Dear Srimathi Happy Hindu Ji,
I am a very simple man - simple minded too.
I consider you as my sister.
So, it is with astonishment, I am saying this. Why are you not accepting me, when I say who I am? Am I a casteist? Am I wrong when I claim that I am a 'brahmin' based on my family's culture? Seems to me that you want to question my lineage and culture, trying to prove that I am after all not a 'brahmin'. So be it.
Dear Sir, i really do not understand this. I have never considered you a casteist. Also seriously and sincerely i do not know how can a word 'brahmin" be associated with culture? Sir, lets say you were to describe your culture to an ethnographer, how would you describe it? Please all i request is for everyone to be factually correct.
If you want to say that I am responsible for all the 'atrocities' perpetrated against who you call 'sudras', so be it. So, I am, because I may carry thye genes of my fore fathers, who might have done wrong, in the matter of caste warfare, or do I term it as the 'class warfare'?
Again sir, this baffles me. All i can request you is to not to take it personally. It is impossible for me to assign any atrocities to you or to your forefathers. Simply because there is no single individual who can claim to have descended intact specifically from any one person or group alone.
It also baffles me how can a present-day 'dalit' associate himself with Shambhuka or how can a self-appointed 'kshatriya' associate himelf with Rama. Similarly it baffles me how can anyone claim to have descended intact either from the war-mongering 'brahmins' of dharmashatras, or from anthanar philosophers or from anywhere at all.
I have no idea what tribes are associated with your gene markers. Even if i knew all i cud possibly tell you is something on the myriad, wide-ranging and interesting cultures that probably or hypothetically might be associated with your ancestry. So as you can see sir, in every case (that is, from the cultural, social and genetic pov), it is impossible for me or anyone to hold you or any individual as a direct descendent of the 'brahmins' of the dharmashastras. Much less, hold you or anyone responsible for any "atrocities against shudras".
You have every right as my sister to question my ancestry. What else can I say, except to say 'sorry' - the Gods did not see fit to let me be born as any other person than as this fictitious caste as a Brahmin, who has done all the wrongs to shape a Hindu society.
Sir please i think you are getting me wrong. There is one reason why i do not speak to some people about caste anymore. Because they are emotional people. I too am emotional. But mostly until now i have been able to get rid of it and be factual. If you are emotional about this, please i suggest that we drop this conversation for now, give ourselves a cool-off period and resume it later.
What else I can do except to apologize for my present birth, ad infinitum, because some of my Fore Fathers might have been racists?
Sir please why are you apologising, for what. You yourself have said your parents and grandparents were not casteists, neither are you. Then why are you aplogising on the behalf of some ancestors (both imagined and known) who were not your ancestors alone?
So, go ahead. Strip me of my culture and are you happy?
It is impossible for me or any individual to strip anyone of their culture.
But, please, in the mean time, listen me out.
I am born in to a 'Brahmin' family, because that is what my Parents and Grand Parents told me. I am saying that MY FOREFATHERS were Brahmins based on this alone. They may have been fishermen, for all I know. As I am not feeling any superiority over others, does this really matter?
No one knows who anyone's ancient ancestors were. All of us have descended from men who were fishermen and hunters in the megalithic period. Early cultures must have been centered around water bodies, totemic fish, etc. All am saying is one cannot say for sure "who's ancestor(s) professed what occupation(s)".
As regards priests, they do go into an alter state of mind during certain rituals; and experience the timelessness of brahman (some of us may do so when we meditate perhaps). Therefore the priests are brahmins. But a priest is a brahmin in his individual capacity. How can any culture be labelled as 'brahmin'?
Sir, please i can only speak based on what i have come across. It wud do me good to know if i have missed some point, or if i have missed reading something crucial.
I am not arguing about any others - I am arguing about what I think who I am. To me, 'Brahmin' is not about Dharma Shastras. It is about the ideals of our religion. Because of stories like Satyakama, I think that a Brahmin was based on conduct alone at one time, not on birth.
Sir, Satyakama is just one odd example (and notably so because he was asked his gotra before being considered for admission. To me it is anomalous that this story is in chandogya upanishad).
Please, i do not think there was ever a system where one was recruited into the chaturvarana system based on temperment. Whatever is called the chaturvarna is only from the dharmashastras; with support from Jaimini's Purvamimansa.
Added note: If there was chaturvarna system based on temperment (and not by birth), please i request you to elaborate on it (without ascribing motives to me please). When did it exist?
I do not call anyone a Shudra. But, please do not tell me that I am not born in to a culture called Brahmin culture! I was and that is a unique culture.
Sir, please again you are repeating this without specifying how can a culture be brahmin. So please first explain what is a "brahmin" culture?
Just because you insist that the definition is from Dharma Shastras, which I reject, does not mean that there is not a culture called 'Tamil Brahmin'.
Sir, why should i "insist"? It is true that chaturvarna is from the dharmashastras. Am i claiming something that is false (or something on my own); and insisting on it?
Yet Again sir, please can you explain how there is a culture called "brahmin" culture ?
With all due respect, I think your animosity towards casteism is not allowing you to see that the 'Tamil Brahmins' of today have their own unique culture. This is the fact. As I have said, like Chettiars, etc. So, you don't want to call us 'Brahmins'. How else you would like to laqbel us? Oppressors? People who are evil? People who have no right to call themselves 'Brahmins'?
Goodness. Alright sir if you think i have some animosity it is difficult for me to reason out. So i leave you to your assumptions. All i can say is no sane person wud label any community as oppressors, or evil.
When it comes to the word "brahmin", it has a specific meaning. It is not some cufflink which anyone and everyone can wear. Lets say i am the son of a kalamukha acharya, how can i claim to belong to the "brahmin" culture? I can claim to belong to the culture of kalamukhas. But how can i claim to be a brahmin myself when i do not even practice that culture?
Perhaps later you can explain to me how a "smartha" becomes a "brahmin culture"? So far as i understand, the komati, nagarathar, balija, gavara, are not claiming to belong to any "vaishya culture". Some may claim to be "vaishya" varna.. But none of them claim that their culture is called "vaishya culture".
Please can you explain what is "brahmin culture", "kshatriya culture", "vaishya culture" and "shudra culture"?
I would not club all the 'orthodox' as the 'oppressors'. It is quite complex. Labeling a whole community as oppressors is, in my view not correct.
Sir i have not labelled the orthodox as oppressors, nor have i ever-ever labelled any whole community as oppressors.
Equality of men, personal freedoms etc. are today's concepts. I have a problem applying them to the past. Knowledge and civilization progresses over time.
I disagree. If we take a look at the tribal structures of the past, men were not fixed into some rigid box slots based on occupations. Nor do we find folks being punished for trying to learn something in tribal societies. Early man did have the concept of equality for men and personal freedom.
Tribal janapadas sought to conquer each other and arrest the opponents' freedom by conquering them and subjugating them. The fact that they sought to defend themselves, and fend off subjugation, itself means people had the concept of personal freedom which they did not want to loose.
Caste system is defined by the Smrithis. The dharmashastras fixed punishments for shudras / dasas who tried to learn vedas, accumulate money, or basically have a life. It was certainly an oppressive system by the mores of any past or present day standards. Justifying such a system (while dubbing equality of men as "today's" concepts) is like justifying slavery of the past.
I find your view that the whole community called Brahmins responsible for a conduct that is looked upon with today's mores invalid. You are espousing views that were expressed in the book 'why I am not a Hindu?'.
I completely disagree. To me this is just a sheer allegation. Please let me know where have i said that the "whole community" of brahmins are responsible for a conduct looked down upon by the mores of the past or present or by any standard. Which are the views i am espousing from the book 'why i am not a hindu'?
Eliminating 'corruption' in religion is not done by throwing out commonly used words. I only wish that can be true. Do you really think that by eliminating the word 'Brahmin', you will destry somehow all the casteism in our religion, across the board?
Now possibly i can claim to be "Parahamansa" and tell everyone that it is a "respectable thing" for them to accept me as such. Please sir, i think it is pretty much evident that every word has a specific meaning. Everyone cannot name themselves anyways as they please. I have never ever said that the word "brahmin" should be eliminated. If falsified claims have lead to corruption in the religion and contributed to casteism, then yes i think being factual will help lessen casteism.
Seriously, this is not solely about the evil Brahmins alone.
Nowhere have i ever used the term "evil brahmins". I thot i already mentioned that the actions of 'uppercastes' (NBs) are wrong and about the bania-kshatriya-brahman nexus, and have time and again put down those (NBs) who practice casteism in various posts.
This guna and hierarchical nonsense is everywhere. I bet you that if you eliminate the word 'Brahmins' you will somehow find some in other castes trying to lord over others. The solution is not about twiddling with terms. It is about through education changing the hearts and minds.
I have never said that the word "brahmins" must be eliminated. Nor have i twindled with terms. On the contrary, i think i am adressing "obfuscation" created by people.
If vedic education is allowed for all, no one will dare meddle with one another on the basis of "caste". The current situation of modernity and present day law will further ensure no one can enforce (or lord) themselves upon another.