....Homosexuality is not a crime, it is not an economic condition. It is not unnatural. All they want is for the society to come to terms with it. The way to come to terms with it is to recognize their relationship, their love, on par with opposite sex relationship and love. This does not take anything away from anyone, but only expands human understanding and compassion. Why is there so much opposition, what are we afraid of?..
i have found that empathy and sympathy, which was never present in a person, suddenly overflows, when it comes to affect oneself or one's own dear ones.
know a white guy who used to make fun of the gays, in the grossest terms. till his son announced that he was gay. it took a while, but this father came around. admitted he was wrong, and between having a 'gay son' and 'not a son', he preferred the former.
i have seen the same thing with tambrams in toronto. in the 70s and 80s when most of us had young families, any marriage outside the caste was greeted with derision and contempt. ' my son (or daughter) will never do that'... till the 90s came when their own children came of marriageable age.
some married into the caste out of parental compulsion or bowing to their parents' wishes. 100% failure rate i am afraid, as all these divorced or separated within two years max.
nowadays, most tambram parents here are happy to see their children married and married happily. who the children chose to marry, appears not a concern anymore.
in toronto, we have not yet had any openly acknowledged gays, though one guy here got married in india at his parents' behest. he was effeminate, and we could not figure out how the parents could dare do this. sure enough the girl returned to india within 2 weeks after coming here.
in the usa, i know of one tambram guy, who celebrated his marriage, with his white partner. it was pacific west, washington or oregon.
i can see the same thing happening in india, even to ghulam nabi azad, should one of his children turn out to be gay. after all, even ronald reagan changed his views, once his daughter outed herself to be a lesbian.
such is life.
folks who are now dead set against the gays, will continue to do so, in this forum, and outside. those who think otherwise, like me, will also continue to do so.
such too is life
ps.. one good reason not to have too rigid a stance in life, i have found, is that it is easier to change the views. one should always leave the back door open a bit. i have quite a few cases of fathers or mothers breaking down beyond repair - over choice of spouse or sexual preference of their child