If God 'does' exist, why do we give Him/Her different names and forms such as Shiva, Vishnu, Parvati etc etc? Why can't there be but one common formless God?y.
Dear brother Professor Nara Ji,
Human suffering is real. Whether you have the Karma concept or not it is there. 'Why bad things happen to good people?' is the common refrain.
You will probably say that it is because of probability distribution. But here is a theory that seems to put together two concepts (transmigration of a soul plus the Karmic theory) to explain the above.
There are too many things that has happened in my own life that can not be either explained by the chance theory nor by the cause and effect principle.
One aspect of the Karmic theory I do not accept, because my Guru taught me not to accept is the link between Karma and Varna. I find lots of Hindus, especially those who follow the Purva Mimamsa tradition believe in this link and think that merits for next life comes from one's predominant Guna of this life. I think this is rubbish. I also think that this is what folks like you reject. And I do too.
But I believe in the Advaithic view that Ishvara is the dispenser of the fruits of ones Karma in present life and He is also responsible for slicing of the Sanchitha Karma in to Prarabdha in a way to advance one's soul towards the advancement of spirituality in the current life.
Besides, as I have told you a number of times already, I believe in the Hindu Astrology whose rules are nothing but based on the dispensing of the Prarabdha in one's life.
Let me try to explain this through Science !
Everthing Originates from quantum Energy (Bramhan). Matter & Anti-Matter come from the quantum Energy. Galaxies/Stars & Black Holes (that devour stars) exists in the Universe. Similarly Good & Evil co-exist, where there is a God, there is a demon.
Universe (Matter & Anti Matter) came from this energy. when Matter & Anti Matter Collide, the world will cease to exist & transform into Energy again. And from this energy, another universe will come about. Hence creation & Destruction are inevitable & continuous ! Hence u have both happiness & suffering in this world.
This Energy is Bramhan, the formless, the ultimate being !.
Chaos theory is a natural phenomenon that occurs in everything & that explains why some are born rich, some poor, some suffer, etc... so good people suffer etc..
Karma is a process to create positive energy, positive thoughts & this naturally leads to a positive life. while this does not eliminate all the problems, positive thoughts & action leads to a better life & minimizes them ! (blunts the negative energy). Remember, no one can have a perfect life, with only good all around, that is the way of nature/God.
The "life force" in all of us is Bramhan & the supreme being !. This is eternal & after life, it goes back to Bramhan. from Bramhan originates both God & Evil.
Hence Good & Evil is in all of us !! The major accomplishment of our Egyptian/Vedic/Dravidian Civilization is the recognition of this & how in this world of Good & Evil co-exist, how should a person live & move towards positive energy/life (Karma).
Hence I said earlier, Lord Krishna's Baghawad Gita is the crowning jewel of our Civilization !!
Dear Brother KRS:Human suffering is real. Whether you have the Karma concept or not it is there. 'Why bad things happen to good people?' is the common refrain.
But here is a theory that seems to put together two concepts (transmigration of a soul plus the Karmic theory) to explain the above.
With due respects, if pjk can be accepted as a rational explanation for bad things happening to good people, why can't it be accepted as the answer for why different people are born in different Varnas? In fact the pjk answer makes more sense for the later than the former, after all good and bad things can happen because of the choices people make, but the biological parents is obviously not one's choice.One aspect of the Karmic theory I do not accept, because my Guru taught me not to accept is the link between Karma and Varna. I find lots of Hindus, especially those who follow the Purva Mimamsa tradition believe in this link and think that merits for next life comes from one's predominant Guna of this life. I think this is rubbish. I also think that this is what folks like you reject. And I do too.
dear siva !instead of rejecting a view, with a stroke of pen, i would appreciate if the post is added with the solutions.
let me put it, what answer atheism has for 'human sufferings/death/illness/still born children?'.
If God 'does' exist, why do we give Him/Her different names and forms such as Shiva, Vishnu, Parvati etc etc? Why can't there be but one common formless God?
Is God merely a figment of fertile human imagination? All those who've claimed to have 'seen' God haven't done so in modern times. Most God sightings are myths, and not rooted in reality.
Sri KRS -
As you may know, concepts of Karma, Dharma, & Free Will are all integral part of the so called Karma model expounded in Vedas and any one of these concepts cannot exist without the other . While Free Will is experienced by human beings directly, Karma and Dharma are concepts only understood as natural outgrowth of existence of Free Will.
Unfortunately, the way the Karma model is loosely *preached* and practiced in most of India has no connection to what is *taught* (not preached) in Vedas.
The concept of Vidhi/Kismat as practiced in India for most part may actually come from Islamic influence over several hundred years. There is no other way for one to understand how this fatalistic view of life has come about in the Indian psyche and associated with the word Karma.
Many so called atheist are right in rejecting this fatalistic view of life which has no basis in Vedic teaching. Not that those who reject offer anything reasonable to explain the questions you have raised such as 'why bad things happen to good people etc' recognizing that the use of word good and bad are relative to a context.
While there is a concept of Sukshma Sharira in our model, it is not the same as 'soul' as understood in biblical traditions.
Loose and incorrect understanding of Karma model coupled with loose use of concepts for which there are no English word makes the whole topic difficult to accept for many in my view.
Dear Brother KRS:
When we have a phenomenon we don't understand we can take two approaches, may be more. One is to investigate, gather verifiable evidence, analyze the data, and finally, if a firm conclusion can be drawn, then, and only then, give a definitive answer. Until then, this approach demands that we suspend final judgment. At best one is allowed to entertain a working theory based on available evidence, or lack thereof.
A second approach is to look for some explanation that seem to fit our fancies.
The aim of the first approach is to find the truth, if possible, and if not, develop a workable theory that the available evidence point to. The aim of the second approach is to come up with an explanation that can be asserted successfully to a majority.
Well, your assertion that the Karma theory was just was a convenient theory fit for the masses is entirely not based on facts.
If one accepts Vedas as the source books for the metaphysical realm of life, then the theory is an integral part of Hindu thought and overall philosophical structure. We, Hindus believe that the Vedas were of divine origin without any authorship. Now as an atheist you may dismiss this, but as we have discussed many times here, Science has no answers, will not have answers for these questions in the final analysis as per the reasons of closed system analysis and the fact that Science can never answer the final questions about the Super Natural Entity.
So, given all this, let us agree to disagree that you can not convincingly argue that the Freewil-Dharma-Krama theories are wrong and conclusively say that that is now how the natural laws on a human being's life works. What all you can argue for is that you do not believe in these laws, from your ideology as an atheist, because it is an ideology based on faith, which is fair. But when you insist that somehow these 'laws' are false, then it is based mainly on your a prejudice based on your faith, not based on any 'scientific' basis.
One may ask, what is the harm? If an explanation gives some solace why take it away from people in the name of rationality. Well, the problem is, there is harm, tremendous harm. For starters, answering the question "Why bad things happen to good people?" with poorva janma karma (pjk) inevitably leads to callous attitude towards human suffering. This is the least of it.
Where and why does it lead to a callous attitude towards suffering? As I said before in my previous response to Sri tks sir, human suffering is not just about poverty. I do not see in any Hindu teachings that one has to care less for those who are suffering. Varnashrama Dharmas practiced over a long time has in them enough edicts and codes to take care of those who are ;suffering'.
But if you say that this callous attitude exists because of fatalism in a few folks who follow our religion, yes I agree. But again, no religion, ideology is 100% fool proof in making everyone a good caring human being. Even Atheism based on rationality have produced murderers of the highest order.
With due respects, if pjk can be accepted as a rational explanation for bad things happening to good people, why can't it be accepted as the answer for why different people are born in different Varnas? In fact the pjk answer makes more sense for the later than the former, after all good and bad things can happen because of the choices people make, but the biological parents is obviously not one's choice.
Because, there were no 'values' and ranking attached to any Varnas. Because the theory never says that the gunas generate any positive or negative karmas by themselves. It is based on Dharma. That is why a judge who orders the death sentence for a murderer does nor accrue any Karma because he/she is doing his Dharma. This is why the Bhagawan is urging Arjuna to fight. Tell me where in our vedas such a connection is made?
This is so even if one argues Varna is not birth based, but based on guna. Why is there difference in gunas? Why is answering this with pjk rubbish, but makes perfect sense in the other case?
Because, if you look at it, from the gross level, gunas represent only the make up of humans in to different categories, based on their God given talent, that is why. While all people are equal in rights, they are not equal in their abilities. The gunas are just a way to describe these differences among folks to classify them for the society's benefit, especially in an agrarian society.
These are some of the reasons why I reject pjk altogether.
Okay that is your prerogative as a non believer!
Every opinion based on scientific criticism I welcome. As to prejudices .. to which I have never made concessions ... “Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti.” -- Karl Marx
Let me put forth my understanding and not looking for any debate in the matters of belief systems.
We are all entitled to our belief system.
The following is a belief system not connected to any Science as I know it.
Using scientific terms which have precise meanings out of context to explain vedic terms which also have precise meanings is not scientific in my view.
Besides it weakens both subjects
No response expected to my assertion
Dear ShivKC.,
Absolutely agree !. If i may add:
Only our egyptian/dravidian/Vedic civilization attempted to answer the origin of life, creation, destruction, suffering/happiness etc.. is extra-ordinary. None of the other cultures, religions have even tried to do it.
The vedic view of our world is getting proven by every scientific advance. for eg, Einstein's theory of relativity & time dilation/ relative reference explains the Vedic time travels, differnt worlds, ageless & timeless body & worlds etc..
The same Aethiests argued that Time Travel is nonsense/crap/flowery languages- 100 yrs back, till Einstein proved otherwise.
The more science advances, our vedic texts/view will be confirmed as correct !.
Lets say, for the argument sake, let me temporarily agree to what atheists claim..
atheists claim that, PJK theory is all the sole cause for the plight of few lower varnas or saying it in a little economical way,that PJK has failed to motivate the people to try ways to come out of their poverty (sufferings), rather made believers to accept and live with it, sedating their radical thinking. i would add even YAMAKAs one of the most countered argument, 'PJK as the reason for the plight of indian poverty'.
lets agree for a while. (may be i SLIGHTLY be differing here from sh.TKS here)
but then, what better answer atheism has?
with PJK i can always, say to the one, who was starving, 'Com'on its the plight, cos you haven't helped the poor in your previous birth, so you are suffering'.. i can always say to the one who got murdered by the robber, 'oh man, you are dead now, may be because in your previous birth where you did so much wrong, even may be even killed some one, and so you got killed now.' isnt that a better way of making one to bonded to law and morals?
how far is it true i dont know, but it condemns all the wrong, and gives us a teaching to be handed over, 'what you sow, you would reap'. and that makes one to do good, in terms of pariharm , which leads to altruism too, which i feel atheism lacks, though it wants to have a piggy back drive on atheism offlate, claiming it as genetic trait.
here PJK seems to be more convincing and appealing, than what atheism has to offer to me, and to my children.
a children of atheist, has an option that he can go an a looting/shooting spree, rape around the best curves, have a great life with the motive ' eat,drink and be merry, for tomorrow is not ours', and finally shoot himself on his temple, saying, 'com'on, im done with, i enjoyed and dead now, unlike you my neighbors who are still suffering, and havent enjoyed the way i did!!'.
this is a dangerous position for any community to live with. in this context, i feel PJK is better than atheism, until atheism comes concrete here with better solutions.
this is where i said in one of my previous posts, 'dont pen and quick to paint out some thing as wrong, unless you have a good solution on hand'.
one may now only have to resort on the johnny come lately, novelist, i would only call him that great novelist as 'dawkins' (a must read for any one here).. sad, he only could be picked up as a reference to substantiate a dilemma which was debated long by greatest philosophers of this world like 'Sh. Adi Shankara, Plato,Aquinas etc.
Im waiting for a good solution from atheists (at least theoretically), a solution to this dilemma, which i safely hand it over to my children as a 'rule book', than letting them to live with the ideology of 'survival of fittest' 'eat,drink and be merry, for tomorrow is not ours'. selfish genes care for their off springs, right?
Jaykay767, what is your view about other religious people making the same exact claims about their own scriptures?....The more science advances, our vedic texts/view will be confirmed as correct !.