The atheist may not like suffering, but he has no reason to object it too.
Sri.Shiv sir, Greetings.
I did not say I was suffering in my life in post #1173. It was just my life. I was not complaing about that. By the way, I don't settle for 'something is better than nothing' philosophy. I work hard; if I don't get the result I sought, I even work harder to achieve the result I seek.
sh.ragy, i went to cloud no 9 for while, when I read you calling me "SIR"

wish i had lot of grey hair like MF.hussain! even if one or two pops us, my wife ensure that's plucked when am asleep. would you please call me by name?
in my post, i was infering your personal thing. i know you are doing wonderful. my question to you was on an atheist view. though religion has given very many explanations about sufferings, my thirst is to know 'what is the atheism's answer to Sufferings/pain?"
where ever you go, what atheists do is, to eliminate the existence of god by quoting pain and suffering and eliminate god. interestingly, that stand by default infers that there is no 'purpose in our life on earth', and that there is no positive purpose in the struggles/conquests we face. that's indeed a dangerous situation, for any society.
what i wanted to ask you in that post is, do rejecting the existence of god remove the pain and suffering we experience?? i'm sure that stand is not to make our life any easier.
if there is no god and we have no purpose in life on earth, then the only easy solution/answer to chronic pain, huge debts, birth deforms, cancer, and all of the other things that afflict us is suicide / euthanasia. ending life for pain, would be the easiest and acceptable solution with atheism, unless we keep god or karma as an answer to those pains, with a look ahead towards future or life after death.
im not claiming here god is the ultimate convincing answer, but atheism fails to give me even a microscopical convincing answer about this dilemma.
rejecting god, setting no purpose for life on earth, and believing that the fittest will only survive, may sound good as long as you are fit& fine. but when old age, disease, and injuries set in, “survival of the fittest” is a destructive and pessimistic stand.
do you think, you can answer those things, with the absence of god and karma?