A real guru used to test whether the applicants for the post of his sishyaas,
were really qualified for the journey on the path of spiritual progress.
He believed in the power of mind over matter.
He used to test the applicants by giving them
one solid blow on the head with a thick stick.
Of course he would not do it himself but would get it done by his right-hand-man.
One day all the people remained silent and only one fellow yelped when struck on the head.
The assistant told the guru " All are in the right pakkvam and pucca except one which is still raw!"
were really qualified for the journey on the path of spiritual progress.
He believed in the power of mind over matter.
He used to test the applicants by giving them
one solid blow on the head with a thick stick.
Of course he would not do it himself but would get it done by his right-hand-man.
One day all the people remained silent and only one fellow yelped when struck on the head.
The assistant told the guru " All are in the right pakkvam and pucca except one which is still raw!"