள் அவ்வளவே!

நல்ல வருமானம் கிடைத்தும் அது

அப்படியே wine ஷாப்புக்குப்

போய்விடுவதனால் அந்த வறுமை.

பகலெல்லாம் நன்றாக இருப்பான்.

இரவில் ஆளே மாறிவிடுவான்!

"மஹா பாரதமுலோ க்ருஷ்ண பரமாத்மா

ஏமி செப்பாடு தெலுசா?" என்ற தொடங்கி

மனோரமாவை சப்பாத்தி மாவு பிசைவான்.

குழந்தைகள் பயந்து வீறிட்டு அலறும்.

அவர்கள் முதுகிலும் நாலு சாத்துவான்.

அப்போது நாம் என்ன சொன்னாலும்

அவன் காதில் விழாது என்பதால்;

அடுத்த நாள்அறிவுரை சொன்னால்

குனிந்த தலை நிமிராமல் கேட்பான்.

"இனிக் குடிக்க மாட்டேன்!" என்று சத்தியம்

தன் தலை மேல் அடித்துச் செய்வான்.

"குடிகாரன் பேச்சு விடிந்தாலே போச்சு!"

இங்கு அவன் பேச்சு மாலை வரை தான்!

இரவு மீண்டும் அதே கூத்து! அதே ரகளை!

அவள் அத்தனை பொறுமைசாலியாக

அவனுடன் ஏன் சேர்ந்து வாழ்ந்தாள்?

தாலி தந்த அந்த மெல்லிய வேலிக்காகவா?

தகப்பன் என்ற ஒருவன் தேவை என்றா?

அவனால் கால் காசு பிரயோஜனம் இல்லை!

பூவுக்கும் பொட்டுக்கும் அவள் தந்த மதிப்பா?

இதுதான் ஒரு சராசரி இந்தியப் பெண்ணின் வாழ்க்கையா?

My post no #1143 dated 04-10-2011 in the thread "Life us like that!"

I referred to that Kristaiah who would turn into Krishna paramatma every night.

Well if there are more of his likes here, there and everywhere, it is none of my concern.

My respect for Krishna and Bhagavat Gita NEED not be proved to anyone...

least of all to a group of moon worshipers.
I am a house-wife, a mother and a grandmother.

I have come here to baby-sit my grandchildren.

Anyone with a sense of time would know

what it takes to manage a four months old baby boy

and a forty months old naughty girl in addition to cooking food

and taking care of all the kitchen chores.

I sacrifice my sleep and other entertainments

to do some productive work of permanent value.

If I WERE as BIG as I ought to be

I would have busted like a helium balloon.

Readership is to be EARNED by hard work.

Viewership is to be EARNED with good posts.

So also the marks and awards.

NOTHING comes free!!!

I do not have push or pull here

nor a secret society sworn to promote me.

Actually the converse is more true.

I am not bound to reply to each and every post

just because they appear in my thread.

I still reserve my right to interact with / ignore any person/post.

So instead of turning

blood red with anger :mad2:

bright green with envy, :sick:

black with hatred,

white with fear,

blue with sad thoughts :pout:

and yellow with prejudice :heh:

try to get dome useful work done

to build up your own image and

other forum statistics in the future.
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Music is the arch reformer. :music:
Henry David Thoreau.

Without music life would be a mistake. :doh:
Friedrich Nietzsche.

Music has charms to soothe a savage beast. :ear:
William Congreve.

What passion cannot Music raise and quell? :clap2:
John Dryden.
Habits are not just highly personal
but also TRULY and completely personal.
SO No need to publicize them in a public forum..
especially when they are NOT worth boasting about!

376 (a). குற்றமற்ற நெஞ்சு அர்த்தமற்ற பழியை எள்ளி நகையாடும்.
376 (b). A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.


375 (a). ஒருமுறை உடைந்த நட்பு உடைந்தது தான்!
375 (b). A broken friendship may be soldered but it will never be sound.
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372 (a). காதலுக்குக் கண்ணில்லை.
ஆத்திரத்துக்கு அறிவில்லை.
372 (b). Love is blind. So is hatred.

#1.Time to ponder on TIME.

Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future.

It is the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them.

Time has long been a major subject of study but defining it in a manner applicable to all fields namely

Science, Philosophy and Religion has consistently eluded scholars.

Time is what clocks measure and "time is what keeps everything from happening all at once".

Two contrasting viewpoints on time divide many prominent philosophers.

One view is that time is part of the fundamental structure of the Universe,

a dimension
independent of events, in which events occur in sequence.

Sometimes this is referred to as Newtonian time.

The opposing view is that time does not refer to any kind of "container" that events and objects "move

Nor is it to any entity that "flows". It is part of a fundamental intellectual structure in relation

to space and number
within which humans sequence and compare events.

This second view holds that time is neither an event nor a thing.

Hence time is not itself measurable nor can it be traveled either forwards or backwards.
#2.Time to ponder on TIME.

Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in the International System of Units.

Time is used to define other quantities like speed, velocity and acceleration.

So defining time in terms of such quantities would result in circularity of definition.

An operational definition such as the passage of a free-swinging pendulum constitutes one standard unit

called second
is highly useful in the conduct of both advanced experiments and everyday affairs of life.

The operational definition leaves aside the question whether there is something called time that flows

and that can be measured.

Investigations of Space time , a single continuum bring questions about space into questions about time.

Furthermore, it may be that there is a subjective component to time, but whether or not time itself is

as the other personal experience or as a sensation has never been settled.

Time is also of significant social importance. It has economic value since "Time is money"

Time has tremendous personal value since we know that time once lost is lost forever.

Time and Tide wait for none. Time available is further limited by human life span.
#3. Time to ponder on TIME


Mountains rocks and stones exist for ever
until ravaged by natural forces like sun, rain and wind.

Chit... awareness

Trees live long. They do not get destroyed but prosper, propagate
and grow bigger and larger all the time.


Man has limited sath in his physical form but unlimited chit.
Instead of using these to remain in Anandam for ever,
he ruins his own and tries his level best ruin that of the others around him.

So much credit to the intellect bestowed on him by the Universal Consciousness

If Time is continuous and can flow, it is very much like a river or a stream.

So traveling in either direction must be possible.

So 'back to the future' is a possibility if the person

had gone to our past from our future.
Ego is a Latin word meaning "I" cognate with the Greek "Εγώ (Ego)" meaning "I".

It is often used in English to mean the "self", "identity" or other related concepts.

It just separates 'I' from the others.

Nothing wrong in knowing where my 'I' ends and the 'others' begins.
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