Dear Renuka,
Also for an unrealized person his thoughts sound real I would call thoughts as also a part of outer persona. I would call the voice of conscience as reflecting the true inner persona. For those whose conscience is subjugated or becomes veiled, their thoughts seem real. A truly realized person perfectly reflects in his body and mind the material cosmos and the cosmic soul.His mind which is one with the cosmic soul can project the outer persona the way it desires,especially with a good purpose in mind. We see this especially in the krishna avatar of vishnu where the lord resorts to mind games to win over the opponents. Mind games are especially necessary if the objective of the avatar is to cleanse the corrupt minds. The kali yuga is tailor made for such an avatar to appear.
Dear Sravna:
Here is the alternate view on this from an Atheist, but a Neurobiologist -
1. Yes, we have subconscious and conscious mind.. Sigmund Freud says the "Id" of a personality is in the subconscious mind and the "ego" is in the conscious mind of the same mountain of personality or the "I" ness. It is a property of the amplitude of the action potential in the neuronal pathway connecting the specialized sensory neurons in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain.
2. The voice of Conscience is always there in ALL human beings whether one believes in a God or a Religion or NOT. This property that Homo sapiens acquired along the way due to Biological Evolution... not thru any God or Religion.
3. There is nothing like the so-called Cosmic Soul..this is some verbal and mental bombast of followers of God and Religion... this has no scientific basis of any kind.
4. The story of Krishna and Vishnu are the brain child of the Author Great Vyasa & Co, completely a FICTION.
5. Corrupt minds can be with the Believers and depends on their inner personality... Gods just can't change it, no matter what!
Think of it...
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