Dear VR ji,
How is RR ji doing?
Any news from her?
You are very wise.
I too was wondering about her where abouts.
You tapped the right person
Dear VR ji,
How is RR ji doing?
Any news from her?
You are very wise.
I too was wondering about her where abouts.
You tapped the right person
You are very wise.
I too was wondering about her where abouts.
You tapped the right person
You are very wise.
renukajiI don't know if I am wise or not but I have a feeling my mind is aging very fast!LOL
Two days ago while shopping I was sort of "nagging" my husband and son cos I felt they were spending way too much money buying some stuff that seemed too expensive for what it should be actually worth and it was not even an essential item.
My husband was telling me "I think I am the only husband who gets nagged for spending the other aisle I heard a wife nagging her husband for not willing to pay for expensive items"
Somehow I have become older for my actual age!LOL
If you keep transacting with senior citizens, you will become prematurely senior and those close to you will not find you desirable company for shopping and enjoying
many items/events appealing to the young. Being a doctor meeting many complaining of some ailment or other deadens feelings and one gets more philosophical about
pain , suffering and death. It is difficult to detach oneself and enjoy living not thinking of these . Also there should be a better unwinding mechanism other than religion
and discussions on matters concerning the soul.One has to remain uncomplicated enjoying the simple things around without thinking too much about it and being
judgemental. One can enjoy the company of people around us without being too introverted and give more of ourself to those who desire our company instead of
shutting ourself from them. Humans need to reach out to other humans without reservations for happy living
When Mahatma Gandhi saw a poor wretched woman with not enough clothes to cover her body, he gave up his sophisticated dresses and switched over to dress of the majority on the poor Indians. This did not reduce or diminish his name or fame since he was loved even more after this transformation.
He became the idol of Ahimsa and is remembered fondly as the Father of our nation. True happiness lies in reducing our needs an sharing the excess we have with the less fortunate people around us.
Normally many seniors are frozen in time. Based on experiences of their work life and times some twenty or more years back , they tend to advise youngsters. AlsoDear Krish ji,
I don't mind interacting with seniors that too well informed ones.
But I do have a problem when it comes to spending money..that is I find it hard to spend money!LOL
I am not all that judgmental but over all sort of too careful with money.
I always fear too much indulgence in anything would spell a disaster times when I laugh too much I actually get scared after a while cos "Koi jitna hanse utna hi rota hai" (One who laughs a lot weeps a lot too).
I feel you are partially right..I do shut myself off from many people..but I like the phone bills are almost zero!LOL
When you go out with others invariably you have to spend and since I hardly like spending money besides buying essential items I feel most outings are a waste of money.
That is why I am not fond of holidays..I only like to travel to India to buy books and come home.
When it comes to books I can spend a fairly good amount of money.I think I own more books than anything else!
My house is full of books.
I am bit of an extrovert. I relate to strange guys like auto drivers, toilet cleaners, slum women domestics as much as stinking well off fellows who are my boozing pals
and friends for outings in different cities in the country. I like to move with people of all age groups specially the young who teach me grudgingly how to operate the
latest electronic devices.
More people one transacts with, the more one keeps in touch with realities around us. Sometimes one finds life is stranger than fiction when some relate their
experience of what they have gone thru in life. { one tends to take some stories with a pinch of salt as facts get mixed with fiction} .
Dear Krish ji,
I do not like to hang out with anyone all that much cos I won't know what to talk.
But online I seem to be able to type well and interact in forum!LOL