I wrote that not Krishnamurthy sir.
The case of Kayasthas in North India and Vellalars and Komatis in South India are 2 examples. The Calcutta High Court ruled that Kayasthas (of Bengal) are Shudras. The Allahabad High Court returned Kayasthas (of UP) as Brahmins and Patna High Court ruled that Kayasthas (of Bihar areas) are Kshatriyas. Description of these court cases are available in various books. The court cases of Komatis is
described here. The case of the Vellalas has been
described here. This is just a small sample. The Nagarathars also came up with their 'caste' duly faked in the colonial period to claim a Vaishya position for themselves. I will be blogging on each and every 'caste' so please wait for that.
Alright. For starters, there is the case of the Bagathas, a Scheduled Caste associated with farming. In the colonial period, some of them were given a supervisory role to supervise their own farmer tribesmen. These supervisor farmers were also given the role of dividing land amongst farmers of various tribes for cultivation. The Bagath 'caste' people distributed more land amongst their own tribesmen, and around the time when the hold of the british lessened on them, these tribesmen became owners of the land. In one particular area all land owners were Bagaths. Since they became land-owners they felt they should only own the land and not cultivate it themselves.
So the Bhagaths hired farmers from other 'castes' to do the farming. They established contact with Jangam and Sathani (SSV) priests to elevate them into "Kshatriyas" with the sacred thread. In this way a particular community took to claiming that they are 'Vedic Kshatriyas'. Some such key details are available in the book Journal of Social Research, Vol 15 published by the Council of Social and Cultural research.
Going back in time, evidence is available in the form of epigraphies / inscriptional evidence. I shall write about stories spun by tribal warriors and their priests such as koil-boyas and kapalika tantrics in the Vijayanagar period, since both sides gained from each other by elevating each other to the state of 'vedic brahmins' and 'vedic kshatriyas'. Since the content is very-very large, i shall blog on it taking care not to name the current communities.
1. Mudali and Naidu are titles, not castes. Anyone from any tribe or any caste could become a Mudali or a Nayaka or Thakur. It merely means some ancestor of theirs became a landowner, or that they acquired the title by hook or crook in recent times. It does not denote their caste.
2. It is baseless to claim that folks do not 'take the identity brahmin' by choice. As regards pride in identity, please let me put out all the content i have accumulated. Then everyone who claims to be brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, can ponder over whether or not they want external factors such as "caste" to give them pride or self-esteem.
Yes ofcourse, we owe the current caste-based politics to "pride" in caste that has got into the bone marrow of people, thanks to the caste ethos that was helped along by the orthodoxy in the colonial period. So today we have to tolerate gundas, rouges and cheats like pawar, raja, yadav, katara, paswan, etc, etc who get elected in the name of caste and loot and sell the country. People like me can only hope that more chopters take away people like ys.
This was written by the rishi atreya. Not by Manu and his like. Thankgod there was one good man like Atreya in the whole lot of 'brahmins' of dharmashastras.
I wrote that, not TKS. Now take these 2 situations where i wud have escaped the predicament of having to accept TKS as a brahmin.
I) One is a situation where i wud be a nayak 'princess' of some stupid tribal origin where the men were drunkards and abused / exchanged women. Nevertheless being a part of the 'statehood' which my ilk created, we wud have had 'power' in our hands. In such case my ilk wud have employed tantrics and tribal priests and made them a part of the "statehood" elevating them to the state of "brahmins". We wud have done so because of mutual gain. The tribal priests get to become 'brahmins', rajpurohits, etc. And we gained by getting elaborate ceremonies created and conducted for ourselves.
And ofcourse our 'brahmins' will create elaborate geneologies connecting us to Yayati, Turvasa, or if we so fancied then to Rama Himself so that our offsprings can take "pride" in their newly acquired gotras, and lineage. After 350 years, my lot will insist that they were 'vedic kshatriyas' and your lot will insist that they are "vedic brahmins". And both of us will insist that it is a "respectable thing for others" to accept ourselves as such.
2) Another situation where i wud have escaped the predicament wud be if i were a member of a trade guild. Now this is the most powerful position. Especially if i belonged to a guild like Nakara guild (currently called Nagarathars), or to Nanadeshi / Ayyavole guild (members of which are currently spread out amongst Gavaras, Balijas and Komatis). If such a trade guild did not lend money, the king / warriors could not even commision temple building. Nor wud their armoury be supplied with arms and weapons. So the tribal men or so-called 'warriors' who cleared forest tracts, or acquired large tracts of land thru tribal fights, could forget their dreams of transforming their land into a Kingdom or State.
But as a trader, i would have support the kings because then i get to be elevated as a 'Vedic Vaishya' who gets to have a 'gotra' or 'kootam' based on temples (for social "pride" of course). So the nexus of bania-kshatriya-brahmana wud have worked well for all 3 of us.
Well, so Raju, i have conveyed the situation well i think. If i did not belong to the bunch of petty tribal fighters (who still abound as gundas today) or to a trade guild, it is quite possible that as a poor farmer (now designated as a 'shudra') under the vijayanagar rayas, i wud have had to face the situation of being forced to accept TKS as a 'brahmin'.
Viola, eureka, what a gem of a question!!
Oh yes, hindus who acquired 'awareness' are so stupid that they oppose casteism because of envy, ignorance, etc; which ofcourse the 'brahmins' do not have because of all the sattva gunas they have inherited. And these stupid hindus with awareness are so selfish that they cannot care about the progress of the nation. Only we brahmins with all the sattva gunas care about the country so much that we want casteism to remain. We will do social work but no social reform.
There is no difference between a panchama, a brahmin, a kshatriya, a vaishya. All are tribal fellows of the same origin. There is no need to call anyone as a "panchama", or a 'brahmin', 'ksatriya' or 'vaishya' or 'shudra'.
If casteism has to go, then everyone has a role to play. We live in a democracy, and in a knowledge based economy where laws and rules are made not by killing one another or enforcing it upon the other; as in the days of the past. Which is why the actions of the 'upper-castes' are unlawful. Unfortuantely they get away with it in numerous ways. Loopholes in consitution were created by the orthodoxy to allow casteism to flourish. And personal laws that apply to Hindus were derived in part from the dharmashastras. This is a system where the issue of casteism has to be addressed from the intellectual / scriptural pov; so that the benefits can be reaped by all sections of the society. This is why the orthodoxy has a role to play.
Alright Shri KRS ji, please do not delete the posting. Let me get to hear more of the likes of Shri Raju.