Well-known member
Dear VR ji..answers in blue
When the firm, clean ground is a good enough bed, why do we go for cots and super comfort beds? When our arms can serve well as warm pillows , why do we go for sponge pillows?
Dear VR Ji..sleeping on the floor is not as comfortable unless we are very young.Also one should not use their arms as pillows...this is a main reason for nerve compression in the upper limb and can even lead to paralysis of the arm.
When a small clean house is enough to live in, why do we build sprawling houses?
Size of house depends on our needs....a house should not be too small or too big.
When the public transports are good enough for our travel, why do we need A.C cars?
Becos public transport is not always comfortable and in case of emergencies there is nothing like having a car. Just imagine..I take 1 big bag with money change to lap top and my lunch bag where I have cooked both lunch ad dinner for to carry so many things and hop on a bus? This is where a car comes in handy.