There was no mention, direct or implied, about brahmin superiority in my post. What I said was - in relation to this point here - that you have a firm notion that brahmins have been "milkarians" (vegetarians who have no taboo for milk of cows, goats, sheep, etc.) from time immemorial and that this notion will be found wrong if only you had taken the trouble to read our scriptures without any bias or partiality in your mind. For instance Satapatha BraahmaNa III-1-2-21 tells us that Yaajnavalkya said—"I eat beef provided it is tender (anSaLa). Manu Smriti (V-30) states, “It is not sinful to eat meat of eatable animals, for Brahma has created both the eaters and the eatables.” And this is not for non-brahmins only or something like that. You will get detailed info from Manu Smriti, Chapter V, Sloka 11 and onwards. In sloka 19, Manu says, "A twice-born man who knowingly eats mushrooms, a village-pig, garlic, a village-cock, onions, or leeks, will become an outcast."
(छत्राकं विड्वराहं च लशुनं ग्रामकुक्कुटम् ।
पलाण्डुं गृञ्जनं चैव मत्या जग्ध्वा पतेद्द्विजः ॥)
Vashistha Dharmasutra (11/34) says, “If a Brahmin refuses to eat the meat offered to him on the occasion of ‘Shraaddha’ or worship, he goes to hell.”
So, if only anyone takes the trouble of reading our scriptures and not stop with what our parents told/taught us in the present day context, one will find that the so-called pseudo-vegetarianism (because we tabras happily consume all milk products although its origin is animal and not vegetarian) now prevalent among tabras is a mere outer layer or facade. I am not saying that all of us should start eating meat from tomorrow; what I say is "let us be content with whatever food habits we now have but let us not make our so-called vegetarianism as a sort of brahmin virtue or even a saastra greatness which we tabras alone abide by. Let us not look down upon people who are NVs even though we may not even like the look of the NV food personally.