Hey Renu
I too want to get naughty and dedicate this song to you in this thread
TR dangerous dance - YouTube
Love you dear
Enna kodumai valli idhu? real funny ok..TR Rocks!!!
my first post here...
afaik, what we call science is a description of how things happen and what contributes to the same.
in short, reasoning and explanation to what happens around us.
All that we humans have been able to do ( with or without science ) - is to change one form of matter into another. eg. when we "build" a house, we actually convert mud , sand , water , metal , etc ... in their raw form into a single structure as we require.
All that happens in the world on its own - is again a change from one form to another. eg. the cycle of water through water cycle or the cycle of plant chemicals through food cycle.
Some thing that has not happened so far - and hence something which science has no idea about - is the real "creation" or "destruction" of matter. Like Newton realized, "Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed" - he just forgot to add a "by humans" in the end...
a few interesting questions arise now - now if there is no possibility of creating something out of nothing, where did all this matter around us come from to start with ? or where does the space end ? rather, can it end at all ( as there will always be something on the other side of the end line ) ? and so on ...
these are questions which basically cant be answered - forming more of the unanswerable rather than the proclaimed unknown - leading , at the least to an entity which has more powers than what we humans are understood to possess. and irrespective of the questions about such an entity, the entity in itself is what people see in the super power we call as god.
Y, super power is explainable, but supernatural power is not....Let the Super Power stays there where it is... according to the dictates of Holy BG or some other Holy Books!
"....these are questions which basically cant be answered - forming more of the unanswerable rather than the proclaimed unknown - leading , at the least to an entity which has more powers than what we humans are understood to possess. and irrespective of the questions about such an entity, the entity in itself is what people see in the super power we call as god."
Dear N:
Welcome. Nice seeing you here.
As a Naturalist I don't have any problem with that Super Power...
but do you think that Super Power expects from people all the prayers, rituals and adoration
which is the essence of all the Organized Religions of Abraham and Vedas/Puranas?
Let the Super Power stays there where it is... let's live our lives according to our clean conscience without picking up a fierce fight with anyone who disagrees with us or going after "Eye for an Eye" according to the dictates of Holy BG or some other Holy Books!
One proof and one evidence why God exists:
1. Scientific Proof that God Exists - YouTube
2. Scientific Evidence that God is real! - YouTube
links pasted in skeptics rainbow thread as well
Why Should There Be A GOD, When You Have Free Will and No Fear?
Many of you may know me: I have gone to the top of my house and yelled this question many times!
I have said that Man (some men) created all this Organized Religions and their Gods who just don't exist!
I have said that poojas and prayers are never heard by this (Non-existent) Gods! It's a form of Bribery!!
I have said that there is no Modus Operandi for any God to do anything to the devotees! Because He does not exist.
When Kavinger Kannadasan asked "Kadavul Yaen Kallaanaan?" I answered "He has been a Kall from the Beginning, Kavingarae!"
Gods exist because the Believers are in FEAR and/or are Superstitious, IMO.
Enjoy your Gods!
"One might say "man invented the concept God". Another might say "man recognized the possibility of God"."
That's fine... but the same man who recognized the possibility of God should not be living in abject poverty, because of the belief that his God "did not give him a good life".
About 70% of the world population lives in abject poverty solely because of this belief in their Gods, and the neglect of their Free Will, smart planning and hard work.
That's a sad reality...
Since rich people are exploiting others and desire to live in a lavish style, others are poor.
This statement NEED not be correct... It could be true in a few cases, and not ALL cases. Very many rich became rich because of higher skills, better planning and harder work and some luck...IMO.
The poor do not have time, energy, intelligence and analytical ability like those who are having all comforts can easily say people are poor because they do not put in the required efforts, are afraid of rich people, etc.
Maybe... but poor are not afraid of rich people, IMO... many times they hate rich people because of jealousy, perhaps!
But they are happier than the rich people. They go out of their way to help others inspite of themselves having many problems i.e. they are least selfish. In the absence of such people, rich people can not have any comforts. Rich always feel insecure about their status i.e. democleus sword is hanging over their head. Poor have no such inhibitions. Sometimes, poor are unhappy.
This statement NEED not be correct... maybe some poor are happier than the "rich".
They, however are not unhappy always. They do live in the present and do enjoy life. Rich people are always worried about tomorrow and furthering in fulfilment of desires. Rich people are mentally weak i.e. they can not even imagine for a moment to lead the life of a poor man even for a day. Rich people have comforts still they feel insecure.
This statement NEED not be true... perhaps it's all your POV on rich and the poor... a ploy to keep the poor poorer! Lol
Could this be explained by
non believers in the God. If God were created by man, rich people should not feel insecure because they need not be afraid of anybody who is poorer than him. Of course, there are exceptions as every rule has the exception. The exception of tje rule is due to realisation of the truth that whole world is changing and change can not be prevented by any effort but has only to be endured. Normally, such exceptional people are believers in God and would have surrendered to him completely with full faith. rajaji48
My view is the idea of God and the concept of Religions are all FICTION manufactured by some smart people to control, to regulate, and/or to exploit the unsuspecting innocent people.
I don't know whether this view will change till I die... I don't believe in "Poorva Janma Karma" another HOAX played upon the innocent people to exploit them by some smart MEN.
Not all Athiests are rich people... but they have reached their Moksha - the Freedom in this life itself.
Atheism is NOT in the same coin.... Theism is a mental construct of people for the sake of pure TRADITION and/or of FEAR and/or of SUPERSTITION... nothing more.
Atheists simply point out this FACT or the TRUTH or "the DHARMA" and get into trouble with the bloated EGO of the Theists, IMO.
Why? I started this second thread with the hope of keeping it free of polemics. I can only request, the rest is up to the members....links pasted in skeptics rainbow thread as well
Dear narayan, the slide presentations you have posted are quite weak. Except the universal constants, all other issues have been thoroughly discussed in this very thread again and again.One proof and one evidence why God exists:
Why? I started this second thread with the hope of keeping it free of polemics. I can only request, the rest is up to the members.
Dear narayan,
the slide presentations you have posted are quite weak.
The universal constants is a better argument, but that too is weak because of what cosmologists and philosophers call the anthropic principle.
The second video is filled with logical fallacies. Discussing them will have no effect on the theist camp.
Ok let me shoot the first few Q's to you Raghy,
1)Can we start by defining hardship?Don't you think hardship is subjective?
2) Why are we always measuring hardship with the Material Scale?Do we feel someone is better off to us merely becos he has more money and an easy lifestyle?
3)"Hardship" was your past..why dont you ask yourself why its "easy" for you now? If it was "Why me" for your hardship arent you asking "Why me" for your easier life now?
Have you ever thought that your "hardship" was your destiny to be a role model for others that success does come eventually?