Well said!!!
But still some members would not understand or would not agree, because, for them what all we say is idiotic and pathetic..LOL!!!!
Dear Shri Ravi,
You might have observed by now that PJ sir made the OP, probably after witnessing very scantily clad young women walking/jogging in the mornings in the US, where he and his wife currently are. He might have thought that if such a thing happens in any part of India (from the capital New Delhi to Jhumri Telaiya in Jharkhand) it is likely to provoke an attack of some kind on such girls/women. And that is but true, today. May be Indian men have all become borderline rapists !!
But to me it appeared that our expat friends were merely trying to say, "Look! how good a country we are living in, and how bad is India!!". Of course, they expected concurrence but when the response was different, it became an issue to be argued out and won; that was all.
Luckily, (or unluckily) this new member mkrishna100 comes in and says one should not touch small children in Canada; this applies equally in US also. My son had told us that even a continued look or gaze at a baby-in-arms will be considered boorish.
What I found when I was in US about 10 years ago was that some women/girls used to go around in the most skimpy clothes (the "barely there" type) though the majority was adequately dressed according to that country's norms. But it is a country which believes more in the bodily pleasures than in ideals like liberation, moksha, and similar other-worldly ideals which are more important in India. Therefore, women possibly try to show off their allure to the maximum. This, together with the fact that the fair complexion of people there is something like a "cooked" skin, one colleague of mine used to say that the women in the US and other western countries, looked more like "raw mutton"!! Perhaps he had a point in that observation.
May be due to my old age, or may be because of my personal biases and inclination, I used to feel a kind of dislike and also sympathy for those women who are forced to fight against nature and maintain themselves youngish-looking, up and solid (like the guns of Navarone) irrespective of their age; I used to wonder how blessed were our Malayali old women two or more generations ago - they could even walk safely to the evening market to buy goods, holding a walking stick and clad only in dhoti (kerala style mundu) and nothing above their waist!

There was no rape then as we have today.